Abstract for Proposal 090270

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Details on Observing Strategy and Trigger Criteria
We request 2 TOO triggers, to observe two NS mergers discovered in LIGO-Virgo run O4, satisfying any one of the following criterion: 1) a BNS merger that is nearby (<~150 Mpc), 2) a BNS merger residing in a relatively dense environment or 3) the first NS-BH with an electromagnetic (EM) counterpart. The XMM-Newton observations would be triggered only if an EM counterpart with ~arcminute or better localization exists. Based on our simulations, we propose that the optimal strategy for each merger is to carry out the first observation as rapidly as possible (<5 days post-merger), and subsequent epochs at ~10--20 days, 1--3 months and 3--6 months. Accordingly, we request 4 epochs per trigger. For each trigger, if no X-ray counterpart is detected in the first three epochs then we will forgo the fourth epoch.