Abstract for Proposal 093419
ToO observations of flaring AGNs based on optical, X-ray and gamma-ray triggers
We ask for ToO observations of flaring AGNs. The scientific
motivation of observing flaring AGN are many: they provide
unprecedented photon statistics that are valuable for both
scoping the intrinsic spectra and variability of AGN and
competing models for those (one-zone or two-zones, leptonic or
hadronic) as well as detecting new VHE gamma-ray emitting
sources (e.g. FSRQs) and source classes (e.g. NlSy1), that can
only be detected during bright flares.
Details on Observing Strategy and Trigger Criteria
We will take triggers from:
1. Optical (Tuorla blazar monitoring program)
2. Fermi-LAT (MAGIC internal analysis chain and priv.comm.)
3. VHE gamma-rays flare based on MAGIC-VERITASH.E.S.S.-HAWC-FACT
agreement and selftriggers
4. Fast rise seen by FACT
Since Cycle 16 the proposal also covers the
simultaneous observations with NuSTAR, IXPE and other major
facilities independent of the flux state.