XMM-Newton Science Analysis System: User Guide Improving the quality of EPIC-pn data: epreject

The task epreject performs different actions for imaging and fast mode data. For imaging exposures, epreject allows the investigator to extend possible EPIC pn data analysis down to the softest energies (120 eV) for the study of soft X-ray sources. This application is described in § For timing exposures, epreject can perform the additional tasks of flagging soft flare events and correcting for X-ray loading, both described in § and § respectively.

Note: As of SAS version 14.0, for imaging modes epreject is not run by default, but may be invoked through the runepreject parameter within the tasks epproc and epchain. For fast modes, epreject is run by default in the meta-tasks epproc and epchain. This mode dependency is controlled by a single parameter within the tasks epproc and epchain. This parameter is called withdefaultcal and is set to yes by default. For timing mode, setting withdefaultcal=yes implies,

    runepreject=yes withxrlcorrection=yes runepfast=no withrdpha=yes
For burst mode, setting withdefaultcal=yes implies,
    runepreject=yes withxrlcorrection=yes runepfast=yes withrdpha=no

European Space Agency - XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre