Three kinds of OM ``Priority'' data exist:
They are called ``priority'', because they are issued with a higher priority by the Digital Processing Unit (DPU: 1024sec) than the regular data. These files are created before the start of the actual science exposure.
DP_FAQ data contain information on the OM field acquisition made at the
beginning of the observation. The purpose of the field acquisition exposure is
to recenter the window for more accurate coordinates, which is fundamentally
important for the fast mode. The coordinates of a set of uplinked
Guide Star (GS) positions are compared to the actual measured positions
in the field acquisition frame. From this comparison, the actual pointing
direction of OM is derived as offset from the nominal position. Each
instance of this file consists of a single binary table, whose columns
are described in Table 20.
Name | Type![]() |
Units | Description |
ITERATN | 1J | COUNTER | No. of iterations to solution |
XCOMMAND | 1J | PIXEL | Commanded X coordinate |
YCOMMAND | 1J | PIXEL | Commanded Y coordinate |
DX | 1J | 1/1000th PIXEL | Pointing error in x |
DY | 1J | 1/1000th PIXEL | Pointing error in y |
SINTHETA | 1J | Absolute roll error [1/1000th
![]() |
NGSUP | 1J | COUNTER | No. of uplinked guide stars |
NGSFOUND | 1J | No. of guide stars found | |
GSX | 16J | PIXEL | X coordinates of the guide stars |
GSY | 16J | PIXEL | Y coordinates of the guide stars |
RSX | 16J | PIXEL | X coordinates of the reference stars |
RSY | 16J | PIXEL | X coordinates of the reference stars |
The main purpose of the DP_WDW (*OM*WDX.FIT) files
is to determine the effective exposure time by correcting for dead time
(time intervals during which no photons are recorded because of read out).
DP_WDW data contain the position of the science window (up to 5) during
an exposure and
the associated memory window and detector windows, together with the
position of the autonomously selected guide star windows (up to 16).
The dataset also lists the tracking window positions and the finally calculated
memory and detector window configurations. Each
instance of this file consists of a single binary table, whose columns
are described in Table 21.
Name | Type![]() |
Units | Description |
DETWINS | 1J | No. of detector windows | |
SCIWIND | 1J | No. of science windows | |
MEMWIND | 1J | No. of memory windows | |
DWX0 | 16J | PIXEL | Bottom left X coordinate of detector window |
DWY0 | 16J | PIXEL | Bottom left Y coordinate of detector window |
DWXSIZE | 16J | PIXEL | X dimension of detector window |
DWYSIZE | 16J | PIXEL | Y dimension of detector window |
DWMMWID | 16J | Identificator of corresponding memory window | |
DWKOMPX | 16J | MIC data decoder parameter | |
DWBB | 16J | MIC data decoder parameter | |
DWAA | 16J | MIC data decoder parameter | |
DWKOMPY | 16J | MIC data decoder parameter | |
SWX0 | 16J | PIXEL | Bottom left X coordinate of science window |
SWY0 | 16J | PIXEL | Bottom left Y coordinate of science window |
SWXSIZE | 16J | PIXEL | X dimension of memory window |
SWYSIZE | 16J | PIXEL | Y dimension of memory window |
SWMODE | 16J | Science window operating mode (0=Imaging; 1=Fast) | |
15: placeholder for non-science windows | |||
SWP1 | 16J | Science window mode dependent parameter![]() |
SWP2 | 16J | Science window mode dependent parameter![]() |
SWP3 | 16J | Science window mode dependent parameter![]() |
SWP4 | 16J | Science window mode dependent parameter![]() |
SWBASE | 16J | Science window data storage address | |
SWMMWID | 16J | Science window identificator of the corresponding memory window | |
MWX0 | 16J | PIXEL | Bottom left X coordinate of memory window |
MWY0 | 16J | PIXEL | Bottom left Y coordinate of memory window |
MWXSIZE | 16J | PIXEL | X dimension of memory window |
MWYSIZE | 16J | PIXEL | Y dimension of memory window |
MWBASE | 16J | Memory window retrieval address |
See Sect. 9 for convention
If Imaging mode: Pixel binning factor in X (
If Fast mode: sampling time (in DPU units: 1024sec)
Only if imaging mode: Pixel binning factor in Y (
Not used
Starting address in DPU global memory to which the accumulated image is written
The DP_BFAST data contain information on the fast mode data.
A single file is produced for each exposure of the observation (excluding
the Field Acquisition Exposure) if there are windows configured in fast mode.
Conversely, this file is not present during exposures, where no fast windows
are active. The file consists of a single binary table, whose columns
are described in Table 22.
Name | Type![]() |
Units | Description |
BFASTID | 1J | Blue DSP 1 or 2 | |
SAMPTIME | 1J | Sample time | |
NFASTPIX | 1J | No. of pixels for fast time slice | |
FASTDEST | 1J | Memory address of fast mode data stream | |
FASTEND | 1J | Termination address of fast mode data | |
NFASTEVT | 1J | Total no. of events in mode data | |
FASTADDR | 503J | Fast addresses |