Science Analysis System: User Guide
4.7.2 Image generation with xmmselect
An alternative (and more interactive) approach is to create images via the
xmmselect GUI, which is started with the command:
xmmselect table=inevlist.fits
Afterwards, the following steps need to be performed to generate and display
an EPIC image:
- Choose X and Y in the Column selection (input columns for the image,
e.g. X and Y (sky coordinates), RAWX and RAWY (raw CCD-specific coordinates)
or DETX and DETY (camera-specific coordinates) and click in the
Product selection part on the "Image" tab
(see figure 20). This will start the general
window of the evselect task.
Caution: if x/ycolumn in evselect are the CCD raw coordinates
RAWX and RAWY, all selected CCDs will be projected on top of each other.
If an image in RAWX and RAWY is needed e.g. for diagnostic purposes,
an additional filter expression selecting a single CCD only should be applied.
In order to get an image of all active CCDs in the camera, the x/ycolumn
should be set to X and Y or DETX and DETY.
Figure 20:
In the xmmselect main window, an image can be extracted by
selecting X/Y as image axis and by pressing the "Image" button.
- In the evselect main window (figure 21)
one now has the option to apply further events filtering (if not yet specified
in the xmmselect main window). If one is happy with the set-up, the next
step is to click on the "Image" button on the top of the GUI.
Figure 21:
The evselect main window, where e.g. the selection expression
still can be modified.
- In the now visible evselect window with the image creation
related parameters (figure 22) one needs to
specify a name for the output image (parameter imageset).
By default, events will be binned into an image with
600 x 600 square pixels. The image size can be
modified as well as the binning mode: setting Binning to binSize
allows e.g. to project events onto a grid with specified pixelsize
(a value of x/yimagebinsize=100, e.g. will result in 5 x 5 arcsec
Figure 22:
The evselect window with the image related parameters, where
e.g. the output image name and the binning of the events can be modified.
- Click on the "Run" button to start the image creation process. After
the image is created and stored in the working directory, xmmselect
will automatically launch the image viewer. The ds9 viewer allows
the user to zoom in on a region of special interest, to change the intensity
scale and the color. The position of the mouse pointer is displayed (in RA and
Dec in case of a sky image, or in linear coordinates in case of a camera
or raw coordinate image). For details on the image viewer (developed by
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory), follow the links to further
information that are available under the ds9 "Help" button.
Note, if running the image creation for a second time with the same
name for the output image (parameter imageset), the previously created
image file will be overwritten. This can be avoided by starting
xmmselect with the "-c" (no clobber) option (see documentation of the
taskmain SAS package).
European Space Agency - XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre