
#!/usr/bin/env python

This file is part of ESA's XMM-Newton Scientific Analysis System (SAS).
SAS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

SAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with SAS.  If not, see .

Name    = 'epicSED'
VERSION = '1.4';
author  = 'Jose Vicente Perea';
date    = '2021-03-02';


Version 1.4 - 2021-03-02 (JVP)

+ Skip plots if no FLUX columns in OMsrcList
  Usually when all OM images are WHITE filter

Version 1.3 - 2021-02-19 (JVP)

+ Importing modules moved after input parameters parser.
  Version output string fixed

Version 1.2 - 2020-11-30 (JVP)

+ OM images: Skip OM images plotting if no OM image files
             or there are not images of the proper filters

Version 1.1 - 2020-11-30 (JVP)

+ OM images: If more than one image mode per filter
  discard mode != favorite ( = 'L' )

Version 1.0 - 2020-09-28 (JVP)

+ Initial version
  Task to plot the EPIC and OM combined
  Spectral Energy Distribution


__version__   = "1.4"
__author__    = "Jose V. Perea"

__copyright__ = "ESA (C) 2000-2020"
__license__   = "GPL"

version_num   = __version__

srcPositionsPlot  = True
verbose           = False
h_only_one_row    = 0.25
s_two_images      = 0.10
favoriteOMmode    = 'L'

def plotOMimages( imageFiles, src_num_coords, srcid_coords, src_num=0, fig='figure', y0_sed=0, font=12, ecol=['k'] ):
    #print('\tplotOMimages ...')
    #t0 = time.time()

    from astropy.visualization import simple_norm
    #imageFiles = { 'V': imageFiles['V']  }
    #imageFiles = { 'V': imageFiles['V'], 'B': imageFiles['B']  }
    #imageFiles = { 'V': imageFiles['V'], 'B': imageFiles['B'], 'U': imageFiles['U'] }
    #imageFiles = { 'V': imageFiles['V'], 'B': imageFiles['B'], 'U': imageFiles['U'], 'L': imageFiles['L'] }
    #imageFiles = { 'V': imageFiles['V'], 'B': imageFiles['B'], 'U': imageFiles['U'], 
    #        'L': imageFiles['L'], 'M': imageFiles['M'] }
    #imageFiles = { 'V': imageFiles['V'], 'B': imageFiles['B'], 'U': imageFiles['U'],
    #        'L': imageFiles['L'], 'M': imageFiles['M'], 'S': imageFiles['S'] }
    # 7 images:
    #imageFiles = { 'V': imageFiles['V'], 'B': imageFiles['B'], 'U': imageFiles['U'],
    #        'L': imageFiles['L'], 'M': imageFiles['M'], 'S': imageFiles['S'] }
    ## print('=====================================')
    ## for key, val in imageFiles.items():
    ##      print(f'\t\tkey: {key}\t\tval: {val}')
    ## print('=====================================')

    Nimages = len( [ y for x in imageFiles.values() for y in x ] )
    N = Nimages

    # Return if no OMimages with a standard circle radius
    if Nimages == 0:
         return 0, 0.005 *
    rows = 1
    h  = h_only_one_row
    #y00 = 0.3
    y00 = 0.0

    if Nimages > 3:        # ===> Or > 2 . CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION
        rows   = 2
        N  = 3
        #h  = 0.18
        h  = 0.17
        #y00 = y0_sed - 0.23
        y00 = 0.175
    #print(f'N = {N}')
    files = imageFiles.values()
    for filter in filtersSort:
            file = imageFiles[filter]

        if len(file) == 0:
            #print(f'Skipping: {filter} ----------------> CONTINUING')
        elif len(file) == 1:
            file = file[0]
            print(f'More than 1 image per filter {filter} ==> More tha 1 obs. mode')

        idx +=1
        with file, memmap=False) as OMimage:
            OMima = OMimage[0].data
            OMhdr = OMimage[0].header
            #print(f'OFFSET Filter: {filter} ========= DEOFFSET: ', OMhdr['DEOFFSET'] )
            #print(f'OFFSET Filter: {filter} ========= RAOFFSET: ', OMhdr['RAOFFSET'] )

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
             warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=Warning)
             wcsOM = WCS( OMhdr, naxis=2 )

        omFilter = OMhdr['FILTER']
        # Start ploting
        #print(f'\tidx: {idx}\t{file}\t{omFilter}')

        if idx == 4:

        center = 0.5
        s  = 0.03
        if Nimages == 2:
           s = s_two_images
        w = h
        x0 = center - ( s* (N-1)/2 + w* (N/2) )
        ## y0 = y0_sed - 0.24
        ## test y0 = 0.41
        y0 = y00
        if idx > 3:
            y0 = y00 - h/2 - s *2.5
        if verbose: print(f'\t\trows: {rows}, idx: {idx}, c: {c} ; x0: {x0} y0: {y0}\n')
        position = [ x0 + w*(c) + s*(c), y0, w, h ]
        ax_ = fig.add_axes( [ x0 + w*(c) + s*(c), y0, w, h ], projection = wcsOM )
        ax_.set_aspect('equal', 'box')
        if verbose: print(f'\t\tax_ position after set_aspect\t: {ax_.get_position()}')
        ax_om_pos = ax_.get_position()

        #ax_.annotate('OM Images:', xy=(0.05, 0.60), xycoords='figure fraction', fontsize=font-2)
        if idx == 1:
           ax_.annotate('OM Images:', xy=(0.05, ax_om_pos.y1 + 0.01), xycoords='figure fraction', fontsize=font-2)

        font_om = font-6
        ax_.set_title(omFilter, fontsize=font_om)

        ax_.coords[0].set_axislabel('RA', fontsize=font_om)
        ax_.coords[1].set_axislabel('DEC', fontsize=font_om)


        if c > 0:

        if twoRows and idx < 4:

        c +=1

        norm = simple_norm(OMima, stretch='log', percent=99.9)
        im = ax_.imshow( OMima, norm=norm )

        # ...... EPIC Source mark
        src_num_px, src_num_py = wcsOM.world_to_pixel( src_num_coords['radec_corr'][src_num] )   # position in pixel

        ####ax_.plot_coord(src_num_coords['radec'][src_num], '+', c='k', ms=80, mew=4)
        ax_.plot_coord(src_num_coords['radec_corr'][src_num], 'o', c='k', ms=18, mew=1, fillstyle='none')
        # Green circle ( 20 pix radius )
        circ_radius = 20
        circ = plt.Circle((src_num_px, src_num_py), radius=circ_radius, ec='green', fill=False, linewidth=1)
        Aworld= wcsOM.pixel_to_world( src_num_px, src_num_py )
        Bworld= wcsOM.pixel_to_world( src_num_px + circ_radius, src_num_py )
        circ_radius_world = Aworld.separation(Bworld)

        # Image zoom around the EPIC source
        #print(f'src_num_px, src_num_py = {src_num_px, src_num_py}')
        boxSize = 20  # pixels
        xlo = src_num_px - boxSize
        xhi = src_num_px + boxSize
        ylo = src_num_py - boxSize
        yhi = src_num_py + boxSize
        #print(f'--- DEBUG Limits from wcsOM (xlo, xhi), (ylo,yhi) = ({xlo},{xhi}), ({ylo},{yhi})')
        #print(f'ax_.get_xlim(), ax_.get_ylim() = {ax_.get_xlim()}, {ax_.get_ylim()}')

        ax_.set_xlim(xlo, xhi)
        ax_.set_ylim(ylo, yhi)

        #print('=============== DEBUG ====================')
        ## print( f'OM SRCID : {srcid_coords}')
        for om_id, coords in srcid_coords.items():
            ##print(f'DEBUG --- om_id, coords, color = {om_id}, {coords}\t{ecol[col]}')
            ax_.plot_coord(coords, "o", c=ecol[col], ms=12, mew=1, fillstyle='none')
        if verbose: print()

        del OMima
        del OMimage

        #print('=============== DEBUG ====================')

    #print(f'\tplotOMimages\t: {t1-t0:.4f} seconds')    

    return y0, circ_radius_world

def plotEPICimage( epicimage, src_num_coords, srcid_coords, src_num=0, 
        fig='figure', y0_om=0, font=12, ecol=['k'], green_circ_radius=0.1 ):
   #print(f'\tplotEPICimage ... DEBUG ... font: {font}')

   epicImageFile = epicimage

   ## EPIC 3COlor image ----------------------------------------------
   with, memmap=False) as image:
        ima = image[0].data
        hdr = image[0].header

   with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=Warning)
        wcs = WCS( hdr, naxis=2 )

   instr = hdr['INSTRUME']
   instr = instr.replace('  ',' ').replace(' ','+') 

   import ModuleUtil
   convertedImage = ModuleUtil.convertImage( ima )
   ima4 = convertedImage['image']
   xmin = convertedImage['limits']['xmin']
   xmax = convertedImage['limits']['xmax']
   ymin = convertedImage['limits']['ymin']
   ymax = convertedImage['limits']['ymax']

   wcsCrop = wcs[ xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax ]   	    # WCS crop
   ## EPIC 3COlor image ----------------------------------------------

   ###y0 = 0.35  # TEMPORAL VALUE

   center = 0.5
   s = s_two_images
   #h_epic  = h_only_one_row
   h_epic  = 0.28
   w_epic  = h_epic
   #x0_epic = center - w_epic/2
   x0_epic = center - ( s/2 + w_epic )

   #y0_epic = y0_om - 0.3
   #y0_epic = 0
   y0_epic = 0.335
   #ax_epic = fig.add_axes([x0_epic, y0_epic, w_epic, h_epic], projection = wcsCrop)
   ax_epic_1 = fig.add_axes([x0_epic, y0_epic, w_epic, h_epic], projection = wcsCrop)
   #print(f'\tax_epic_1 pos : {ax_epic_1.get_position()}')
   #print(f'\tax_epic_1 pos : {ax_epic_1.get_position().bounds}')

   # ax_om_pos.y1 + 0.02 
   #ax_epic_1.annotate(f'EPIC 3Colour combined image ({instr})', xy=(0.05, 0.59), xycoords='figure fraction', fontsize=font-2)
   ax_epic_1.annotate(f'EPIC 3Colour combined image', xy=(0.05, 0.59), xycoords='figure fraction', fontsize=font-2)
   #ax_epic_1.annotate(f'EPIC 3Colour image ({instr})', xy=(0.05, ax_epic_1.get_position().y1), xycoords='figure fraction', fontsize=font-2)

   ax_epic_2 = fig.add_axes([x0_epic + w_epic + s, y0_epic, w_epic, h_epic], projection = wcsCrop)
   #print(f'\tax_epic_2 pos : {ax_epic_2.get_position()}')
   #print(f'\tax_epic_2 pos : {ax_epic_2.get_position().bounds}')

   ax_epic_1.imshow( ima4[ xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax, : ] )
   ax_epic_2.imshow( ima4[ xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax, : ] )
   font_epic = font-6
   ax_epic_1.coords[0].set_axislabel('RA' , fontsize=font_epic)
   ax_epic_1.coords[1].set_axislabel('DEC', fontsize=font_epic)
   ax_epic_2.coords[0].set_axislabel('RA' , fontsize=font_epic)
   ax_epic_2.coords[1].set_axislabel('DEC', fontsize=font_epic)


   # Image zoom around the EPIC source
   px, py = wcsCrop.world_to_pixel( src_num_coords['radec'][src_num] )       # EPIC source position in pixel
   boxSize = 30  # pixels
   xlo = px - boxSize
   xhi = px + boxSize
   ylo = py - boxSize
   yhi = py + boxSize
   #print(f'--- DEBUG Limits from wcsCrop EPIC (xlo, xhi), (ylo,yhi) = ({xlo},{xhi}), ({ylo},{yhi})')
   ax_epic_2.set_xlim(xlo, xhi)
   ax_epic_2.set_ylim(ylo, yhi)

   # ...... EPIC Source mark
   #### ax_epic_1.plot_coord(src_num_coords['radec'][src_num], '+', c='k', ms=20)
   ax_epic_2.plot_coord(src_num_coords['radec'][src_num], '+', c='k', ms=20)

   # ...... OM Source marks
   ##### srcid_coords = src_num_data[src_num]['coords']['om']
   #print( f'OM SRCID : {srcid_coords}')
   for om_id, coords in srcid_coords.items():
       ####ax_epic_1.plot_coord(coords, '.', c=ecol[c], ms=10)
       ax_epic_2.plot_coord(coords, '.', c=ecol[c], ms=6)

   #ax_epic.set_title( f'EPIC 3Colour image\n{instr}', fontsize=font-2 )
#   ax_epic_1.set_title( f'EPIC 3Colour image ({instr})', fontsize=font-2 )

   from astropy import units as u
   from astropy.visualization.wcsaxes import SphericalCircle
   scale = 2
   r_1 = SphericalCircle((src_num_coords['radec'][src_num].ra, src_num_coords['radec'][src_num].dec), green_circ_radius * scale,
                     edgecolor='green', facecolor='none', linewidth=1,

   r_2 = SphericalCircle((src_num_coords['radec'][src_num].ra, src_num_coords['radec'][src_num].dec), green_circ_radius,
                     edgecolor='green', facecolor='none', linewidth=1,

   del ima
   del ima4
   del image

   #print(f'\tplotEPICimage\t: {t1-t0:.4f} seconds')

   return y0_epic

def plotSED( epicfile, omfile, epicimage='EPICimage', omimages='omImageFiles', outSrcFiles=None):

   #t0 = time.time()

   with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=Warning)           # To ignore: WARNING: UnitsWarning: 'cts' did not parse as fits unit
        epicSrcList     = epicfile, hdu='SRCLIST' )
        omSrcList       = omfile  , hdu='SRCLIST' )
   omSrcListHeader = fits.getheader(omfile, 'SRCLIST')
   obsid           = fits.getval(omfile, 'OBS_ID', 0)

   epicSrcList = epicSrcList[ epicSrcList['N_OPT_CO'] > 0 ]

   epicSrcList = epicSrcList[
   'OM_ID1', 'OM_ID1_DIST', 
   'OM_ID2', 'OM_ID2_DIST', 
   'OM_ID3', 'OM_ID3_DIST', 
   'OM_ID4', 'OM_ID4_DIST', 
   'OM_ID5', 'OM_ID5_DIST',

   total_epic_sources = len(epicSrcList)
   #print(epicSrcList['SRC_NUM','OM_ID1','OM_ID2','OM_ID3','OM_ID4','OM_ID5', 'N_OPT_CO'])

   #t00 = time.time()
   #print(f'\tRead SrcLists\t: {t00-t0:.4f} seconds')

   print( f'Number of EPIC sources with OM counterpart: {total_epic_sources}')

   elo=[0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.]       # EPIC bands lo
   ehi=[0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 12.]      # EPIC bands hi

   ene = (np.array(ehi)+np.array(elo))/2.0      # Energy position
   dne = (np.array(ehi)-np.array(elo))/2.0      # Energy "error" = band width


   # ... OM Flux Conversion Factors ......
   om_flux_cols = [s for s in omSrcList.colnames if s.endswith('FLUX')]
   om_filters   = [ s.replace('_AB_FLUX','') for s in om_flux_cols ]
   om_flux_err_cols = [s for s in omSrcList.colnames if s.endswith('FLUX_ERR')]

   om_all_cols = om_flux_cols + om_flux_err_cols

   if not len(om_all_cols):
      print(f'No FLUX columns in omSrcList. Plots not produced.')

   # Conversion factors
   E2JY = {}
   for filter in om_filters:
       # 'E2JY' + filter_name (Ex.: E2JYV  value  V flux conversion erg/s/cm**2/A)
       #     sqrt( E2JYV * 1E-23 * 3E+18 )
       E2JY[filter] = np.sqrt( omSrcListHeader[str('E2JY')+filter] * 1E-23 * 3E+18 )
   # ... OM Flux Conversion Factors ......

   src_num_data = {}
   for src_num in epicSrcList['SRC_NUM']:

       #tloop0 = time.time()

       ###if verbose: print( 'Obsid: {0}. EPIC Source: {1} ...'.format( obsid, src_num ) )
       t    = epicSrcList[ epicSrcList['SRC_NUM'] == src_num ]

       #  ============ EPIC bands fluxes ============
       fep_cols = [s for s in epicSrcList.colnames if (s.endswith('_FLUX') and not s.startswith('ERR_')) ]
       fep      = t[ fep_cols ]
       efep = t[ [s for s in epicSrcList.colnames if (s.endswith('_FLUX') & s.startswith('ERR_')) ] ]

       epicT = Table(names = ['fep', 'efep'])
       for r in fep.colnames:            
               epicT.add_row( [ fep[r], efep['ERR_'+r] ] )

       src_num_data[src_num] = {}
       src_num_data[src_num]['epicData'] = epicT

       # EPIC SRC_NUM coordinates
       src_num_coords      = {}
       src_num_coords_corr = {}
       ecoords = t[ [s for s in epicSrcList.colnames if (s.startswith('RA') or s.startswith('DEC')) ] ]
       src_num_coords[src_num]      = SkyCoord(ecoords['RA'] , ecoords['DEC'] )
       src_num_coords_corr[src_num] = SkyCoord(ecoords['RA_CORR'] , ecoords['DEC_CORR'] )

       src_num_data[src_num]['coords'] = {}
       src_num_data[src_num]['coords']['epic'] = {}
       src_num_data[src_num]['coords']['epic']['radec']      = src_num_coords
       src_num_data[src_num]['coords']['epic']['radec_corr'] = src_num_coords_corr
       #print(f'DEBUG------ SRC_NUM: {src_num}  Coords: {src_num_coords_corr[src_num]}')

       #tloop1 = time.time()
       #print(f'\tCollect EPIC data {src_num}\t\t: {tloop1-tloop0:.4f} seconds')

       ## DEBUG print(f'\tSRC_NUM : {src_num}  ', end='SRCIDs : ')

       # ============ OM data ============

       t_om = t[ [s for s in epicSrcList.colnames if (s.startswith('OM_ID') & s[-1].isdigit()) ] ]

       srcid_coords = {}
       srcid_fluxes = {}
       epic_om_distances = {}
       for col_id in t_om.colnames:
           tloop2 = time.time()

           om_id = t_om[col_id][0]
           if not om_id:

           om_id_dist = t[ str(col_id)+ '_DIST'][0]
           epic_om_distances[om_id] = om_id_dist
           if verbose: print('\t{0}: {1}\tdist to SRC_NUM {3}: {2:.2f} arcsec'.format(col_id, om_id, om_id_dist, src_num))

           # OM data:
           om_data = omSrcList[ omSrcList['SRCID'] == om_id ]

           if len(om_data) > 1:
              print('\t* Table size = ', len(om_data))
              print('\t* More than 1 OM src with the same SRCID. Skipping OM data')

           om_flux = om_data[ om_all_cols ]

           omcoords = om_data[ [s for s in om_data.colnames if (s.endswith('RA_CORR') or s.endswith('DEC_CORR'))] ]
           srcid_coords[om_id] = SkyCoord( omcoords['RA_CORR'], omcoords['DEC_CORR'] )

           # - OM wavelength (energy) positions:
           #om_ene = Column( 12.3984 / np.array( list(E2JY.values()) ) , name='ww')
           om_ene = Column( np.array( list(E2JY.values()) ) , name='ww')

           t_om_flux = Table(names = ['om_flux', 'om_flux_err'])
           for r in om_flux_cols:            
               t_om_flux.add_row( [ om_flux[r], om_flux[r+'_ERR'] ] )

           t_om_flux.add_column( om_ene, index=0  )
           t_om_flux.add_column( t_om_flux['ww'] * t_om_flux['om_flux'] , name='ff')
           t_om_flux.add_column( t_om_flux['ww'] * t_om_flux['om_flux_err'] , name='eff')

           srcid_fluxes[om_id] = t_om_flux

           #tloop3 = time.time()
           #print(f'\tCollect OM data, col_id: {col_id}\t: {tloop3-tloop2:.4f} seconds')
           ## print()
           ## DEBUG print(f'{om_id} ', end='')
       #tloop4 = time.time()

       src_num_data[src_num]['omData']       = srcid_fluxes
       src_num_data[src_num]['distances']    = epic_om_distances
       src_num_data[src_num]['coords']['om'] = srcid_coords


   #print(f'\tInfo from source lists\t: {t1-t0:.4f} seconds')

   del epicSrcList
   del omSrcList


   #	Start PLOT
   ms = 6
   x0_sed, y0_sed, w_sed, h_sed = [0.10, 0.65, 0.80, 0.30]

   epic_sources = 0
   for src_num in src_num_data.keys():
       t2 = time.time()

       epic_sources += 1

       # Output plotfile:
       plotfile = outSrcFiles[str(src_num)]

       if 'omData' not in src_num_data[src_num].keys():
          print('* WARNING: No omData. Skipping plot')

       om_counterparts   = list( src_num_data[src_num]['omData'].keys() )
       n_om_counterparts = len( om_counterparts )
       print(f'* Plot {epic_sources}/{total_epic_sources} - SRC_NUM: {src_num} - Possible OM counterparts {n_om_counterparts}, SRCIDs: {om_counterparts}')

       fig = plt.figure()
       #print(f'=====> Orig figure size = {fig.get_size_inches()}')
       #print(f'=====> Orig figure size = {fig.get_size_inches()}')
       #size_scale = 1.0         # If reduce the size ==> reduce font size and symbols size
       #fig.set_size_inches( size_scale* 15.0, size_scale* 20.0)

       fig.set_size_inches(9.0, 12.0)

       ax = fig.add_axes([x0_sed, y0_sed, w_sed, h_sed])
       #print(f'\tax_sed pos : {ax.get_position()}')
       #print(f'\tax_sed pos : {ax.get_position().bounds}') 

       src_num_fluxes = src_num_data[src_num]['epicData']

       ax.errorbar( ene, src_num_fluxes['fep'], xerr = dne, yerr = src_num_fluxes['efep'], 
               fmt='.', c='k', ms=ms, ecolor='k' )
       ax.set_xlabel('Energy (keV)', fontsize=font)
       ax.set_ylabel('erg/cm$^2$/s', fontsize=font)
       ax.set_title( f'{obsid}    EPIC SRC_NUM# {src_num} ( {str(n_om_counterparts)} possible OM counterparts )\n', 
                    fontsize=font )
       xlimits = [0.001,20]
       ax.set_xlim( xlimits )

       ax.tick_params(direction="in", length=12, which='major')
       ax.tick_params(direction="in", length=6, which='minor')

       om_non_NaN = {}
       srcid_fluxes      = src_num_data[src_num]['omData']
       epic_om_distances = src_num_data[src_num]['distances']

       for om_id, fluxes in srcid_fluxes.items():
           ax.errorbar( 12.3984 / fluxes['ww'], fluxes['ff'], yerr = fluxes['eff'], fmt='.', 
                   c=ecol[c], ms=ms, ecolor=ecol[c] )
           ax.annotate('OM SRCID: {0} (EPIC-OM: {1:.2f} arcsec)'.format(om_id, epic_om_distances[om_id]), 
                   xy=(0.25, 0.90 - c*0.05), xycoords='axes fraction', 
                   fontsize=font-4, color=ecol[c])

           #print('-------------- ', om_id, ' ---------------------------')
           om_non_NaN[om_id] = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan( fluxes['ff'] ))

       #print(f'\tPlot SED for {src_num}\t: {t3-t2:.4f} seconds')

       if srcPositionsPlot:
           ##                    VISUALIZATION PLOTS
           ##                 OM and EPIC 3Colour images
           ##                 --------------------------
           # ...... OM IMAGE .......................................
           y0_om, om_circ_radius_world   = plotOMimages( omimages, src_num_data[src_num]['coords']['epic'], src_num_data[src_num]['coords']['om'], 
                   src_num=src_num, fig=fig, y0_sed=y0_sed, font=font, ecol=ecol )

           # ...... EPIC 3Color IMAGE .......................................
           y0_epic = plotEPICimage( epicimage, src_num_data[src_num]['coords']['epic'], src_num_data[src_num]['coords']['om'], 
                   src_num=src_num, fig=fig, y0_om=y0_om, font=font, ecol=ecol, green_circ_radius=om_circ_radius_world )

       # plt.tight_layout() not compatible with Axes with specific positions. It works with ax = plt.subplot(...)

       #t4 = time.time()

       # To ignore: WARNING: invalid value encountered in subtract A_scaled -= a_min
       with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
            plt.savefig( plotfile )
            if verbose: print('\tDone')

       #print(f'\tSave png {src_num}\t: {t5-t4:.4f} seconds')

       #### TO BE COMMENTED <==========================
       ###if epic_sources == 4: break
       #if epic_sources == N_sources: break


#import sys
import argparse
#import ModuleUtil

# OM filters order .........................
filtersSort = ['V', 'B', 'U', 'L', 'M', 'S']

def input():
   # Inut Options
   parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='EPIC OM combined SED',

   parser.add_argument('--version', '-v', action='version', version=f'%(prog)s (%(prog)s-{version_num}) [-]')

   parser.add_argument('--omsrclist'  , help='Input EPIC Summary source list file', default='PobsidEPX000OBSMLI0000.FTZ')
   parser.add_argument('--epicsrclist', help='Input OM Summary source list file'  , default='PobsidOMX000OBSMLI0000.FTZ')

   parser.add_argument('--epic3COLimage', help='Input EPIC 3Colour image FITS file', default='PobsidEPX0003COLIM8000.FTZ')
   parser.add_argument('--omimages'     , help='Input OM image FITS files'         , default='PobsidOMX000*SIMAG{filter1}000.FTZ,PobsidOMX000*SIMAG{filter2}000.FTZ')

   parser.add_argument('--plotformat', help='Plot format (png/pdf)', choices=['png', 'pdf'], default='png')

   parser.add_argument('--outfiles', help='Output src1:filename1,src2:filename2,...', default='EPIC-OM_SED')

   args = parser.parse_args()

   return args

def main(args):

   omSrcList    = args.omsrclist
   epicSrcList  = args.epicsrclist

   epicImage  = args.epic3COLimage
   omImages   = args.omimages.split(',')

   plotformat		  = args.plotformat
   outfiles		  = args.outfiles.split(',')

   omImageFiles = {}
   for filter in filtersSort:
       omImageFiles[filter] = [ x for x in omImages if 'SIMAG'+filter in x ]

   nOMimages = len( [ y for x in omImageFiles.values() for y in x ] )   # Count all files from all filters

   discardedOMimages = []

   # If the number of OM images > 6 ==> More than 1 mode per filter ==>
   #       Slect most common observing mode = 'L' (Low resolution) = favoriteOMmode
   #       Except if there are more 'H' images (High resolution)
   #       Do not select 'U' because a smaller FoV
   if nOMimages > 6:
       OMmodes = [ y[-14] for x in omImageFiles.values() for y in x ]
       #print(f'OMmodes = {OMmodes}')

       favorite = favoriteOMmode     # 'L'
       nH = len([ x for x in OMmodes if x == 'H' ])
       nL = len([ x for x in OMmodes if x == 'L' ])
       if nH > nL: favorite = 'H'

       for filter,val in omImageFiles.items():
           if len(val) > 1:
               for f in val:
                   OMmode = f[-14]     # 'H', 'L', 'U'
                   if OMmode == favorite:
                       omImageFiles[filter] = [f]

   # Look for more than 1 mode per filter
   # Remove the image != favoriteOMmode = 'L'
   for filter, files in omImageFiles.items():
       if len(files) > 1:
          print(f'Number of Modes per filter {filter} > 1 : {files}')
          for f in files:
              OMmode = f[-14]     # 'H', 'L'(favoriteOMmode), 'U'
              if OMmode != favoriteOMmode:
                 print(f'Image discarded for Mode {OMmode}: {f}')
                 omImageFiles[filter] = files

   # EPIC and OM Source lists:
   print('\t\tepic\t: {0}'.format(epicSrcList))
   print('\t\tom\t: {0}'.format(omSrcList))

   # Output plots: src1:filename1, src2:filename2, ...
   srcFiles = {}
   for j in outfiles:
       e = j.split(':')
       srcFiles[e[0]] = e[1]

   for src,filename in srcFiles.items():
       print(f'\t\t\tsrc_num: {src}  file: {filename}')

   # EPIC and OM images:
   print(f'\t\t\tepic\t: {epicImage}')

   if omImageFiles:
      for filter, files in omImageFiles.items():
          print(f'\t\t\tom\t: {filter} : {files}')
      if 'discardedOMimages' in locals():
          print(f'\t\t\tdiscarded   : {discardedOMimages}')

   if not nOMimages:
      print(f'No OM images in valid filters ({filtersSort})')

   #print(f'\tFiles ...\t: {t1-t0:.4f} seconds')
   # plotSED and Images.........
   plotSED( epicSrcList, omSrcList, epicimage=epicImage, omimages=omImageFiles, outSrcFiles=srcFiles )

if __name__=='__main__':

   argsObj = input()

   import sys, time
   time0 = time.time()

   import warnings
   import numpy as np

   from import fits
   from astropy.table import Table, Column
   from astropy.wcs import WCS
   from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
   from astropy import units as u

   #-- -- --
   import matplotlib
   import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'classic')
   #%matplotlib inline
   from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter
   #-- -- --

   time1 = time.time()
   Dt = time1 - time0
   ##print(f'\nImport modules time = {Dt:.4f} seconds\n')


