XMM-Newton Phase II RPS Users Manual

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Although the concept of Mosaic mode for XMM-Newton observations is simple (see section Mosaic mode [*] of the XMM-Newton Users Handbook), its implementation on a system designed to deal with single pointing observations may be cumbersome. Since the only way to set a pointing direction in the system is to set the target coordinates of an observation, the adopted approach is to have as many individual observations as pointings or viewing directions required. Unfortunately, the same word ''observation'' is used to designate the whole and the part: a Mosaic ''observation'' approved by the OTAC is made up of a set of ''observations'' in the XMM-Newton proposal handling system.

During the second phase of proposal submission, users with approved Mosaic observations are requested to provide just pointing coordinates and EPIC filters. Thus, the users are expected to complete the XRPS proposal (5.2) and observation (5.2.3) details forms. Changes in the default configuration for this type of observations are strongly discouraged and should be deferred to the enhancement process.

Individual pointings

Users must define the sequence of pointings that define a Mosaic observation entering the target coordinates of the individual observations in the XRPS. The angular distance between two consecutive pointing coordinates must be smaller than 1 degree.

Science mode of all instruments

The setup of the X-ray instruments in a series of observations forming a Mosaic observation is determined by the configuration of the first observation in the series and there is no possibility to change modes and/or filters from pointing to pointing. Therefore, the first observation has to be treated differently than the rest of the observations in the XRPS.

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European Space Agency - XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre