Abstract for Proposal 092104

Understanding the nature of Fast X-ray Transients

Fast X-ray Transients (FXRTs) are enigmatic extragalactic X-ray flares of unknown origin. Thirty-three have been detected to date in archival searches. However, none have X-ray information beyond the initial detection. Furthermore, no simultaneous electromagnetic counterpart to the X-ray flare has ever been detected. Three promising mechanisms have been proposed for their origin (tidal disruptions, supernova shock breakouts, neutron star mergers), and distinctive differences exist for their associated X-ray spectra and luminosities. The new Einstein-Probe mission will revolutionise this field by discovering high-flux FXRTs and rapidly notify the community. We here propose to obtain XMM observations of 3 FXRTs to obtain accurate spectra, light curves, and redshifts, thereby determining their nature.

Details on Observing Strategy and Trigger Criteria
Einstein-Probe discovered FXRT with flux (0.5-4 keV)>5E-10 cgs, where optical and NIR archival imaging show it cannot be due to a dwarf flare star. 3 triggers of each 50 ksec requested. One observation as soon as possible after the trigger.