package USNOExtract;
use strict;
use English;
use Carp;
use vars
qw(@ISA $VERSION $name $author $date $version @instList $numberOfStreams);
@ISA = qw(Module);
use ModuleResources;
use FITSUtils;
$version = $VERSION;
$author='Ian Stewart,Duncan John Fyfe, Duncan Law-Green';
sub numberOfStreams {
return 1;
sub evaluateRules {
return ignore()
if allIgnored(
module => 'ExpChooser'
, instrument => 'epn'
and allIgnored(
module => 'ExpChooser'
, instrument => 'emos1'
and allIgnored(
module => 'ExpChooser'
, instrument => 'emos2'
and allIgnored(
module => 'ExpChooser'
, instrument => 'om'
if allComplete(
module => 'ExpChooser'
, instrument => 'epn'
and allComplete(
module => 'ExpChooser'
, instrument => 'emos1'
and allComplete(
module => 'ExpChooser'
, instrument => 'emos2'
and allComplete(
module => 'ExpChooser'
, instrument => 'om'
and complete(
module => 'GlobalHK'
, instrument => 'all'
, stream => 1
sub performAction
info("Module version number: $version");
my $attFile=findFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => 'all'
, content => 'Attitude time series'
, required => 'true'
my $raDeg = readFITSKeyword(
file => $attFile
, extension => 'PRIMARY'
, keyword => 'MAHFRA'
my $decDeg = readFITSKeyword(
file => $attFile
, extension => 'PRIMARY'
, keyword => 'MAHFDEC'
my $raDegStr = sprintf "%21.14e", $raDeg;
my $decDegStr = sprintf "%21.14e", $decDeg;
my $kwdAsciiFile=newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, content => 'fimgcreate kwds'
, format => 'ASCII'
open(FMT, ">$kwdAsciiFile");
print FMT "CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' / Coord. type: RA tangent plane projection\n";
print FMT "CRPIX1 = 3.24506250000000E+02 / WCS reference pixel\n";
print FMT "CRVAL1 = $raDegStr / [deg] coord. at X axis ref. pixel\n";
print FMT "CUNIT1 = 'deg ' / Physical units of X axis\n";
print FMT "CDELT1 = -1.11111111111111E-03 / WCS pixel size\n";
print FMT "CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' / Coord. type: DEC tangent plane projection\n";
print FMT "CRPIX2 = 3.24506250000000E+02 / WCS reference pixel\n";
print FMT "CRVAL2 = $decDegStr / [deg] coord. at Y axis ref. pixel\n";
print FMT "CUNIT2 = 'deg ' / Physical units of Y axis\n";
print FMT "CDELT2 = 1.11111111111111E-03 / WCS pixel size\n";
print FMT "RA_PNT = $raDegStr / [deg] RA of instrument pointing\n";
print FMT "DEC_PNT = $decDegStr / [deg] Dec of instrument pointing\n";
my $dummyImageFile=newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, content => 'dummy image'
, bitpix => 8
, naxes => "'648,648'"
, datafile => "none"
, outfile => $dummyImageFile
, headfile => $kwdAsciiFile
or return exception();
my $calIndex = findFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => 'all'
, content => 'Calibration index file'
, format => 'FITS'
my $usnoList = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, content => 'Reference catalogue'
, format => 'FITS'
, srclistset => $calIndex
, catextract => $usnoList
my $usnoProdList = newFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => thisInstrument,
, content => 'Reference catalogue'
, format => 'FITS'
source => $usnoList
, destination => $usnoProdList
my %hdrsToCopy = (
"TELESCOP" => '"string"',
"OBS_MODE" => '"string"',
"OBS_ID" => '"string"',
"RA_OBJ", => '"real"',
"DEC_OBJ" => '"real"',
"DATE-OBS" => '"string"',
"DATE-END" => '"string"',
my $comment_start = "*** Additional keywords copied from " . $attFile;
my $comment_end = "============= END OF COPY ==========";
my @headers = ();
my @types = ();
my @commentsToCopy = ();
my @stringValuesToCopy = ();
my @realValuesToCopy = ();
my $header;
foreach $header ( keys %hdrsToCopy ) {
push(@headers, $header);
push(@types, $hdrsToCopy{$header});
my $keywordval = readFITSKeyword(
file => $attFile
, extension => 'PRIMARY'
, keyword => $header
my $commentval = readFITSComment(
file => $attFile
, extension => 'PRIMARY'
, keyword => $header
info("Reading keyword $header value $keywordval comment $commentval");
if ($hdrsToCopy{$header} =~ /string/) {
push(@commentsToCopy, $commentval);
push(@stringValuesToCopy, $keywordval);
} else {
push(@commentsToCopy, $commentval);
push(@realValuesToCopy, $keywordval);
, set => $usnoProdList
, attributename => [ @headers ]
, attributetype => [ @types ]
, stringvalue => [ @stringValuesToCopy ]
, realvalue => [ @realValuesToCopy ]
, attributecomment => [ @commentsToCopy ]
) or return exception();
my @creationdate = localtime;
my $creationdate = sprintf( '%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.000', $creationdate[5]+1900, $creationdate[4]+1, $creationdate[3], $creationdate[2], $creationdate[1], $creationdate[0] );
FITSUtils::writeKeyword($usnoProdList, "PRIMARY", "DATE" => { value => "$creationdate", comment => "creation date"});
my $creator = 'USNOExtract-0.05';
FITSUtils::writeKeyword($usnoProdList, "PRIMARY", "CREATOR" => {value => "$creator", comment => "name of code which created this file"});
return success();