Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
calindexset | no | e | ccf.cif | |
Name of the output calibration index set. |
withccfpath | no | b | no | |
Use the directories listed in ccfpath? Set to no means use
usecanonicalname | no | b | no | yes no |
Autogenerate the CIF name based on the ODF identifier? If set to
yes, if the observation date is read from an ODF, and if
withmasterindex is set to no, the name of the CIF
will be of the form rrrr_ppppppooll.cif, where
rrrr is the revolution number, and ppppppooll is
the observation identifier. |
ccfpath | no | s | . | |
Colon-separated list of directories where CCF constituents are to be
looked for. |
recurse | no | b | no | |
Recursively look for CCF constituents in any subdirectory found in
ccfpath or in SAS_CCFPATH? |
fileglob | no | s | *.ccf *.CCF | |
File name glob patterns to match CCF constituents. The delimiter is
. |
fullpath | no | b | no | |
Write in the calibration index set the full path names of the CCF
constituents? The valu of this parameter is ignored if withmasterindexset is set to true. |
withobservationdate | no | b | no | |
Use the user-specified observation date? Otherwise will read the
data from the active ODF (environment variable SAS_ODF). |
observationdate | no | w | now | |
Date when the observation was made. |
analysisdate | no | w | now | |
Date when the analysis is performed. |
category | no | s | XMMCCF SCISIMCCF | |
Category of constituents to look for. Use * for any category. |
ignorecategory | no | b | no | |
Pay no attention to the CATEGORY attribute? |
masterindex | no | b | no | |
Create a master calibration index set (aka MIF)? |
withmasterindexset | no | no | b | |
Make use of the master index set (aka MIF) instead of looking
directly at the CCF constituents? |
masterindexset | no | ccf.mif | e | |
Name of the MIF to be used to
evaluate the calibration index set (aka CIF). |
append | no | no | b | |
Append CCF constituents to an existing calindexset? |
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |