XMM-Newton Data Files Handbook

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An EPIC MOS Auxiliary file (*M[1,2]*AUX.FIT) is created for each exposure in which at least one CCD node is producing either timing or imaging mode data. Each file consists of a single binary table. A single file per observation is created, where each row is labelled according to the relevant frame and CCD. The binary table consists of the columns listed in Table 6.

Table 6: EPIC MOS Auxiliary file (*M[1,2]*AUX.FIT) Binary table columns
Name Type$^a$ Units Description
FRAME 1J COUNTER Frame number
CCDID 1B   CCD identifier
CCDNODE 1B   CCD node identifier
FTCOARSE 1I SECOND Coarse frame time
FTFINE 1I 40$\mu$s Fine time frame
NPIXEL 1J PIXEL Pixel count
NVALID 1I COUNTS No. of valid events
NBELOW 1I COUNTS No. of events rejected by lower thresholding
NABOVE 1I COUNTS No. of events rejected by upper thresholding
GATTIFLG 1B   Gatti flag
FIFOOVF 1B   FIFO Overflow Flag
$^a$See Sect. 9 for convention

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European Space Agency - XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre