XMM-Newton Data Files Handbook

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4.1 Observation/Slew data science, non-science, and spacecraft files

This section gives a basic description of the ODF/SDF component files for pointed and slew observations, respectively. The full information and details can be found in the ODF/SDF Interface Control Document [6]. There are six categories of ODF/SDF component files:

All the above files, except the Summary files (Sect. 4.1.2), the raw attitude file (Sect., and the reconstructed orbit file (Sect., are in FITS format. They come in two flavors: binary table files or image files. There are three types of binary table files, event lists, auxiliary files, and housekeeping files. An event list contains all the events detected in a specific CCD (EPIC, RGS) or defined window (OM). One file per exposure is defined. An auxiliary file contains frame/cycle information, plus other general information, generated by the CCD that was active during an exposure/observation, or bookkeeping information generated by the on-board software. A housekeeping file contains the calibrated instrument housekeeping parameters and instrument-related derived parameters. An ODF/SDF image file consists of a primary header unit, a primary data unit of zero length and one image extension HDU (see Sect. 3).

All the ODF/SDF files share a common primary header. The headers of the binary or image extensions of the other ODF/SDF files differ from each other, although sharing a set of common keywords (see [6]). For each header value an explanation is given next to the value in the header.

The ODF/SDF constituent files are described in the following sections, most of which are self-explanatory. Short descriptions of a few files are given in Sect. 10.

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European Space Agency - XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre