Abstract for Proposal 096281

Disk accretion, outflows, stellar constraints, and black hole mass in a TDE

We propose to continue targeting X-ray bright TDEs with the unique capabilities of XMM-Newton, via a rapid TOO and a 1-orbit exposure. Executions of this program have detected X-ray QPOs, disk reflection, and reverberation. Direct fits to the disk continuum are succeeding in revealing low black hole masses, and abundance patterns appear to be an effective means of probing the mass and history of the disrupted star. Access to data from the Zwicky Transient Factory and the XMM Slew Survey will help us to obtain triggers for this program. This access will facilitate our central goals of revealing the earliest phases of disk and outflow formation, and super-Eddington accretion.

Details on Observing Strategy and Trigger Criteria
We require a flux above F = 1 E-11 erg/cm^2/s in the XMM-Newton band, as detected in an X-ray monitoring observation. An single observation of one orbit is requested as soon as possible after XMM-Newton is notified of the trigger. We understand that, in practice, it may take a few orbits to insert the target into the schedule, and an exposure may need to be broken across two orbits. The total exposure time is the most important quantity, once the source meets the flux threshold.