XMM-Newton Phase II RPS Users Manual

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5.2 Proposal details page

The proposal details page is the first page to show the typical frames layout of the XRPS forms, as described in § 4.4 and displayed in Fig. 4.

Each proposal contains already some information given by the PI when applying for XMM-Newton observing time (e.g. target names, coordinates, total observation duration, proposal titles and abstracts, personal details of PI and Co-Is, ...). The user should verify that this information is correct but is not supposed to apply major changes to these parameters, since this was the basis for the OTAC to distribute the XMM-Newton AO observing time.

The functional buttons at the bottom of this page have been described in § 4.4.3. Working on each proposal starts with the proposal details page, where the following information is required (notice again that items marked with asterisks are mandatory):

  1. The proposal title

    The maximum allowed length of a title is 80 characters.

    The default is the title given by the PI.

  2. Proposal type

    For the current AO the following proposal types are available:

    For more details on proposal type, see the Policies and Procedures document.

    The default is the proposal type given by the PI.

  3. Proposal category

    XRPS offers a choice of proposal categories matching the composition of the XMM-Newton Observatory Time Allocation Committee (OTAC) panels. The available categories are:

    The default is the proposal category given by the PI.

  4. Abstract

    Please enter the proposal abstract using the editor window provided (max. 10 lines with 80 ASCII characters per line).

    The default is the abstract given by the PI.

  5. Associated proposals

    In those cases where one proposal depends heavily on the outcome of another, the other (''associated'') proposal should be mentioned here. If you have received back an email acknowledging receipt of the associated proposal (including a proposal identification number), please provide first the number, followed by the proposal title (max. 80 characters altogether).

    It is also necessary to create ''associated proposals'' if your programme includes more than 50 observations. 50 is the maximum number of observations the XRPS can handle within one proposal.

  6. Allow SSC to publish information on detected long-term variable sources ?

    Starting with AO24, PIs of accepted proposals are asked to grant permission to make the information on variable serendipitous sources in the field of view public shortly after the observations. To identify long-term variable sources, a new code developed at SSC (STONKS; Quintin+24) will be run within the Pipeline Processing System. Please note that this information only includes source position (RA, DEC), flux and variability; permission is not granted to make data public! The available options are:

    The default is empty.

  7. ToO Remarks

    Only if the Proposal type is marked as Target of Opportunity (anticipated), when the Commit button is pressed an extra text panel becomes available at the bottom of the Proposal Details page. This text panel displays the trigger criteria, reaction time and observing strategy as given by the PI in phase I.

Still within the main input window of the page, the three functional buttons ''Commit'', ''Add Co-I'' and ''Add Observation'' are displayed, which offer the following functionality.

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European Space Agency - XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre