XMM-Newton Data Files Handbook

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6.1 Event list structure in the MOS Imaging Mode

The MOS Imaging Mode event file produced by emproc is named

with REVN the 4-digit revolution number, OBSID the 10-digit observation ID, and EEE the exposure number. It has the following extensions: An overview of the columns in each of the above extensions is given in Table 31.

Table 31: MOS Imaging Mode event list column
Name Units Description
RAWX PIXELS Event X coordinate as measured by the detector
RAWY PIXELS Event Y coordinate as measured by the detector
DETX 0.05 ARCSECONDS Linearised X detector coordinate
DETY 0.05 ARCSECONDS Linearised Y detector coordinate
X 0.05 ARCSECONDS Sky X detector coordinate
Y 0.05 ARCSECONDS Sky Y detector coordinate
PHA CHANNELS Pulse-Height-Analyser (uncalibrated spectral channel)
PI CHANNELS Pulse-Invariant (calibrated spectral channels)
PATTERN   Event pattern
CCDNR   CCD identifier (1-7)
RAWX PIXELS Row/Column# of offset (if OFFSET-Y/X$ > 0$)
OFFSETX CHANNEL Column offset value (0 if row offsets) in ADU
OFFSETY CHANNEL Row offset value (0 if column offsets) in ADU
CCDNR   CCD identifier (1-7)
TIME SECONDS Frame central time
TIMEDEL SECONDS Frame integration time
FRACEXP FRACTION Effective time fraction
RAWX PIXEL Bad pixel X-coordinate
RAWY PIXEL Bad pixel Y-coordinate
TYPE   1: Hot 2: Flickering 3: Dead
YEXTENT PIXEL # of pixel in y column
BADFLAG   1: uplinked bad pixels; 2: CCF origin; 3: file origin
SCOPE   EMOS[1,2], EPN, RGS[1,2], OM, XRT[1,2,3], XMM
TYPEID   CCF constituent type
ISSUE   Issue number
VALDATE   Start of validity date
VALDATE-END   End of validity date
FNAME   Name of applied calibration file
DATE   Production date of calibration file
FSIZE   File size (bytes)
SUBDATE   Submission date
EXTSEQU   Extension sequence
EXTSEQUID   Extension sequence identifiers
MD5   MD5 signature of constituents
CREATOR   CCF constituent creator
START   GTI start time
STOP   GTI stop time
BINTABLE GTI$00n$ZZ only if additional time filters applied
START   GTI start time
STOP   GTI stop time

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European Space Agency - XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre