
package StampKeywords;
use strict;
use English;
use Carp;
use vars
  qw(@ISA $VERSION $name $author $date $version @instList $numberOfStreams);
@ISA = qw(Module);
use ModuleResources;

# Declare identity, version, author, date, etc.
$name    = __PACKAGE__;
$VERSION = '2.09';
$version = $VERSION;
$author  = 'Richard West,Dean Hinshaw,Duncan John Fyfe,Duncan Law-Green,Ed Chapin, Jose V Perea';
$date    = '2020-12-17';

# ChangeLog
# =========
# Version 2.09 - 2020-12-17 (JVP)
# ------------
# + Include Reference attitude coordinates in re-framed moving target (median): MRA_OBJ, MDEC_OBJ new keywords
#   in all FITS products if the observation is processed in the target reference frame ( SSO: --sso_object )
# + Dependency on OMSourceProducts included
# Version 2.08 - 2016-07-26 (JVP)
# ------------
# + MTFLAG keyword included in all FITS products if the observation is processed in the target reference frame ( SSO: --sso_object )
# Version 2.07 - 2013-06-11 (EC)
# ------------
# + Merge changes from SOC version.
# version 2.06 - 2010-07-13 DLG
# ------------
# + Modify comment on SASVERS re SCR300.
# version 2.06B - 2010-05-17 DLG
# ------------
# + SLEW ONLY: ***DISABLED*** Take out of flow control, StampKeywords absorbed into slew Finalize pro tem. 
# version 2.06A - 2010-05-13 DLG
# ------------
# + SLEW ONLY: Modify module flow control for slew pipeline to insert StampKeywords between SlewProcess and Finalize
# version 2.05 - 2007-03-11 DJF
# ------------
# + Add filter to avoid applying addattribute to ACDS files. We really really really want to avoid running addattribute on ACDS products.
#   This can happen if we restart a post ACDS sequence at a pre ACDs stage and apply --acds_magic=1
# version 2.04 - 2006-08-11 DJF
# ------------
# + Add ODFVER keyword, value ==  ODF_VERSION 
# version 2.03 - 2005-11-21 IMS
# ------------
# + TEMPORARILY! commented out the requirement that ReceiveACDS be complete before this module is started. This in an attempt to generate the ppssumm thingies for the screeners.
# version 2.02 - 2005-11-21 IMS
# ------------
# + Added RGSMakeFluxed to evaluateRules.
# version 2.01 - 2005-08-02 IMS
# ------------
# + Added test on EPICSourceProducts to evaluateRules.
# version 2.00 - 2005-05-09 DJF
# ------------
# + Add explicit perl module headers.  Previously these were supplied
#   at compile time.  This will make debugging and extending the modules
#   through additional perl libraries easier.
# + Code layout made more uniform with perltidy
# + Standerdized date format (ccyy-mm-dd)
# + Standerdized author list to use comma separator
# + Make use of perl $VERSION magic.  Now $Version = version = ''
# Version 1.13 - 2004-03-18 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Removed extra quotes around PROCREV comment text which were having undesirable side effects.
# Version 1.12 - 2003-12-10 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Adapted doCommand to use anonymous lists for list parameters.
# Version 1.11 - 2003-06-25 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Version number increased to ease configuration control.
#   No functional changes made.
# Version 1.10 - 2001-10-31 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Chage evaluateRules.  Added dependance on OMFastAnalyse
# Version 1.09 - 2001-10-31 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Amended start conditios to take account of new module OMMosaic
# Version 1.08 - 2001-08-23 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Spelling correction.  ODSSVER => ODSVER
# Version 1.07 - 2001-08-20 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Added keywords ODVSER and REVOLUT
# Version 1.06 - 2001-05-03 (DH)
# ------------
# + Use new functionality of addattribute to add all
#   the keywords to a file in one go.
# Version 1.05 - 2001-03-16 (DH)
# ------------
# + Print out version number in performAction() for
#   tracking purposes.
# Version 1.04 - 2001-03-09 (DH)
# ------------
# + DAL bug fixed, so write keywords into 'cat' products
#   again.
# Version 1.03 - 2001-01-09 (DH)
# ------------
# + Rewrite evaluateRules to account for some modules being
#   ignored, and remove redundancies.
# Version 1.02 - 2000-12-19 (DH)
# ------------
# + Don't write keywords into 'cat' products, due to
#   DAL bug.
# Version 1.01 - 2000-12-12 (DH)
# ------------
# + First production version.
# Declare list of instruments this module is interested in
@instList = qw(all);

# Number of streams
sub numberOfStreams
    return 1;

# Rules method
sub evaluateRules
    if ( $ENV{PCMS_ISSLEW} )
    	if allComplete(module => 'Slewfoobar' );
    #      if allComplete( module  => 'ReceiveACDS' )
    #      and allComplete( module => 'RGSProducts' )
    if allComplete(module => 'RGSProducts' )
          and allComplete( module => 'RGSMakeFluxed' )
          and allComplete( module => 'OMSourceCombine' )
          and allComplete( module => 'OMSourceProducts' )
          and allComplete( module => 'OMMosaic' )
          and allComplete( module => 'OMFastAnalyse' )
          and allComplete( module => 'EPICSourceProducts' )
	  and allComplete( module => 'LCMerge' )

# Action method
sub performAction
    info("Module version number: $version");

    # Fetch list of product files
    my @list = findFile(
        class => 'product'
        , 'format' => 'FITS'

	# We really really really want to avoid running addattribute on ACDS products.
    # This can happen if we restart a post ACDS sequence at a pre ACDs stage and apply --acds_magic=1
	@list = grep { $_ !~ /CAX000/} @list;

    return success() unless @list;

    # Fetch observation properties
    my $obs    = getObservationProperties();
    my $odsver = getOdsVer();
    my $odfver = getOdfVer();

    # Use any old file to get global properties (like seq id)
    my $info = fileInfo( class => 'product', name => $list[0] );
    my ( @name, @type, @value, @bool_value, @real_value, @comment, @withcomment );

    #  DEBUG
    # info("### ---------------------------------------------------");
    # foreach my $key1 (keys %$obs ){
    # info("### DEBUG ### getObservationProperties output = $key1  :  $$obs{$key1} ");
    # }
    # info("### ---------------------------------------------------");
    # foreach my $key (keys %$info ){
    # info("### DEBUG ### fileInfo output = $key  :  $$info{$key} ");
    # }
    # info("### ---------------------------------------------------");

    # Set values of keywords
    push @name, 'SEQ_ID';
    push @type, 'string';
    push @value, $info->{sequence};
    push @comment, 'Pipeline sequence';
    push @withcomment, 'y';
    push @name, 'REVOLUT';
    push @type, 'string';
    push @value, $obs->{orbit};
    push @comment, 'Satellite Revolution Number';
    push @withcomment, 'y';
    push @name, 'PROCDATE';
    push @type, 'string';
    push @value, $obs->{procdate};
    push @comment, 'Processing date';
    push @withcomment, 'y';
    push @name, 'PROCREV';
    push @type, 'string';
    push @value, $obs->{procrevision};
    push @comment, 'Processing revision';
    push @withcomment, 'y';
    push @name, 'PPSVERS';
    push @type, 'string';
    push @value, $obs->{ppsversion};
    push @comment, 'PPS configuration';
    push @withcomment, 'y';
    push @name, 'SASVERS';
    push @type, 'string';
    push @value, $obs->{sasversion};
    push @comment, 'SAS version used in pipeline processing';
    push @withcomment, 'y';
    push @name, 'ODSVER';
    push @type, 'string';
    push @value, "$odsver";
    push @comment, 'ODS version';
    push @withcomment, 'y';
    push @name, 'ORIGIN';
    push @type, 'string';
    push @value, 'XMM-Newton/SOC';
    push @comment, 'Origin of FITS file';
    push @withcomment, 'y';

    push @name, 'ODFVER';
    push @type, 'string';
    push @value, sprintf('%03d',$odfver);
    push @comment, 'ODF_VERSION';
    push @withcomment, 'y';

    # MTFLAG keyword is only included if the
    # observation has been processed in the target reference frame ( SSO: --sso_object )
    if ($obs->{sso} =~ /1/ ){
        push @name, 'MTFLAG';
        push @type, 'boolean';
        push @bool_value, 'T';
        push @comment, 'Moving Target Flag; T if it is a moving target';
        push @withcomment, 'y';

        my $ATSFileSSO = findFile(  class => 'intermediate'
                              , content => 'ATS SSO'
                              , 'format' => 'FITS'
        my $mra_obj = readFITSKeyword(
                                  file => $ATSFileSSO
                                  , extension => 'SCATS1'
                                  , keyword => 'MRA_OBJ'
        my $mdec_obj = readFITSKeyword(
                                  file => $ATSFileSSO
                                  , extension => 'SCATS1'
                                  , keyword => 'MDEC_OBJ'
        push @name, 'MRA_OBJ';
        push @type, 'real';
        push @real_value, $mra_obj;
        push @comment, 'Reference RA attitude in re-framed moving target';
        push @withcomment, 'y';

        push @name, 'MDEC_OBJ';
        push @type, 'real';
        push @real_value, $mdec_obj;
        push @comment, 'Reference DEC attitude in re-framed moving target';
        push @withcomment, 'y';

    # CONTENT keyword must be last in the list, as we set its value in
    # the loop
    push @name, 'CONTENT';
    push @type, 'string';
    push @comment, 'Contents of file';
    push @withcomment, 'y';

    # Loop over each file
    foreach my $file (@list)
        next unless fileExists( file => $file );
        my $l_info = fileInfo( class => 'product', name => $file );

        # Set the other keywords
            'addattribute', set => $file
            , attributename => [@name]
            , attributetype => [@type]
            , stringvalue => [ @value, uc( $l_info->{content} ) ]
	    , booleanvalue => [@bool_value]
	    , realvalue => [@real_value]
            , attributecomment => [@comment]
          or return exception();

	# Compress all intermediate files we don't need to write to them anymore.

    # OK
    return success();