An RGS file (*R[1,2]*AUX.FIT) is created for each exposure in which at least one CCD node is producing either spectroscopy or high time resolution data. A single file per observation is created, where each row is labelled according to the relevant frame and CCD. Each file consists of two binary tables:
The binary tables consist of the columns listed in Tabs. 14 and 15, respectively.
Name | Type![]() |
Units | Description |
FRAME | 1J | COUNTER | Frame number |
FTCOARSE | 1I | SECOND | Coarse frame time![]() |
FTFINE | 1I | Fine time frame![]() |
EOSCOARS | 1J | SECOND | Coarse readout interrupt latched time![]() |
EOSFINE | 1I | Fine readout interrupt latched time![]() |
FRMTIME | 1I | Frame Integration Time | |
CCDID | 1B | CCD identifier | |
SEQINDEX | 1I | COUNTER | CCD-N index![]() |
NREJECTC | 1J | PIXEL | No. of pixels exceeding rejection threshold (side C)![]() |
NACCEPTC | 1J | PIXEL | No. of pixels below acceptance threshold (side C)![]() |
NUPPERC | 1J | PIXEL | No. of pixels exceeding upper threshold (side C)![]() |
NREJECTD | 1J | PIXEL | No. of pixels exceeding rejection threshold (side D)![]() |
NACCEPTD | 1J | PIXEL | No. of pixels below acceptance threshold (side D)![]() |
NUPPERD | 1J | PIXEL | No. of pixels exceeding upper threshold (side D)![]() |
NDPP | 1J | PIXEL | Total number of pixels received by DPP frontend![]() |
NLOSTEVT | 1I | COUNTS | Lost event counter |
ABORTFLG | 1I | Abort flag |
Name | Type![]() |
Units | Description |
SEQINDEX | 1I | CONTER | Sequence index |
CCDID | 1B | CCD identifier | |
CCDNODES | 1B | CCD Read-out node(s) | |
RTHRESHC | 1I | CCD selection threshold (side C) | |
ATHRESHC | 1I | CCD acceptance threshold (side C) | |
UTHRESHC | 1I | CCD upper threshold (side C) | |
RTHRESHD | 1I | CCD rejection threshold (side D) | |
ATHRESHD | 1I | CCD acceptance threshold (side D) | |
UTHRESHD | 1I | CCD upper threshold (side D) | |
WINDOWX0 | 1I | PIXEL | CCD X-start |
WINDOWY0 | I1 | PIXEL | CCD Y-start |
WINDOWDX | 1H | PIXEL | CCD X-length |
WINDOWDY | 1H | PIXEL | CCD Y-length |