Abstract for Proposal 094195

Ultra-fast outflows and their potential for feedback in tidal disruption events

Tidal disruption events (TDEs) can probe accretion and ejection processes at high mass accretion rates in SMBHs. One outstanding puzzle is the current dearth of powerful accretion disk winds that are expected to be launched during near- or super-Eddington accretion. Answering this question is relevant for our understanding of galaxy evolution, as such outflows may significantly affect the gas in dormant nuclei. Our recent discovery and detailed modeling of a new ultra-fast outflows (UFOs) reveals a large spread in their properties, and implies that they may be more powerful than previously observed. We aim to characterize in detail 2 new TDE UFOs at high and low mass accretion rates, to establish the typical energy injection budget by TDEs and their potential to influence the host galaxy.

Details on Observing Strategy and Trigger Criteria
We will trigger the first XMM epoch at the moment that we find evidence for the presence of an ultra-fast outflow (i.e. emission/absorption features superimposed on the continuum emission) in X-ray spectra from other X-ray observatories (NICER / Swift). The typical 3-4 week turn-around time of XMM is sufficient for our purposes; this will enable studying variability in the UFO on those timescales at early times. A second XMM-Newton observation will be triggered at late times, around 500+-200 days after peak X-ray luminosity. Both TDEs that showed UFOs in their evolution have been X-ray bright (i.e. detectable by Swift/XRT) for ~700 days, and both still showed a UFO around 500 days. Swift/XRT monitoring on a ~monthly basis will be used to monitor the long-term X-ray evolution of the TDE. These observations will be requested as regular ToO Swift triggers. If it becomes clear that the TDE is declining faster than expected, we will trigger the second observation earlier than 500 days but as late as possible, informed by the Swift monitoring (typical 3sigma Swift/XRT sensitivity is around 10^{-13} erg cm^{-2} s^{-1}, so an XRT detection will ensure that the XMM-Newton observation yields >5000 photons).