Overhead Times Table: Overhead times of available instrument modes in seconds for an observation containing only one (n=1) exposure. For more exposures the overheads increase according to the formula, substituting n with the number of exposures. Note, that these times may change throughout the mission.
Instrument Mode1 Obs.start Obs.end Exposure Total Overhead
MOS 1 Full Frame 691 92 594 x n 1377
MOS 1 Large Window 691 92 594 x n 1377
MOS 1 Small Window 691 92 594 x n 1377
MOS 1 Timing 691 92 833 x n 1616
MOS 1 Refresh Frame Store 691 92 610 x n 1393
MOS 2 Full Frame 690 87 616 x n 1393
MOS 2 Large Window 690 87 616 x n 1393
MOS 2 Small Window 690 87 616 x n 1393
MOS 2 Timing 690 87 865 x n 1642
MOS 2 Refresh Frame Store 690 87 610 x n 1387
pn Full Frame 219 72 2947 x n 3238
pn Large Window 219 72 3306 x n 3597
pn Small Window 219 72 1569 x n 1860
pn Timing 219 72 3326 x n 3617
pn Burst 219 72 2766 x n 3057
pn Extended Full Frame 219 72 5242 x n 5533
pn Mosaic 219 72 3898 x n 4189
RGS 1 Spectroscopy 997 17 80 x n 1094
RGS 1 Small Window 997 17 73 x n 1087
RGS 2 Spectroscopy 1002 17 83 x n 1102
RGS 2 Small Window 1002 17 189 x n 1148
OM Full Frame High Resolution 1051 34 8280 x n 9365
OM Full Frame Low Resolution 1051 34 2909 x n 3994
OM Science User Defined 1338 34 307 x n 1679
OM EPIC Image 1338 34 1608 x n 2980
OM RGS Image 1338 34 1608 x n 2980
Note to Table:
1) For a detailed description of the different instrument modes see § 5.2 or the UHB.