pn Filter Wheel Closed Data

Extended Full Frame (eFF) mode

This page provides links to several events files: On the one hand, a link to the merged events file containing the sum of all the EPIC-pn Filter Wheel Closed observations available in the XMM-Newton archive up to a given date; on the other, links to the individual events files that make up the merged events file. A given user may want to use only a specific selection of events to produce tailor made Filter Wheel Closed data. This can be done in either of two ways: by filtering the merged events file and, by combining individual events files.

How to Filter the Merged Event List

Any column in the merged events list can be used for filtering. Columns containing the revolution number (Rev), the observation id (Obsid) and the exposure id (Expid) corresponding to each event have been added to the merged events list. This makes filtering the merged events list for given periods of time easier. For example, if only a particular subset of revolutions of the merged filter wheel closed events list is wanted, the SAS task evselect can be used in the following way: In each case, the file filtered.fits will contain only those events that fulfill the expression.
Information on how to write or combine filter expressions can be found in the documentation of selectlib.

Warning: Filtering the merged events list requires a large amount of memory usage. Users experiencing OutOfMemory problems may want to choose the low-memory-model within SAS (set the SAS environment variable SAS_MEMORY_MODEL to low; see the SAS documentation for more details).

How to Merge Individual Events List

Several individual Filter Wheel Closed events lists can be merged using the SAS task merge. For example, to merge data corresponding to two given revolutions, the merge command would look like this:

  merge set1=file_1 set2=file_2 outset=merged_1.fits mergedifferentobs="yes"

The file merged_1.fits will contain the merge events lists corresponding to the two revolutions. More revolutions can be added simply be merging the corresponding revolution file and the file merged_1.fits. For instance:

  merge set1=file_3 set2=merged_1.fits outset=merged_2.fits mergedifferentobs="yes"

The file merged_2.fits will contain events corresponding to file_1, file_2 and file_3.
Information on additional functionality when merging events files can be found in the documentation of the SAS task merge.

Merged Events List File Size Total Time Image Light Curve Spectra Radiation Monitor
(Rev.355 - Rev.3932) [Mb] [ks] [DETX/DETY] [cts/sec] [Norm. cts] [cts/sec]
Merged Events File 784 929.4
(ps file)

(ps file) (ps file)

(ps file)

(ps file)
Merged OoT Events File 825 929.4

Merged Event List: Merged Filter Wheel Closed events lists. The individual events files have been filtered for periods of background flaring. Columns containing the revolution number (Rev), the observation id (Obsid) and the exposure id (Expid) corresponding to each event have been added to the merged events list. A column Weight has been added to the events lists that contains, for each event, the inverse effective area over one exposure. The SAS task evigweight has been used to compute these weights. The individual events lists that make up the merged file are listed below. The Merged OoT (Out-of-Time) Events File has been produced with the same characteristics as the Merged Events File but contains instead OoT events simulated based on the original event list. See the SAS Manual for a description of the OoT effect and its correction. No individual OoT events files are provided, but they can be extracted if needed following the filtering procedures given above.
File Size[Mb]: Size of the Merged Filter Wheel Closed events list in units of megabyte.
Total Time[ks]: Duration of the merged Filter Wheel Closed exposures in units of kilosecond.
Image: Combined Filter Wheel Closed filtered image in (DETX, DETY). The filter expression used to create these images is (FLAG==0 && PATTERN <= 4). Four images are shown corresponding to different energy ranges: Top Left, energy range 1-2 keV; Top Right, energy range 7.8-8.2 keV; Bottom Left, energy range 7.3-7.6 keV; Bottom Right, false color image (0.3-10. keV). These energy ranges have been chosen to highlight known instrumental spectral features (see the EPIC background section of the XMM-Newton User Handbook for more details).
Light Curve: Combined Filter Wheel Closed filtered 100 seconds bin light curves (green tones). The filter expression used to create these light curves is (FLAG==0 && PATTERN <= 4). The right figure shows the same but includes the light curves corresponding to the high and low energy Radiation Monitor (red).
Spectra: The figure shows the individual spectrum (green) and the mean and RMS spectra (pink) of all filter wheel exposures. The spectra are plotted in 100 eV bins and normalized to the total number of counts in the range 0.3-10 keV. The filter expression used to create these spectra is (FLAG==0 && PATTERN <= 4).
Radiation Monitor: Radiation Monitor 100 seconds bin light curves for high (red) and low (green) energy over the corresponding revolution. Overimposed is the light curve of the corresponding Filter Wheel Closed observation (black). Radiation Monitor data is available here.

Individual Events List Time Observation Start Image Light Curve Radiation Monitor
[ks] [UTC Date] [DETX/DETY] [cts/sec] [cts/sec]
0355_0106660401_EPN_S003 30.0 2001-11-16T17:31:31.0
0517_0134720401_EPN_S005 11.1 2002-10-05T19:48:36.0
0537_0134521701_EPN_S005 16.3 2002-11-15T06:36:32.0
0606_0157360701_EPN_U002 19.7 2003-03-31T17:33:39.0
0636_0134522401_EPN_S005 25.3 2003-05-31T17:31:50.0
0668_0160362501_EPN_S005 19.1 2003-08-02T06:06:11.0
0668_0160362601_EPN_S005 20.3 2003-08-02T14:05:40.0
0812_0165160101_EPN_S003 7.3 2004-05-15T13:17:56.0
0827_0165160501_EPN_S003 9.3 2004-06-15T20:16:39.0
0854_0134562701_EPN_S006 41.4 2004-08-08T07:34:57.0
0914_0203240201_EPN_S016 15.0 2004-12-04T21:52:36.0
0971_0134721601_EPN_S005 26.4 2005-03-28T14:33:38.0
0972_0134721701_EPN_S005 12.6 2005-03-31T09:47:44.0
1005_0125321401_EPN_S010 10.0 2005-06-04T10:36:14.0
1293_0412580101_EPN_S003 40.8 2006-12-31T21:31:38.0
1456_0411082401_EPN_S003 4.8 2007-11-21T17:50:36.0
1456_0411082501_EPN_S003 4.8 2007-11-21T20:57:16.0
1539_0510390201_EPN_S017 36.0 2008-05-05T00:45:53.0
1548_0556200201_EPN_S003 15.7 2008-05-23T03:18:52.0
1549_0556200401_EPN_S003 25.7 2008-05-24T11:17:37.0
1816_0510390301_EPN_S017 35.5 2009-11-08T12:29:51.0
1905_0510390401_EPN_S017 40.7 2010-05-05T06:22:36.0
2085_0510390501_EPN_S017 37.6 2011-04-28T20:53:46.0
2277_0510390601_EPN_S017 39.4 2012-05-16T07:27:54.0
2453_0510390701_EPN_S017 39.3 2013-05-01T17:34:52.0
2639_0510390801_EPN_S017 39.1 2014-05-07T16:54:40.0
2830_0510390901_EPN_S017 38.1 2015-05-23T18:31:45.0
3008_0510391001_EPN_S017 40.2 2016-05-12T23:48:21.0
3198_0510391201_EPN_S017 38.9 2017-05-26T04:04:53.0
3369_0791781101_EPN_S001 14.0 2018-05-01T23:30:01.0
3369_0791781201_EPN_S001 3.5 2018-05-02T05:15:02.0
3379_0510391401_EPN_S017 38.9 2018-05-21T23:02:03.0
3560_0810810101_EPN_S017 38.6 2019-05-18T09:49:36.0
3741_0810861101_EPN_S001 6.0 2020-05-12T21:25:16.0
3741_0810861201_EPN_S001 3.6 2020-05-13T00:56:57.0
3745_0810811501_EPN_S017 39.2 2020-05-21T08:41:15.0
3927_0810811601_EPN_S017 38.8 2021-05-19T10:03:35.0
3932_0871590701_EPN_S601 6.5 2021-05-29T01:07:55.0

Individual Events List: Filter Wheel Closed events list ([rev]_[obsid]_[instr]_[expid]). The individual events files have been filtered for periods of background flaring. Columns containing the revolution number (Rev), the observation id (Obsid) and the exposure id (Expid) corresponding to each event have been added to the merged events list. A column Weight has been added to the events lists that contains, for each event, the inverse effective area over one exposure. The SAS task evigweight has been used to compute these weights.
Time[ks]: Duration of the Filter Wheel Closed exposure in units of kilosecond.
Observation Start: UTC date and time corresponding to the begining of the observation.
Image: Filter Wheel Closed filtered image in detector coordinates (DETX, DETY). The filter expression used to create these images is (FLAG==0 && PATTERN <= 4). Within each figure, four images are shown corresponding to different energy ranges: Top Left, energy range 1-2 keV; Top Right, energy range 7.8-8.2 keV; Bottom Left, energy range 7.3-7.6 keV; Bottom Right, false color image (0.3-10. keV). These energy ranges have been chosen to highlight known instrumental spectral features (see the EPIC Background section of the XMM-Newton User Handbook for more details).
Note: This set of images is meant to show any spacial structure that could be present, so for displaying purposes, each image has been optimized based on its average number of counts. Hence, images corresponding to different energy ranges or different events files are not to scale.
Light Curve: Filter Wheel Closed filtered 100 seconds bin light curves (green tones). The filter expression used to create these light curves is (FLAG==0 && PATTERN <= 4). The figure includes as well the light curves corresponding to the high and low energy Radiation Monitor (red).
Radiation Monitor: Radiation Monitor 100 seconds bin light curves for high (red) and low (green) energy over the corresponding revolution. Overimposed is the light curve of the corresponding Filter Wheel Closed observation (black). Radiation Monitor data is available here.

General Notes

For the mode-specific spectral and pattern distributions the interested reader is referred to the corresponding calibration report (Sect.4). The set-up change influences the interpretation of the discarded line counter, see Fig.10 of the abovementioned report and the appendix of the early report.

[General] [pn][MOS1][MOS2]