Abstract for Proposal 096449

Follow-up Observations of New Tidal Disruption Events Discovered by EP

TDEs are a key class of long-term transients, revealing the accretion of stellar debris after disruption by a massive black hole. However, the lack of real-time X-ray detection has limited our understanding of the their processes. The recently launched Einstein Probe (EP) mission, with large field-of-view and high sensitivity, enables systematic discovery and monitoring of new X-ray TDEs, which may revolutionize our understanding of them. By now, EP has identified several noteworthy TDE candidates, highlighting its great potential in TDE science. On behalf of the EP Science Center, we propose an XMM-Newton large program to perform observations of three new TDEs to be discovered by EP, to improve our understanding of their accretion physics and evolution.

Details on Observing Strategy and Trigger Criteria
There are no triggering criteria available for this proposal yet.