XMM-Newton Data Files Handbook

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6.4 Event list structure in the PN Timing Mode

In timing mode, only chip #4 is operated, and the PN Timing Mode event file is produced by epproc only for CCD4. It is named

with REVN the 4-digit revolution number, OBSID the 10-digit observation ID, and EEE the exposure number.

In contrast to the MOS timing mode, no additional image events files are produced. The PN Timing Events file is similar to the PN Imaging Events file as described in Table 32, with the following differences:

Note that the RAWY coordinate (which for MOS is omitted) is not a spatial column but corresponds to time. Filtering on RAWY is thus equivalent to cutting the time axis of the extracted light curve.

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European Space Agency - XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre