package pnEvents;
use strict;
use English;
use Carp;
use List::Util qw(max min);
use Regexp::Common qw(boolean);
use vars
qw(@ISA $VERSION $name $author $date $version @instList $numberOfStreams);
@ISA = qw(Module);
use ModuleResources;
# Declare identity, version, author, date, etc.
$name = __PACKAGE__;
$VERSION = '2.64';
$version = $VERSION;
$author = 'Dean Hinshaw,Richard West,Duncan John Fyfe,Ian Stewart,Duncan Law-Green,Eduardo Ojero,Ed Chapin, Jose Vicente Perea';
$date = '2017-11-17';
# ChangeLog
# =========
# Version 2.64 - 2017-11-17 (JVP)
# ------------
# + Add epexposure call w/time randomisation for OoT events only in Imaging mode
# Version 2.63 - 2017-09-21 (JVP)
# ------------
# + Include randomizatoin also for '$tmpootEvents' (epexposure)
# + Writing down the same Legal Limits ( tlmin6/7 , tlmax6/7 ) in both $finEvents and $finootEvents
# to ensure the same exactly borders for both event files.
# + Note about $attFile
# Same $attFile is applied for $evFile2/$$evootFile2, $finEvents/$finootEvents and $attGTIFilteredEvents/attGTIFilteredootEvents
# to ensure the same astrometry (sky projection, etc) in both event files: all and oot events.
# Version 2.62 - 2017-09-19 (JVP)
# ------------
# + Out-of-Time and FWC correction (first steps in PN)
# Version 2.61 - 2017-01-24 (JVP)
# ------------
# + The Mask is produced although image counts < 1000.
# SFBLCBackScal calculated although image counts < 1000. Calculated only from the Mask.
# Version 2.60 - 2016-12-16 (JVP)
# ------------
# + BACKSCAL (AREASCALE parameter) included as keyword in the 'EPIC FLARE BACKGROUND TIMESERIES'
# Image pixel size defined at the beginning as x/ybin_SFBLC = 80
# Version 2.59 - 2016-12-14 (JVP)
# ------------
# + Calculate AREASCALE parameter in background estimate for flaring filtering
# New SAS task included: regionmask
# Version 2.58 - 2016-03-22 (JVP)
# ------------
# + TLMIN6, TLMAX6, TLMIN7, TLMAX7 re-calculated from $attGTIFilteredEvents and re-written in eventFile ($imgEvents)
# Find attitude GTI file before use it and syntax errors corrected
# Version 2.57 - 2016-03-21 (PR, JVP)
# ------------
# + TLMIN6, TLMAX6, TLMIN7, TLMAX7 re-calculated from $attGTIFilteredEvents and re-written in eventFile ($finEvents)
# Version 2.56 - 2015-11-16 (PR, JVP)
# ------------
# + Flare background estimation in DET coordinates
# Version 2.55 - 2014-11-04 (JVP)
# ------------
# + Changes for SAS_14.0.0 integration (aligning pnEvents and 'epproc' SAS task)
# - epreject : only for TI or BU (both withxrlcorrection = Y), but not for IM
# - epevents : withrdpha = Y for IM and TI, but withrdpha = N for BU
# - epfast : back again but only for BU
# - epnoise : removed
# Version 2.54 - 2014-10-07 (JVP)
# ------------
# + forward PHA_RDCO after evlistcomb, change epframes parameters.
# (aligning pnEvents and 'epchain' SAS task)
# Version 2.53 - 2014-10-03 (JVP)
# ------------
# + Changes for SAS_14.0.0 integration (aligning pnEvents and 'epchain' SAS task)
# - epreject : withxrlcorrection = N for IMAGE, TIMING and BURST
# Version 2.52 - 2014-09-17 (JVP)
# ------------
# + Add 3 new parameters to 'epevents':
# ctilongtermsoft = Y, withbackgroundgain = Y and withpatternoffset = Y
# (informed by M. Smith through A. Ibarra)
# Version 2.51 - 2014-09-11 (JVP)
# ------------
# + Changes for SAS_14.0.0 integration:
# - epreject : withxrlcorrection = Y for IMAGE, TIMING and BURST
# - epevents : withrdpha = Y for IMAGE, TIMING and BURST
# - epfast : removed.
# Version 2.50 - 2014-04-09 (LT)
# ------------
# + Fixed epreject, epevents, epfast to correctly apply energy scale corrections
# Version 2.49 - 2014-02-20 (EC)
# ------------
# + forward REJ_CORR after evlistcomb, change epframes parameters, PPS SCR #7176
# Version 2.48 - 2014-02-16 (EC)
# ------------
# + no epreject for burst mode, PPS SCR #7169
# Version 2.47 - 2014-01-22 (EC)
# ------------
# + loading corrections (modify epreject, add epfast), PPS SCR #7169
# Version 2.46 - 2013-08-26 (EC)
# ------------
# + RATE column from evselect must be non-zero for final epiclccorr call
# Version 2.45 - 2013-06-11 (EC)
# ------------
# + Merge changes from SOC version.
# version 2.44 - 2013-01-03 DLG
# - shorten intermediate SFBLC region file subset names to match MOS convention
# version 2.43 - 2012-12-03 DLG
# - merge faint and bright region files for generation of source-free background light curve
# version 2.422 - 2013-01-10 (EO)
# + Changed the parameter evenset in call to attcalc from $tmpEvents to $finEevents (line 957).
# version 2.421 - 2012-11-22 (EO)
# - Added execution of command attcalc after execution of evselect (line 951)
# if condition ($datamode eq "IMAGE.EL"),
# to compute the full image of a mosaic observation.
# version 2.42 - 2012-11-06 DLG
# - change references to $pn_timebinsize to $timebinsize
# version 2.41 - 2012-10-25 DLG
# - require valid nonzero flare GTI for final epiclcorr call
# version 2.40 - 2012-10-25 DLG
# - Modify plotting of SN output graph
# version 2.39 - 2012-10-24 DLG
# - evselect makeratecolumn=Y, disable tabcalc cal
# version 2.38 - 2012-10-23 DLG
# - added allcamera=Y to epiclccorr calls
# version 2.37 - 2012-10-17 DLG
# - check for existence of SFBLC region files in evselect
# version 2.36 - 2012-10-09 DLG
# - set writedss=Y on remaining SSP evselect calls
# = remove writedss param from epiclccorr
# version 2.35 - 2012-10-08 DLG
# - try writedss=Y on epiclccorr call
# + move tabcalc T_ELAPSED after epiclccorr
# version 2.34 - 2012-10-03 DLG
# - reenable epiclccorr, specify outset as temp file
# version 2.33 - 2012-10-01 DLG
# - disable epiclccorr calls pending GTI crash fix
# version 2.32 - 2012-09-27 DLG
# + correct epiclccorr param to 'applyabsolutecorrections'
# version 2.31 - 2012-09-26 DLG
# + Apply relative corrections to PN timeseries via epiclccorr()
# version 2.30 - 2012-09-26 DLG
# + undo 2.29 (moved to EPICSourceProducts)
# + correct evselect logic for region files
# + modify RATE column to real64
# version 2.29 - 2012-09-04 DLG
# + copy region file extensions to FBKTSR product
# version 2.28 - 2012-09-04 DLG
# + copy region file extensions to FBKTSR product
# version 2.27 - 2012-09-04 DLG
# + Add source regions to evselect for Optimised flare bkg time series
# version 2.26 - 2012-08-15 DLG
# + append SN_TO_BKGCUT table on background time series product
# version 2.25 - 2012-07-27 DLG
# + modify SFBLC region code: source exclusion radius to be dependent on source counts
# version 2.24 - 2012-07-23 DLG
# + disable 100cts limit on $rcut_pn
# version 2.23 - 2012-07-18 DLG
# + add call to epnoise to flag noisy CCDs
# version 2.22 - 2012-07-09 DLG
# + add ignorelowcnttail=yes parameter for bkgoptrate calls
# version 2.21 - 2012-07-02 DLG
# + Refactor code for sparse image handling
# version 2.20 - 2012-06-25 DLG
# + Remove global attitude GTI filter constraint from in-band SF light curve
# version 2.19 - 2012-06-25 DLG
# + Add FLCUTTHR header keyword to opt flare light curve
# version 2.18 - 2012-06-22 DLG
# + Do not perform source-free background analysis for sparse images < 1000 counts
# version 2.17 - 2012-06-21 DLG
# + Generate in-band source-free light curves FBKTSR as products (FITS, PDF)
# version 2.16 - 2012-06-20 DLG
# + Optimal cut threshold limited to 100 for flare GTI generation
# version 2.16 - 2012-05-25 DLG
# + Add SN diagnostic for source-free bkgoptrate calc
# version 2.15 - 2012-05-25 DLG
# + Add source-free flare background extraction
# version 2.14 - 2012-04-26 DLG
# + Merge epexposure call from saseval8.4
# version 2.13 - 2011-03-07 DLG
# + Add test call to bkgoptrate, start optimised flare background subtraction development
# version 2.12 - 2009-10-05 DLG
# + Plot EPIC background flare light curves in log space (Mantis 52)
# version 2.11 - 2009-09-20 DLG
# + Added counting cycle report check, set $mingtisize accordingly
# version 2.10 - 2009-07-28 DLG
# + set mingtisize=0 for testing
# version 2.09a - 2009-06-19 DLG
# + ignored if SAS_ATTITUDE set to "RAF" for slew processing
# version 2.09 - 2009-06-11 DLG
# ------------
# + epreject calls on imaging mode only per Mantis #46
# version 2.08 - 2009-05-15 DLG
# ------------
# + added support for epreject per Mantis feature req #35
# version 2.07 - 2009-01-12 DLG
# ------------
# + Changed "withtempcorrection" to "Y" following advice from Hermann Brunner
# version 2.06 - 2006-07-10 DJF
# ------------
# + Fix for darck quadrant problem applied to OAL. No longer need OBT_WARN test.
# Replaced test with an echo of the OBT_WARN value to the log file.
# version 2.05 - 2006-04-04 DJF
# ------------
# + Test for OBT_WARN keyword in epframes output. Return ignore if it is found to be true.
# version 2.04 - 2005-11-16 IMS
# ------------
# + Incorporated DJF's shortened intermediate file names.
# version 2.03 - 2005-10-14 IMS
# ------------
# + TSTART obtained from flare time series header and subtracted from the times of the flare PDF plot.
# + Flare plot Y axis now RATE not COUNTS. Calculation of RATE is thus moved forward a bit, and all flare productions now moved within the test for existence of RATE extension.
# version 2.02 - 2005-08-12 RGW
# ------------
# + changes to flare plotting to work around 80-character filename limit
# in 'fplot'
# version 2.01 - 2005-08-02 IMS
# ------------
# + PDF product now made from flare bkg time series.
# + Slightly changed event selection expression (events with PI < 150 eV are no longer kept; also the flag filter mask is given explicitly, not as XMMEA_EP).
# version 2.00 - 2005-05-09 DJF
# ------------
# + Add explicit perl module headers. Previously these were supplied
# at compile time. This will make debugging and extending the modules
# through additional perl libraries easier.
# + Code layout made more uniform with perltidy
# + Standerdized date format (ccyy-mm-dd)
# + Standerdized author list to use comma separator
# + Make use of perl $VERSION magic. Now $Version = version = ''
# Version 1.69 - 16-Mar-2004 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Added dummy badpixset=temporary file to first call to badpixfind
# to stop it creating it's default.
# Version 1.68 - 14-Jan-2004 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Use tabgtigen parameter mingtisize rather than evselect to exclude
# small GTI from flare background
# Version 1.67 - 10-12-2003 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Adapted doCommand to use anonymous lists for list parameters
# + Fixed filter expression. PI<-150 should have been PI<=150
# Version 1.66 - 05-Sept-2003 (DJF)
# -------------------------------
# + Fixed backgroundrate in second call to badpixfind. Was 0.0011 should have been 0.00011
# Version 1.65 - 11-Nov-2002 (DJF)
# -------------------------------
# + Updated evlistcomb columns to include OFFSETX
# + Added DLIMAP to evlistcomb othertables option
# Version 1.63 - 11-Nov-2002 (DJF)
# -------------------------------
# + Updated backgroundrate (0.0001 -> 0.0011) and hienergythresh (10.0 -> 12.0)
# in second call to badpixfind
# Version 1.62 - 17-Oct-2002 (DJF)
# -------------------------------
# + Moved OFFSETS from othertables to maintable option
# Version 1.61 - 19-Feb-2002 (DH)
# -------------------------------
# + Add OFFSETS to the list of tables for evlistcomb to propagate.
# Version 1.60 - 15-Feb-2002 (DH)
# -------------------------------
# + Bug fixes for 1.60 .
# Version 1.59 - 7-Feb-2002 (DH)
# -------------------------------
# + Remove RAWY>10 cut on event lists in imaging mode.
# Version 1.58 - 6-Nov-2001 (DH)
# -------------------------------
# + New parameters for badpixfind for making of the background
# mask. Values as recommended by Andy Read, via email from Michael
# Freyburg dated 10/10/01.
# Version 1.57 - 9-Oct-2001 (DH)
# -------------------------------
# + Change energy thresholds in badpixfind for making of the background
# mask. Was 0.16/10.0, now 7.0/15.0 .
# Version 1.56 - 4-Oct-2001 (DH)
# -------------------------------
# + Fix bug that made flare screening only work for full frame modes.
# + Change threshold on number for good background pixels from 0 to 100.
# Version 1.55 - 2-Oct-2001 (DH)
# -------------------------------
# + Put back flare gti creation for small window mode. Instead
# inhibit flare gti creation if the number of suitable background
# pixels found in a field is zero.
# + Increase flare gti cut from 6 to 10.
# Version 1.54 - 1-Oct-2001 (DH)
# -------------------------------
# + Scale integration time for flare histograms ($timebinsize)
# to 2 times nominal for large window mode, and 35 times for
# small window mode.
# + Do not create flare gti file for small window mode, though
# a flare histogram is still created.
# Version 1.53 - 1-Oct-2001 (DH)
# -------------------------------
# + Replace dslatts call with the hasFITSExtension function.
# Version 1.52 - 2001-08-09 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Changed Flare light curve from intermediate to final product.
# Version 1.51 - 2001-06-15
# ------------
# + Change withtempcorrection parameter back to 'N'.
# Version 1.50 - 2001-06-06
# ------------
# + Change withtempcorrection=N parameter of epevents to 'Y'.
# Version 1.49 - 2001-06-05
# ------------
# + Re-work merging of HK and CCD specific gti data. gtialign
# was not being called properly.
# Version 1.48 - 2001-05-22
# ------------
# + Only apply RAWY>10 only for imaging mode data.
# + Add withtempcorrection=N parameter to epevents, in case the
# default changes.
# Version 1.47 - 2001-05-16
# ------------
# + Bug fixes and refinements for changes made in version 1.46
# Version 1.46 - 2001-05-16 (DH)
# ------------
# + Remove unwanted columns from the EXPOSUnn extensions
# of the pn event lists.
# Version 1.45 - 2001-04-17 (DH)
# ------------
# + Changes to main badpixfind call:
# - Change loenergythresh from 0.16 to 0.14
# - Change hicolthresh from 0.0015 to 0.00105
# Version 1.44 - 2001-03-16 (DH)
# ------------
# + Print out version number in performAction() for
# tracking purposes.
# Version 1.43 - 2001-02-01 (DH)
# ------------
# + Change threshold for flare rejection rate cutoff from 36.4 to 6
# Version 1.42 - 2001-01-26 (DH)
# ------------
# + Restrict event energy range for flare rejection to 7-15 keV
# Version 1.41 - 2001-01-19 (DH)
# ------------
# + Change narrowerthanpsf parameter in standard call
# to badpixfind from 1.25 to 1.5.
# Version 1.40 - 2001-01-19 (DH)
# ------------
# + hicolthesh values for the two calls to badpixfind
# were not set correctly. In particular, value for the
# standard call was off by a factor of 10. Values now
# set as per Andy Read's email dated 13-Dec-2000.
# Version 1.39 - 2001-01-11 (DH)
# ------------
# + Remove GlobalHK from ignore rule.
# + Add InstrumentHK to start rule.
# Version 1.38 - 2000-12-19 (DH)
# ------------
# + Change hicolthesh in badpixfind masking back
# to its nominal value.
# Version 1.37 - 2000-12-13 (DH)
# ------------
# + First production version.
# Declare list of instruments this module is interested in
@instList = qw(epn);
# Number of streams
sub numberOfStreams
return numberOfExposures();
# Rules method
sub evaluateRules
return ignore()
if ignored(
module => 'ExpChooser'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, stream => thisStream
# ignore for slew processing
return ignore() if ($ENV{'PCMS_ISSLEW'});
if complete(
module => 'ExpChooser'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, stream => thisStream
and complete(
module => 'InstrumentHK'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, stream => 1
and complete(
module => 'GlobalHK'
, instrument => 'all'
, stream => 1
# Action method
sub performAction
info("Module version number: $version");
my @extraopts;
my @extraootopts;
# Work out which exposure this stream maps on to
my $exp_id = exposureID(
instrument => thisInstrument
, stream => thisStream
info("Exposure ID: $exp_id");
my $filter = getExposureProperty(
exp_id => $exp_id
, name => 'filter'
my $mode = getExposureProperty(
exp_id => $exp_id
, name => 'mode'
info("Filter: $filter");
info("Instrument mode: $mode");
# Find event files for this exposure
my @evFiles = findFile(
class => 'ODF'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => '*events'
# Return immediately if there are no event lists
return success() if $#evFiles < 0;
# Find attitude HK file
my $attFile = findFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => 'all'
, content => 'Attitude time series'
, required => 'true'
# Find HK GTI file
my $hkGTIFile = findFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, content => 'HK GTI'
# Set mingtisize to 100 by default
my $mingtisize = 100;
# Check for counting cycle report
# reset mingtisize if required
my @ccxfiles = findFile(class => 'ODF'
,instrument => thisInstrument
,exp_id => $exp_id
,content => 'Counting cycle report'
unless (@ccxfiles) {
info("No counting cycle report found. Setting mingtisize=0");
$mingtisize = 0;
my ( @finalEvents, @finalootEvents, @gtiFilter, @maskFilter, $datamode );
my $goodPixels = 0;
# Time binning to use when making background light curves
my $timebinsize = 10.0;
# Loop through each event file
foreach my $evFile0 (@evFiles)
# Find CCD and node numbers
my $ccdid = readFITSKeyword(
file => $evFile0
, extension => 2
, keyword => "CCDID"
my $quadrant = readFITSKeyword(
file => $evFile0
, extension => 2
, keyword => "QUADRANT"
my $ccd = $quadrant * 3 + $ccdid + 1;
$datamode = readFITSKeyword(
file => $evFile0
, extension => 2
, keyword => "DATATYPE"
# my $ccdmode = readFITSKeyword(
# file => $evFile0
# , extension => 2
# , keyword => "CCDMODE"
# );
# info("Processing events for CCD $ccd, mode $datamode.");
# Unused. IMS 2005-08-03
my $evFile1 = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, ccd => $ccd
, content => 'Processed events'
, level => 1
my $gtiFile1 = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, ccd => $ccd
, content => 'CCD GTI'
, level => 1
# Run epframes
, set => $evFile0
, eventset => $evFile1
, gtiset => $gtiFile1
, withsrcrawy => 'no'
or return exception();
my %obt_warn = ( file => $evFile1
, extension => 'EXPOSURE'
, keyword => 'OBT_WARN'
if (hasFITSKeyword( %obt_warn ))
my $opt_warn = readFITSKeyword( %obt_warn );
if ( $opt_warn =~ /$RE{boolean}{true}/ )
info("OBT_WARN True");
info("OBT_WARN False");
# Run badpixfind to create a mask to be used for
# generating a background lightcurve
my $dummyBadPixels = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, ccd => $ccd
, content => 'Ignore This Bad pixels'
my $badPixMask = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, ccd => $ccd
, content => 'Bright pixels mask'
'badpixfind', eventset => $evFile1
, badpixmap => $badPixMask
, badpixset => $dummyBadPixels
, withfovmask => 'Y'
, threshabovebackground => 'Y'
, hithresh => 0.00025
, hicolthresh => 0.00007
, narrowerthanpsf => 0
, withbadpixmap => 'Y'
, withsearchbadcolumn => 'Y'
, loenergythresh => 7.0
, hienergythresh => 15.0
, backgroundrate => -1
, thresholdlabel => 'rate'
or return exception();
$goodPixels += readFITSKeyword(
file => $badPixMask
, extension => 1
, keyword => "GOODPIX"
push( @maskFilter
, "(CCDNR==${ccd} && MASK($badPixMask,0,0,RAWX,RAWY))" );
# Run badpixfind
@extraopts = ();
if ( $datamode eq "IMAGE.EL" )
my $newBadPixels = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, ccd => $ccd
, content => 'Bad pixels'
, eventset => $evFile1
, badpixset => $newBadPixels
, hithresh => 0.0045
, flickertimesteps => 1
, thresholdlabel => 'rate'
, withsearchbadcolumn => 'Y'
, hicolthresh => 0.00105
, backgroundrate => 0.00011
, loenergythresh => 0.14
, hienergythresh => 12.0
, narrowerthanpsf => 1.5
or return exception();
@extraopts = (
getnewbadpix => 'Y'
, badpixset => $newBadPixels
# Flag bad pixels
, eventset => $evFile1
, getuplnkbadpix => 'Y'
, getotherbadpix => 'Y'
, windowfilter => 'N'
, @extraopts
or return exception();
# Run epreject only for TI or BU, but not for IMAGE - reduce low-energy PN noise
if ( $datamode eq "IMAGE.EL" )
info("DEBUG: epreject task does not run for PN Imaging mode.");
elsif ( $datamode eq "TIME.EL" || $datamode eq "BURST.EL" )
# withxrlcorrection=Y for TIMING and BURST
my $withxrlcorrection = 'Y';
, eventset => $evFile1
, set => $evFile0
, sigma => 4.0
, withoffsetmap => 'Y'
, withxrlcorrection => $withxrlcorrection
or return exception();
info("DEBUG: Datamode $datamode found. epreject task appplied.");
# # epreject (withxrlcorrection => 'N') for IMAGE, TIMING and BURST
# doCommand(
# 'epreject'
# , eventset => $evFile1
# , set => $evFile0
# , sigma => 4.0
# , withoffsetmap => 'Y'
# , withxrlcorrection => 'N'
# )
# or return exception();
# # also run epnoise to reject soft X-ray noise in EPIC-pn
# # epnoise makes sense when it is passed 2 times.
# # Here it is run only 1 time => Check if it is needed or not in the future.
# # 'epnoise' removed on Oct/2014
# #
# if ( $datamode eq "IMAGE.EL" ) {
# doCommand(
# 'epnoise'
# , set => $evFile1
# , identifynoisyframes => 'Y'
# , noisecut => 2
# , sigmacut => 3.0
# , savemasks => 'N'
# )
# or return exception();
# }
# Run epevents
my $evFile2 = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, ccd => $ccd
, content => 'Processed events'
, level => 2
# withrdpha=Y only for TIMING
# my $withrdpha = 'N';
# if ($datamode eq "TIME.EL"){
# $withrdpha = 'Y';
# }
# withrdpha=Y for IMAGE, TIMING and BURST
# my $withrdpha = 'Y';
# withrdpha=N only for BURST
my $withrdpha = 'Y';
if ($datamode eq "BURST.EL"){
$withrdpha = 'N';
info("Starting epevents....");
, eventset => $evFile1
, gainctiaccuracy => 2
, reemissionthresh => 0
, randomizeposition => 'Y'
, randomizeenergy => 'Y'
, withtempcorrection => 'Y'
, withrdpha => $withrdpha
, outset => $evFile2
, ctilongtermsoft => 'Y'
, withbackgroundgain => 'Y'
, withpatternoffset => 'Y'
or return exception();
info("Completed epevents....");
# Apply attitude correction
, eventset => $evFile2
, refpointlabel => 'pnt'
, attitudelabel => 'ahf'
, withmedianpnt => 'Y'
, atthkset => $attFile
, -w => 10
or return exception();
# Filter events before final merging
my $evFile3 = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, ccd => $ccd
, content => 'Processed events'
, level => 3
# my $expression = '#XMMEA_EP && (PI>150 || PI<=150)';
my $expression = '(FLAG & 0x0fa0000)==0 && PI>150';
, table => "${evFile2}:EVENTS"
, withfilteredset => 'Y'
, filteredset => $evFile3
, destruct => 'Y'
, expression => $expression
, writedss => 'Y'
, updateexposure => 'Y'
, keepfilteroutput => 'Y'
or return exception();
# Append to list of processed event files
push( @finalEvents, $evFile3 );
# Accumulate expression for GTI filter
push( @gtiFilter, "(CCDNR==${ccd} && GTI($gtiFile1,TIME))" );
if ($datamode eq "IMAGE.EL"){
info("Starting out-of-time epevents ....");
my $evootFile2 = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, ccd => $ccd
, content => 'Processed oot events'
, level => 2
, eventset => $evFile1
, gainctiaccuracy => 2
, reemissionthresh => 0
, randomizeposition => 'Y'
, randomizeenergy => 'Y'
, withtempcorrection => 'Y'
, withrdpha => $withrdpha
, outset => $evootFile2
, ctilongtermsoft => 'Y'
, withbackgroundgain => 'Y'
, withpatternoffset => 'Y'
, withoutoftime => 'Y'
or return exception();
info("Completed out-of-time epevents....");
# Apply attitude correction
, eventset => $evootFile2
, refpointlabel => 'pnt'
, attitudelabel => 'ahf'
, withmedianpnt => 'Y'
, atthkset => $attFile
, -w => 10
or return exception();
# Filter events before final merging
my $evootFile3 = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, ccd => $ccd
, content => 'Processed oot events'
, level => 3
# my $expression = '#XMMEA_EP && (PI>150 || PI<=150)';
my $expression = '(FLAG & 0x0fa0000)==0 && PI>150';
, table => "${evootFile2}:EVENTS"
, withfilteredset => 'Y'
, filteredset => $evootFile3
, destruct => 'Y'
, expression => $expression
, writedss => 'Y'
, updateexposure => 'Y'
, keepfilteroutput => 'Y'
or return exception();
# Append to list of processed event files
push( @finalootEvents, $evootFile3 );
# Combine per-CCD event lists into single listinfo("DEBUG: epreject task does not run for PN Imaging mode.");
@extraopts = ();
my $tmpEvents;
my $tmpootEvents;
if ( $datamode eq "IMAGE.EL" )
$tmpEvents = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'Merged imaging events'
$tmpootEvents = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'Merged imaging oot events'
@extraopts = (
imagingset => $tmpEvents
, epnimgcolnames => [
, epnimgcoltypes => [
qw(double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16)
@extraootopts = (
imagingset => $tmpootEvents
, epnimgcolnames => [
, epnimgcoltypes => [
qw(double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16)
# evlistcomb and epexposure for OoT events only for Imaging (not for Timing or Burst)
, eventsets => [@finalootEvents]
, instrument => 'epn'
, maintable => [qw(EVENTS OFFSETS)]
, othertables => [qw(BADPIX EXPOSURE DLIMAP)]
, mainattributes => 'REJ_CORR PHA_RDCO'
, @extraootopts
or return exception();
# + + + Add epexposure call w/time randomisation, as requested by Carlos (also for OoT events)
, eventsets => $tmpootEvents
, screenexposure => 'Y'
, spatialexposure => 'N'
, randomizetime => 'Y'
or return exception();
elsif ( $datamode eq "TIME.EL" || $datamode eq "BURST.EL" )
$tmpEvents = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'Merged timing events'
@extraopts = (
timingset => $tmpEvents
, epntimcolnames => [
, epntimcoltypes => [
qw(double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16)
, eventsets => [@finalEvents]
, instrument => 'epn'
, maintable => [qw(EVENTS OFFSETS)]
, othertables => [qw(BADPIX EXPOSURE DLIMAP)]
, mainattributes => 'REJ_CORR PHA_RDCO'
, @extraopts
or return exception();
# + + + Add epexposure call w/time randomisation, as requested by Carlos
, eventsets => $tmpEvents
, screenexposure => 'Y'
, spatialexposure => 'N'
, randomizetime => 'Y'
) or return exception();
# Remove unwanted columns from EXPOSUnn extensions
my @badColumns = (qw()); # disabled, as epexposure does this already?
my @badObjects;
for ( my $ic = 1 ; $ic <= 12 ; $ic++ )
my $ext = sprintf 'EXPOSU%02d', $ic;
info("Checking for extension $ext");
if ( hasFITSExtension( file => $tmpEvents, extension => $ext ) )
my @columns = @badColumns;
push @badObjects
, map { $_ = "$tmpEvents:$ext:$_"; } @columns;
if (@badObjects)
doCommand( 'dsrm', objects => [@badObjects] )
or return exception();
# Fold in the HK gti files
my $hkGtiFileAligned = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'Aligned HK GTIs'
if ( fileExists( file => $hkGTIFile ) )
, gtitable => $hkGTIFile . ":STDGTI"
, eventset => $tmpEvents
, outset => $hkGtiFileAligned
or return exception();
foreach my $gtiFile (
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'CCD GTI'
, level => 1
my $fileInf
= fileInfo( class => 'intermediate', name => $gtiFile );
my $gtiExt = sprintf 'STDGTI%02d', $$fileInf{'ccd'};
, tables => [ "$gtiFile", "$hkGtiFileAligned:$gtiExt" ]
, mergemode => 'and'
, withgtitable => 'N'
or return exception();
# Filter event list on GTI
my $gtiExpr = join( " || ", @gtiFilter );
my $finEvents;
my $finootEvents;
if ( $datamode eq "IMAGE.EL" )
$finEvents = newFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'EPIC PN imaging mode event list'
$finootEvents = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'EPIC PN imaging mode oot event list'
, table => $tmpootEvents
, filteredset => $finootEvents
, withfilteredset => 'Y'
, expression => $gtiExpr
, keepfilteroutput => 'Y'
, writedss => 'Y'
, updateexposure => 'Y'
, destruct => 'true'
or return exception();
elsif ( $datamode eq "TIME.EL" || $datamode eq "BURST.EL" )
$finEvents = newFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'EPIC timing mode event list'
, table => $tmpEvents
, filteredset => $finEvents
, withfilteredset => 'Y'
, expression => $gtiExpr
, keepfilteroutput => 'Y'
, writedss => 'Y'
, updateexposure => 'Y'
, destruct => 'true'
or return exception();
# Added to compute full image from a mosaic observation
if ($datamode eq "IMAGE.EL"){
,eventset => $finEvents
,refpointlabel => 'pnt'
,attitudelabel => 'ahf'
,withmedianpnt => 'Y'
,atthkset => $attFile
,calctlmax => 'yes'
,-w => 10
or return exception();
,eventset => $finootEvents
,refpointlabel => 'pnt'
,attitudelabel => 'ahf'
,withmedianpnt => 'Y'
,atthkset => $attFile
,calctlmax => 'yes'
,-w => 10
or return exception();
my $attGTIFilteredEvents = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'Att GTI filtered events'
my $attGTIFilteredootEvents = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'Att GTI filtered oot events'
# Find attitude GTI file
my $attGTIFile = findFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => 'all'
, content => 'attitude GTI'
, table => $finEvents
, filteredset => $attGTIFilteredEvents
, withfilteredset => 'Y'
, expression => "GTI($attGTIFile,TIME)"
or return exception();
,eventset => $attGTIFilteredEvents
,refpointlabel => 'pnt'
,attitudelabel => 'ahf'
,withmedianpnt => 'Y'
,atthkset => $attFile
,calctlmax => 'yes'
,-w => 10
or return exception();
, table => $finootEvents
, filteredset => $attGTIFilteredootEvents
, withfilteredset => 'Y'
, expression => "GTI($attGTIFile,TIME)"
or return exception();
,eventset => $attGTIFilteredootEvents
,refpointlabel => 'pnt'
,attitudelabel => 'ahf'
,withmedianpnt => 'Y'
,atthkset => $attFile
,calctlmax => 'yes'
,-w => 10
or return exception();
# Re-write TLMIN6, TLMAX6, TLMIN7, TLMAX7 keywords in the eventFile: $finEvents
my $tlmin6_inter = readFITSKeyword(file => $attGTIFilteredEvents, extension => 'EVENTS', keyword => 'TLMIN6');
my $tlmax6_inter = readFITSKeyword(file => $attGTIFilteredEvents, extension => 'EVENTS', keyword => 'TLMAX6');
my $tlmin7_inter = readFITSKeyword(file => $attGTIFilteredEvents, extension => 'EVENTS', keyword => 'TLMIN7');
my $tlmax7_inter = readFITSKeyword(file => $attGTIFilteredEvents, extension => 'EVENTS', keyword => 'TLMAX7');
FITSUtils::writeKeyword($finEvents, "EVENTS", "TLMIN6" => {value => $tlmin6_inter});
FITSUtils::writeKeyword($finEvents, "EVENTS", "TLMAX6" => {value => $tlmax6_inter});
FITSUtils::writeKeyword($finEvents, "EVENTS", "TLMIN7" => {value => $tlmin7_inter});
FITSUtils::writeKeyword($finEvents, "EVENTS", "TLMAX7" => {value => $tlmax7_inter});
# Re-write TLMIN6, TLMAX6, TLMIN7, TLMAX7 keywords in the eventFile: $finootEvents
FITSUtils::writeKeyword($finootEvents, "EVENTS", "TLMIN6" => {value => $tlmin6_inter});
FITSUtils::writeKeyword($finootEvents, "EVENTS", "TLMAX6" => {value => $tlmax6_inter});
FITSUtils::writeKeyword($finootEvents, "EVENTS", "TLMIN7" => {value => $tlmin7_inter});
FITSUtils::writeKeyword($finootEvents, "EVENTS", "TLMAX7" => {value => $tlmax7_inter});
# We write down the same Legal Limits ( tlmin6/7 , tlmax6/7 ) in both $finEvents and $finootEvents
# to ensure the same exactly borders for both event files.
# In principle the LegalLimits should be the same in both $attGTIFilteredEvents and $attGTIFilteredootEvents
# but randomization could produce some mismatches.
# get FWC
my $finFWCEvents = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'EPIC PN Imaging mode FWC event list'
, table => $finEvents
, attfile => $attFile
, outset => $finFWCEvents
, exposurefactor => 4
, calctlmax => 'Y'
, overwritesubmode => 'Y'
or return exception()
# epfast for burst modes
if ( $datamode eq "BURST.EL" ) {
, evfile => $finEvents
or return exception();
# Copy CIF into event list
my $cifFile = findFile(
class => 'product'
, content => 'Calibration index file'
, blocks => "${cifFile}:CALINDEX"
, to => $finEvents
or return exception();
# Make flare GTI
if ( $datamode eq "IMAGE.EL" )
$timebinsize *= 2 if $mode eq "PrimeLargeWindow";
$timebinsize *= 35 if $mode eq "PrimeSmallWindow";
my $flareExpr = "($gtiExpr)";
if (@maskFilter)
$flareExpr .= " && (" . join( " || ", @maskFilter ) . ")";
# Save copy of bright pixel/CCD GTI filter for SFBLC processing
my $maskExpr = $flareExpr;
# Put in energy range for flare rejection
$flareExpr .= " && (PI IN [7000:15000])";
my $backRates = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'Flare background timeseries'
my $flareGti = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'flare GTI'
, table => $finEvents
, maketimecolumn => 'Y'
, makeratecolumn => 'Y'
, timebinsize => $timebinsize
, withrateset => 'Y'
, rateset => $backRates
, writedss => 'Y'
, updateexposure => 'N'
, expression => $flareExpr
or return exception();
# 1 pixel ~ 17 arcsec**2 ~ 0.00474 arcmin**2, convert to per [ks * arcmin**2]
my $scalefactor = 0.0047355e-3; # unit = [arcmin**2/pixel ks/s]
# If rate file is empty, no rate extension is created. Trap this.
info("Number of good background pixels found: $goodPixels");
if ( hasFITSExtension( file => $backRates, extension => "RATE" )
&& $goodPixels > 100 )
# doCommand(
# 'tabcalc'
# , tables => "$backRates:RATE"
# , columntype => 'real64'
# , column => 'RATE'
# , expression =>
# "(COUNTS/($timebinsize*$goodPixels*$scalefactor))"
# )
# or return exception();
# Now subtract TSTART from the TIME values and leave the result in a new column T_ELAPSED:
my $start_time=readFITSKeyword(
file => $backRates
, extension => 'RATE'
, keyword => "TSTART"
, tables => "$backRates:RATE"
, columntype => 'real64'
, column => 'T_ELAPSED'
, expression => "TIME-$start_time" # Use the perl variable rather than the string '#TSTART' in case we decide later to use some other time as offset.
or return exception();
my $fplotCommandFile = newFile(class => 'intermediate'
, content => 'Flare bkg ts pco file'
, format => 'ASCII'
, extension => 'pco'
name => $fplotCommandFile
, text => [join("\n", "LA X TIME-$start_time (s)", 'LA G2 RATE (cts/s)', 'log y', 'PLOT', 'QUIT', '')]
my $flareBkgPs = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'Flare bkg ts'
, format => 'PS'
, infile => $backRates
, xparm => 'T_ELAPSED'
, yparm => 'RATE'
, rows => '-'
, device => "${flareBkgPs}/cps"
, pltcmd => '@'."$fplotCommandFile"
or return exception();
# 1 pixel ~ 17 arcsec**2 ~ 0.00474 arcmin**2, convert to per [ks * arcmin**2]
# my $scalefactor = 0.0047355e-3; # unit = [arcmin**2/pixel ks/s]
# If rate file is empty, no rate extension is created. Trap this.
# info("Number for good background pixels found: $goodPixels");
# if ( hasFITSExtension( file => $backRates, extension => "RATE" )
# && $goodPixels > 100 )
# {
# doCommand(
# 'tabcalc'
# , tables => "$backRates:RATE"
# , columntype => 'real32'
# , column => 'RATE'
# , expression =>
# "(COUNTS/($timebinsize*$goodPixels*$scalefactor))"
# )
# or return exception();
# apply relative corrections to flare background timeseries intermediate
my $tmpBackRates = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'Copy flare background timeseries'
, srctslist => $backRates
, eventlist => $finEvents
, outset => $tmpBackRates
, applyabsolutecorrections => 'N'
, allcamera => 'Y'
) or return exception();
source => $tmpBackRates
, destination => $backRates
# Add bkgoptrate test call, progress towards flare optimised background subtraction (Mantis 73)
my $retval = 0;
my $optCmd= "bkgoptrate fracexpstyle=auto tssettabname=$backRates:RATE withendtime=N withlowercutoffcount=N withmintimeratio=N ignorelowcnttail=Y withstarttime=N -w 10";
info("RUN: $optCmd");
my $optRate = `$optCmd`;
chomp $optRate;
$retval = $?;
if ($retval ne 0) { return exception("Error $retval returned by bkgoptrate: $!"); }
info("OPTRATE: $optRate");
doCommand('tabgtigen', table => $backRates
, gtiset => $flareGti
, expression => "RATE<$optRate"
, mingtisize => $mingtisize
) or return exception();
# Insert source-free bkg flare light curve determination
# in-band source-free lightcurve generation for PN
# to include in pnEvents/sasflare8.5
info("==== Start in-band source-free flare lightcurve generation");
# Generate image for SFBLC analysis
my $SFBLCInputImage = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'SFBLC image'
, band => 8
, format => 'FITS'
# Find attitude GTI file
my $attGTIFile = findFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => 'all'
, content => 'attitude GTI'
# define inband image filter expression
my $inband_image_expr = "(RAWY > 12) && GTI($flareGti, TIME) && GTI($attGTIFile, TIME) && (( PATTERN <= 4 && PI in (500:1000] && (FLAG & 0x2fa002c) == 0) || (PATTERN<=4 && PI in (1000:7500] && (FLAG & 0x2fa0024) == 0))";
# make image (make use of existing flare GTI)
# Define pix size
my $xbin_SFBLC = 80;
my $ybin_SFBLC = 80;
, table => $finEvents
, imageset => $SFBLCInputImage
, xcolumn => 'DETX'
, ycolumn => 'DETY'
, imagebinning => 'binSize'
, ximagebinsize => $xbin_SFBLC
, yimagebinsize => $ybin_SFBLC
, expression => $inband_image_expr
, imagedatatype => 'Int32'
, withimagedatatype => 'true'
, writedss => 'true'
, updateexposure => 'true'
, keepfilteroutput => 'false'
) or return exception();
# my $pn_timebinsize; downstream references to $pn_timebinsize changed to $timebinsize
my $sourceFreeBackRates;
my $sourceFreeImage;
my $SFBLCRegionFileFaint;
my $SFBLCRegionFileBright;
my $SFBLCBackScal;
# # check at least 1000 counts in input image before continuing to process
# my $source_free_expr; # selection expression for source-free background light curve
# if (! &ModuleUtil::isImageLimit($SFBLCInputImage,'',1000.0)) {
# The Mask is produced although image counts < 1000
# make vignetted exposure map
my $SFBLCExpmap = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'SFBLC exposure map'
, band => 8
, format => 'FITS'
, imageset => $SFBLCInputImage
, eventset => $finEvents
, attitudeset => $attFile
, attrebin => 2
, expimageset => $SFBLCExpmap
, pimin => 500
, pimax => 7500
, withvignetting => 'yes'
, withdetcoords => 'yes'
) or return exception();
# make non-vignetted exposure map
my $SFBLCNonVigExpmap = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'SFBLC non-vig exposure map'
, band => 8
, format => 'FITS'
, imageset => $SFBLCInputImage
, eventset => $finEvents
, attitudeset => $attFile
, attrebin => 2
, expimageset => $SFBLCNonVigExpmap
, pimin => 500
, pimax => 7500
, withvignetting => 'no'
, withdetcoords => 'yes'
) or return exception();
# make detection mask
my $SFBLCDetmask = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'SFBLC detmask'
, band => 8
, format => 'FITS'
, detmaskset => $SFBLCDetmask
, expimageset => $SFBLCNonVigExpmap
, threshold1 => 0.5
, threshold2 => 1
# check at least 1000 counts in input image before continuing to process: Source detection, etc
my $SFBLCDetMaskArith;
my $source_free_expr;
if (! &ModuleUtil::isImageLimit($SFBLCInputImage,'',1000.0)) {
# now run eboxdetect in local mode
# not trying to merge images
info("Running eboxdetect in local mode on EPIC PN, exposure $exp_id...");
# declare box-local source list
my $SFBLCBoxList = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'SFBLC box-local source list'
, band => 8
, format => 'FITS'
# declare box-local source list (faint subset)
my $SFBLCBoxListFaint = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'SFBLC box-local source list faint subset'
, band => 8
, format => 'FITS'
# declare box-local source list (bright subset)
my $SFBLCBoxListBright = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'SFBLC box-local source list bright subset'
, band => 8
, format => 'FITS'
# declare box-local source list (subset to remove (drop) in case of Moving Object = Solar System Object == SSO)
my $sso_object = $ENV{PCMS_SSO_OBJECT};
my $SFBLCBoxListDrop;
if ( $sso_object ){
info("DEBUG: Pipeline processing for a Moving Object = SSO. Object reference system. PCMS_SSO_OBJECT = $sso_object ");
$SFBLCBoxListDrop = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'SFBLC box-local source list drop subset'
, band => 8
, format => 'FITS'
# generate box-local source list
, imagesets => $SFBLCInputImage
, expimagesets => $SFBLCNonVigExpmap
, detmasksets => $SFBLCDetmask
, boxlistset => $SFBLCBoxList
, usemap => 'false'
, likemin => 5
, boxsize => 5
, withdetmask => 'true'
, nruns => 1
, ecf => "1.0"
, pimin => 500
, pimax => 7500
) or return exception();
# Now need to isolate ID_INT=ID_BAND=0 lines to a new file
# and convert to a region file
, infile => $SFBLCBoxList
, outfile => $SFBLCBoxListFaint
, expr => "(RATE <= 0.35)"
) or return exception();
, infile => $SFBLCBoxList
, outfile => $SFBLCBoxListBright
, expr => "(RATE > 0.35)"
) or return exception();
if ( $sso_object ){
, infile => $SFBLCBoxList
, outfile => $SFBLCBoxListDrop
, expr => "(SCTS > 30)"
) or return exception();
my $SFBLCTempFile = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'SFBLC temp file'
, band => 8
, format => 'FITS'
$SFBLCRegionFileFaint = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'SFBLC reg faint'
, band => 8
, format => 'FITS'
$SFBLCRegionFileBright = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'SFBLC reg bright'
, band => 8
, format => 'FITS'
my $SFBLCRegionFileDrop;
if ( $sso_object ){
$SFBLCRegionFileDrop = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'SFBLC reg drop'
, band => 8
, format => 'FITS'
my $lthresh = 50; # ML threshold for removing bright sources
my $rad = 60; # Fixed extraction rafius in arcsec (faint)
my $rad2 = 100; # Fixed extraction rafius in arcsec (bright)
my $region_select = "(ID_BAND == 1 && ID_INST == 1 && LIKE >= $lthresh && BOX_CTS > 0)";
my $region_select_drop = "(ID_BAND == 1 && ID_INST == 1 && LIKE >= 30 && BOX_CTS > 0)";
, eventset => "${finEvents}:EVENTS"
, tempset => $SFBLCTempFile
, srclisttab => $SFBLCBoxListFaint
, expression => $region_select
, operationstyle => 'global'
, fixedradius => $rad
, bkgregionset => "${SFBLCRegionFileFaint}:REGION"
, outunit => "detxy"
) or return exception();
, eventset => "${finEvents}:EVENTS"
, tempset => $SFBLCTempFile
, srclisttab => $SFBLCBoxListBright
, expression => $region_select
, operationstyle => 'global'
, fixedradius => $rad2
, bkgregionset => "${SFBLCRegionFileBright}:REGION"
, outunit => "detxy"
) or return exception();
if ( $sso_object ){
, eventset => "${finEvents}:EVENTS"
, tempset => $SFBLCTempFile
, srclisttab => $SFBLCBoxListDrop
, expression => $region_select_drop
, operationstyle => 'global'
, radiusstyle => 'enfrac'
, bkgregionset => "${SFBLCRegionFileDrop}:REGION"
, outunit => "detxy"
) or return exception();
# Generate temporary evaluation image
my $SFBLCEvalImage = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'SFBLC temp evaluation image'
, band => 8
, format => 'FITS'
# Include regions in eval selection expression
my $eval_image_expr = $inband_image_expr . " && (region($SFBLCRegionFileFaint,DETX,DETY) && region($SFBLCRegionFileBright,DETX,DETY))";
, table => $finEvents
, imageset => $SFBLCEvalImage
, xcolumn => 'DETX'
, ycolumn => 'DETY'
, withimageset => 'Y'
, imagebinning => 'binSize'
, ximagebinsize => $xbin_SFBLC
, yimagebinsize => $ybin_SFBLC
, expression => $eval_image_expr
, imagedatatype => 'Int32'
, withimagedatatype => 'true'
, writedss => 'true'
, updateexposure => 'true'
, keepfilteroutput => 'false'
) or return exception();
# Now, finally should be able to use the region file on the event list to
# generate the light curve for flare filtering
# PN
# need to establish the exposure ID and other parts of the name
# needs the CCD GTI and bright pixel masks
# Am following the PN light curve creation steps which look more
# complicated/extensive than for MOS
# info("Creating CCD/GTI filters for EPIC PN");
# my @gtiexpr;
# foreach my $gtiFile (
# findFile(
# class => 'intermediate'
# , instrument => thisInstrument
# , exp_id => $exp_id
# , content => 'CCD GTI'
# , level => 1
# )
# )
# {
# my $fileInf
# = fileInfo( class => 'intermediate', name => $gtiFile );
# my $ccd = $$fileInf{'ccd'};
# push @gtiexpr, "( CCDNR==$ccd && GTI($gtiFile, TIME))";
# };
# my $gtiexpr_string = "(" . join(" || ", @gtiexpr) . ")";
# info("Creating Bright Pixel Masks for EPIC PN");
# my @brtexpr;
# foreach my $brtmask (
# findFile(
# class => 'intermediate'
# , instrument => thisInstrument
# , exp_id => $exp_id
# , content => 'Bright pixels mask'
# )
# )
# {
# my $fileInf
# = fileInfo( class => 'intermediate', name => $brtmask );
# my $ccd = $$fileInf{'ccd'};
# push @brtexpr, "( CCDNR == $ccd && MASK($brtmask,1,1,RAWX,RAWY))";
# };
# my $brtexpr_string = "(" . join(" || ", @brtexpr) . ")";
# merge faint and bright region files prior to generating source free light curve
my $SFBLCRegionFileMerged = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'SFBLC reg merged'
, band => 8
, format => 'FITS'
, infiles => [$SFBLCRegionFileBright, $SFBLCRegionFileFaint]
, outfile => $SFBLCRegionFileMerged
, mextname => 'REGION'
, history => 'Y'
, copyprime => 'Y'
) or return exception();
, value => 'pos'
, fitsfile => "${SFBLCRegionFileMerged}[REGION]"
, keyword => "MTYPE1"
, add => 'Y'
) or return exception();
, value => 'DETX,DETY'
, fitsfile => "${SFBLCRegionFileMerged}[REGION]"
, keyword => "MFORM1"
, add => 'Y'
) or return exception();
# Calculate AREASCALE parameter in background estimate for flaring filtering
my $SFBLCNonVigExpmapRegMask = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'SFBLC non-vig exposure map reg mask'
, band => 8
, format => 'FITS'
$SFBLCDetMaskArith = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'SFBLC det mask arith'
, band => 8
, format => 'FITS'
my $SFBLCRegionFileMerged_rows = readFITSKeyword(
file => $SFBLCRegionFileMerged
, extension => 'REGION'
, keyword => 'NAXIS2'
if ( $SFBLCRegionFileMerged_rows ){
info("DEBUG - $SFBLCRegionFileMerged has $SFBLCRegionFileMerged_rows rows");
, region => "${SFBLCRegionFileMerged}[REGION]"
, pixdefset => $SFBLCNonVigExpmap
, maskset => $SFBLCNonVigExpmapRegMask
, whichpixdef => 'image'
, withmaskset => 'Y'
) or return exception();
### farith ~/unam.fits intermediate/pnEvents-epn-1-SFBLC_detmask-S00300000080000.ftz\[MASK\] MUL ~/otram.fits
,infil1 => $SFBLCNonVigExpmapRegMask
,infil2 => "${SFBLCDetmask}[MASK]"
,outfil => $SFBLCDetMaskArith
,ops => 'MUL'
) or return exception();
} else {
info("DEBUG - $SFBLCRegionFileMerged has 0 rows");
$SFBLCDetMaskArith = "${SFBLCDetmask}[MASK]";
#info("DEBUG - SFBLCDetMaskArith = $SFBLCDetMaskArith");
# make in-band source-free light curve
info("Creating source-free in band light curve for PN");
# $source_free_expr = $maskExpr." && (PATTERN <=4) && (PI IN [500:7500]) && ((FLAG & 0xfffffef) == 0) && (region($SFBLCRegionFileFaint,X,Y) && region($SFBLCRegionFileBright,X,Y))";
$source_free_expr = $maskExpr." && (PATTERN <=4) && (PI IN [500:7500]) && ((FLAG & 0xfffffef) == 0) && (region($SFBLCRegionFileMerged,DETX,DETY))";
} else {
# extraction expression for sparse images (omit region select)
info("Creating in band light curve for PN (sparse image < 1000 counts)");
$source_free_expr = $maskExpr." && (PATTERN <=4) && (PI IN [500:7500]) && ((FLAG & 0xfffffef) == 0)";
# No region file for sources removing in sparse image < 1000 counts
info("DEBUG - No sources removing in sparse image < 1000 counts");
$SFBLCDetMaskArith = "${SFBLCDetmask}[MASK]";
# Calculating SFBLCBackScal from $SFBLCDetMaskArith
# Cases:
# - Image counts > 1000
# - With Region file : $SFBLCDetMaskArith == ${SFBLCDetmask}[MASK] * $SFBLCNonVigExpmapRegMask
# - With no Region file : $SFBLCDetMaskArith == ${SFBLCDetmask}[MASK]
# - Sparse image counts < 1000
# - With no Region file : $SFBLCDetMaskArith == ${SFBLCDetmask}[MASK]
### fimgstat ~/otram.fits INDEF INDEF
my %SFBLCDetMaskStat = &ModuleUtil::getImageStats($SFBLCDetMaskArith,'');
my $xbin = readFITSKeyword(
file => $SFBLCDetmask
, extension => 'MASK'
, keyword => 'CDELT1L'
my $ybin = readFITSKeyword(
file => $SFBLCDetmask
, extension => 'MASK'
, keyword => 'CDELT2L'
$SFBLCBackScal = $SFBLCDetMaskStat{sum} * $xbin * $ybin;
info("DEBUG - SFBLCBackScal = $SFBLCBackScal");
#foreach my $stat_param ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%SFBLCDetMaskStat) ){
# info("DEBUG - SFBLCDetMaskStat $stat_param = $SFBLCDetMaskStat{$stat_param}");
# Generate source-free background timeseries as product
# $pn_timebinsize = 10;
$sourceFreeBackRates = newFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'EPIC flare background timeseries'
$sourceFreeImage = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'SFBLC source free image'
, expression => $source_free_expr
, maketimecolumn => 'Y'
, makeratecolumn => 'Y'
, rateset => $sourceFreeBackRates
, table => $finEvents
, timebinsize => $timebinsize
, updateexposure => 'N'
, withrateset => 'Y'
, writedss => 'Y'
, withimageset => 'Y'
, ximagebinsize => $xbin_SFBLC
, yimagebinsize => $ybin_SFBLC
, xcolumn => 'DETX'
, ycolumn => 'DETY'
, imagebinning => 'binSize'
, imageset => $sourceFreeImage
) or return exception();
# add light curve rate and T_ELAPSED columns. The RATE column definition
# differs from current pipeline value because there the cut is made by
# rate per unit sky area. Here we don't care about unit area so we can
# just divide the counts by the bin time
# info("Adding column for RATE, using PN time binsize $pn_timebinsize");
# doCommand(
# 'tabcalc'
# , column => 'RATE'
# , columntype => 'real64'
# , expression => "COUNTS/${pn_timebinsize}"
# , tables => "${sourceFreeBackRates}:RATE"
# ) or return exception();
# Observation start time should already be determined in pnEvents
# Apply relative corrections to output product timeseries
my $tmpSourceFreeBackRates = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'Copy EPIC flare background timeseries'
, srctslist => $sourceFreeBackRates
, eventlist => $finEvents
, outset => $tmpSourceFreeBackRates
, applyabsolutecorrections => 'N'
, allcamera => 'Y'
) or return exception();
source => $tmpSourceFreeBackRates
, destination => $sourceFreeBackRates
# Add BACKSCAL (AREASCALE) keyword to RATE header extension
if ( defined($SFBLCBackScal) ){
, set => "${sourceFreeBackRates}:RATE"
, attributename => 'BACKSCAL'
, attributetype => 'real'
, attributecomment => '"\"Backscale for flaring filtering\""'
, realvalue => $SFBLCBackScal
) or return exception();
# Generate T_ELAPSED column
info("Adding column for T_ELAPSED, using observation start time $start_time");
, column => 'T_ELAPSED'
, columntype => 'real64'
, expression => "TIME-$start_time"
, tables => "${sourceFreeBackRates}:RATE"
) or return exception();
# Run bkgoptrate - optimum cut threshold
my $snDiagFile = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'Flare GTI SN diagnostic'
, band => 8
, format => 'FITS'
my $retval = 0;
my $rcut_pn = `bkgoptrate -V 0 -w 0 tssettabname=${sourceFreeBackRates}:RATE dooutputsntab=yes ignorelowcnttail=yes snsettabname=${snDiagFile}:SN_TO_BKGCUT`;
info("CMD: bkgoptrate -V 0 -w 0 tssettabname=${sourceFreeBackRates}:RATE dooutputsntab=yes ignorelowcnttail=yes snsettabname=${snDiagFile}:SN_TO_BKGCUT");
$retval = $?;
if ($retval ne 0) { return exception("Error $retval returned by bkgoptrate: $!"); }
my $optFlareGti;
if ($rcut_pn eq '') {
info("bkgoptrate call returns no value, skipping optimised flare GTI generation...");
} else {
if (fileExists( file => $sourceFreeBackRates ) ) {
info("bkgoptrate returns optimum cut threshold: $rcut_pn");
# append SN_TO_BKGCUT table to FBKTSR product
, infile => "${snDiagFile}[SN_TO_BKGCUT]"
, outfile => $sourceFreeBackRates
) or return exception();
# add FLCUTTHR header value
, set => "${sourceFreeBackRates}:RATE"
, attributename => 'FLCUTTHR'
, attributetype => 'real'
, attributecomment => '"\"Optimised flare cut threshold\""'
, realvalue => $rcut_pn
) or return exception();
# cut threshold limited to 100
# if ($rcut_pn > 100) {
# $rcut_pn = 100;
# info("Optimum cut threshold limited to 100");
# }
# Now generate the optimised flare GTI files
$optFlareGti = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => "Optimised flare GTI"
, band => 8
, format => 'FITS'
info("Creating GTI files with this threshold");
, table => $sourceFreeBackRates
, gtiset => $optFlareGti
, expression => "RATE < ${rcut_pn}"
, mingtisize => 100
) or return exception();
# make plot of background light curve
info("Make full in-band, source-free light curve plots");
my $sourceFreeLightCurvePS = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => "In-band source-free light curve"
, band => 8
, format => 'PS'
my $sourceFreeLCCommandFile = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'In-band sf lc pco file'
, format => 'ASCII'
, extension => 'pco'
# Cutoff threshold label string
my $srcut = sprintf("%.3f",$rcut_pn);
# Write PLT command file
name => $sourceFreeLCCommandFile
, text => [join("\n","LA X TIME-$start_time (s)",'LA G2 RATE (cts/s)','log y','lwid 5',"LA 1 P 0 $srcut LI 0 1 CO 4 \"$srcut\"",'PLOT','QUIT','')]
, infile => $sourceFreeBackRates
, xparm => 'T_ELAPSED'
, yparm => 'RATE'
, rows => '-'
, device => "${sourceFreeLightCurvePS}/CPS"
, pltcmd => '@'."$sourceFreeLCCommandFile"
) or return exception();
# Get extremal values of calculated S/N
my $snBg = readFITSColumn(
file => $snDiagFile
, extension => 'SN_TO_BKGCUT'
, column => 'SN_RATIO'
) or return exception();
my $snMin = min(@$snBg);
my $snMax = max(@$snBg);
# Generate plot of S/N
my $SNRCurvePS = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'In-band sf Signal to noise plot'
, band => 8
, format => 'PS'
my $SNRCommandFile = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'In-band sf Signal to noise pco file'
, format => 'ASCII'
, extension => 'pco'
name => $SNRCommandFile
,text => [join("\n","LA X Background rate cut (cts/s)",'LA G2 Signal-to-noise','lwid 5',"LA 1 Pos $srcut $snMax LI -90 1.0 CO 4 \"$srcut\"",'PLOT','QUIT','')]
, infile => $snDiagFile
, xparm => 'BKGRATECUT'
, yparm => 'SN_RATIO'
, rows => '-'
, device => "${SNRCurvePS}/CPS"
, pltcmd => '@'."$SNRCommandFile"
) or return exception();
my $tempPS = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'In-band sf temp plot file'
, band => 8
, format => 'PS'
my $combiPS = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'In-band sf combi plot file'
, band => 8
, format => 'PS'
my $cli_1 = `gs -sDEVICE=pswrite -sOutputFile=${tempPS} -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH $sourceFreeLightCurvePS $SNRCurvePS`;
info("CMD: gs -sDEVICE=pswrite -sOutputFile=${tempPS} -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH $sourceFreeLightCurvePS $SNRCurvePS");
$retval = $?;
if ($retval ne 0) { return exception("Error returned by gs: $!"); }
my $cli_2 = `psnup -s0.6 -2up ${tempPS} > ${combiPS}`;
info("CMD: psnup -s0.6 -2up ${tempPS} > ${combiPS}");
if ($retval ne 0) { return exception("Error returned by psnup: $!"); }
# Generate optimised flare background PDF
my $flareBkgPdf = newFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'EPIC flare background timeseries'
, format => 'PDF'
source => $combiPS
, destination => $flareBkgPdf
or return exception();
# Regenerate light curve but filter by new GTIs and plot to see if they disappear
info("TESTING: Recreating light curves with only valid GTIs and regions left in");
my $optBackRates = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'Optimised flare bkg time series'
, band => 8
, format => 'FITS'
my $test_ts_expr = $maskExpr." && (PATTERN <=4) && GTI($attGTIFile, TIME) && (PI in [500:7500]) && ((FLAG & 0xfffffef) == 0)";
if (fileExists( file => $SFBLCRegionFileFaint )) {
$test_ts_expr .= " && region($SFBLCRegionFileFaint,DETX,DETY)";
if (fileExists( file => $SFBLCRegionFileBright )) {
$test_ts_expr .= " && region($SFBLCRegionFileBright,DETX,DETY)";
if (fileExists( file => $optFlareGti )) {
$test_ts_expr .= " && GTI($optFlareGti, TIME)";
, expression => $test_ts_expr
, maketimecolumn => "Y"
, makeratecolumn => 'Y'
, rateset => $optBackRates
, table => $finEvents
, timebinsize => $timebinsize
, updateexposure => 'N'
, withrateset => 'Y'
, writedss => 'Y'
) or return exception();
# doCommand(
# 'tabcalc'
# , column => 'RATE'
# , columntype => 'real64'
# , expression => "COUNTS/${pn_timebinsize}"
# , tables => "${optBackRates}:RATE"
# ) or return exception();
# Apply relative corrections to test GTI timeseries
my $tmpOptBackRates = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'Copy optimised flare bkg time series'
, band => 8
, format => 'FITS'
# Require valid nonzero flare GTI, and non-zero RATE column for final epiclccorr call
if( (numberFITSRows(file=>$optFlareGti, extension=>'STDGTI') > 0) &&
!ModuleUtil::isColumnEmpty($optBackRates,"RATE") )
, srctslist => $optBackRates
, eventlist => $finEvents
, outset => $tmpOptBackRates
, applyabsolutecorrections => 'N'
, allcamera => 'Y'
) or return exception();
source => $tmpOptBackRates
, destination => $optBackRates
, column => 'T_ELAPSED'
, columntype => 'real64'
, expression => "TIME-$start_time"
, tables => "${optBackRates}:RATE"
) or return exception();
my $OptSourceFreeLightCurvePS = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'Opt in-band source-free light curve'
, band => 8
, format => 'PS'
, infile => $optBackRates
, xparm => 'T_ELAPSED'
, yparm => 'RATE'
, rows => '-'
, device => "${OptSourceFreeLightCurvePS}/CPS"
, pltcmd => '@'."$sourceFreeLCCommandFile"
) or return exception();
# Everything OK
return success();