package ReceiveDPSS; use strict; use English; use Carp; use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION $name $author $date $version @instList $numberOfStreams); @ISA = qw(Module); use ModuleResources; # Declare identity, version, author, date, etc. $name = __PACKAGE__; $VERSION = '1.00'; $version = $VERSION; $author="Richard West,Dean Hinshaw,Duncan John Fyfe"; $date="2006-08-15"; # # ChangeLog # ========= # # Version 1.00 - 2006-08-15 (DJF) # ------------ # # + Initial version # + This module doesn't do anything except mark the receiving end of the DPSS handshake. # It will evolve in future to process the products returned by DPSS. # Declare list of instruments this module is interested in @instList=qw(all); # Number of streams sub numberOfStreams { return 1; } # Rules method sub evaluateRules { return ignore() if ( ignored(module => 'SendDPSS', stream => 1) || ignored(module => 'DPSSDTS', stream => 1) ) ; start() if complete(module => 'DPSSDTS', stream => 1); } # Action method sub performAction { info("Module version number: $version"); return success(); } 1;