Summary release note for ppsprod-16.45 =================================== Pipeline Version: 16.45_20171222_1520 Pipeline name: ppsprod Release Date: 2017-12-22 SAS Manifest: xmmsas_20171220_1025 Summary ======= This new version of the pipeline is based on the SAS16.1 public release with some minor modifications. The main changes in the products with respect to previous version are -) the actual EPIC count rate of a source is now taken into account to optimize the flaring background filtering for extraction of its EPIC spectrum. This change affects mostly bright sources where the total signal-to-noise in the spectrum is not significantly affected by background flaring. -) pile-up diagnostic numbers for EPIC sources are included in the header of the EPIC spectra according to two different methods: (a) based on the count rate following the recipes in Jethwa et al. (2015,A&A,581,A104) and (b) the observed-to-model singles and doubles pattern fraction ratios (SNGL_OTM and DBLE_OTM) computed by the SAS task epatplot. -) response matrix and effective area files for 2nd order RGS spectra are now also included under the PPS products -) footprints for EPIC observations based on the combined EPIC exposure maps are provided as ds9 region files. -) OM sources detected within the degraded sensitivity area after overexposure to Jupiter are flagged as affected by bad pixels. The version of SAS being used is a pipeline-specific manifest xmmsas_20171220_1025. This is based on the public SAS release 16.1.0, described at Documentation ============= Documentation for this pipeline can be found at: and links therein.