An EPIC MOS Auxiliary file (*M[1,2]*AUX.FIT) is created for each exposure in which at least one CCD node is producing either timing or imaging mode data. Each file consists of a single binary table. A single file per observation is created, where each row is labelled according to the relevant frame and CCD. The binary table consists of the columns listed in Table 6.
Name | Type![]() |
Units | Description |
FRAME | 1J | COUNTER | Frame number |
CCDID | 1B | CCD identifier | |
CCDNODE | 1B | CCD node identifier | |
FTCOARSE | 1I | SECOND | Coarse frame time |
FTFINE | 1I | 40![]() |
Fine time frame |
NPIXEL | 1J | PIXEL | Pixel count |
NVALID | 1I | COUNTS | No. of valid events |
NBELOW | 1I | COUNTS | No. of events rejected by lower thresholding |
NABOVE | 1I | COUNTS | No. of events rejected by upper thresholding |
GATTIFLG | 1B | Gatti flag | |
FIFOOVF | 1B | FIFO Overflow Flag |