XMM-Newton Science Analysis System: User Guide

2.5 Selecting a SAS task

To get a list of all the SAS tasks, start the main SAS GUI by typing the command sas on the command line. A particular SAS task GUI can simply be invoked by double-clicking on its name on the provided list. The use of the SAS GUI is explained in § 3. The SAS tasks can be grouped by:

A list of packages in alphabetical order or classified by group is available at:


For detailed descriptions of individual tasks, the user is referred to the SAS package descriptions which can be accessed at the above address or via the SAS GUI help button. As a starting point, the user can read the package documentation of the list of frequently used tasks provided in Table 1.

Table 1: Some frequently used SAS tasks.
Task name Task description
arfgen Generates an EPIC ancillary response file
calview An interactive viewer of the XMM-Newton calibration database
cifbuild Creates a Calibration Index File for a given observation date
edetect_chain EPIC source detection metatask
emproc Fully configurable "pipeline" processing of EPIC MOS observation data files (ODFs)
epproc Fully configurable "pipeline" processing of EPIC PN ODFs
evselect Filters event lists and extracts images, spectra, time series and histograms
odfbrowser Interactive graphical viewer of an XMM-Newton observation
odfingest Prepares an ODF for processing
omichain Fully configurable "pipeline" processing of the OM imaging mode ODFs
omfchain Fully configurable "pipeline" processing of the OM fast mode ODFs
omgchain Fully configurable "pipeline" processing of the OM grism mode ODFs
rgsproc Fully configurable "pipeline" processing of the RGS part of an observation
rgsrmfgen Constructs an RGS response matrix file
rmfgen Generates an EPIC response file
sas Launch the SAS graphical user interface
srcdisplay Display image overlayed with positions of detected sources
xmmselect Interactive filtering and extraction of images, spectra, time series and histograms

European Space Agency - XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre