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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

emevents (emevents-8.9.2) [22.0.0-9173c7d25-20250127]

Input Files

  1. EPIC MOS event list file for one CCD/node (from ODF/SDF, emframes oremevents) with bad pixels extension (from badpix).
  2. frame file for that CCD/node (from emframes). uses columns FRAME, TIME, FLAG, CRRATIO, GATTIVAL, and keywords TELESCOP, INSTRUME, OBS_ID, EXP_ID, CCDID, CCDNODE, GATTI_ON, SRC_RAWX, SRC_RAWY.
  3. EPIC MOS offset/variance file for that CCD/node (from ODF/SDF)
  4. EPIC MOS event list file for the other node of the same CCD (from ODF/SDF) with bad pixels extension (from badpix).
  5. frame file for the other node (from emframes)
The structure of files in the ODF is described in [1].

XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27