Data Files Handbook
Next: EPIC MOS Imaging Mode Event List File
Up: 4.1 Observation/Slew data science, non-science, and spacecraft files
Previous: 4.1.2 Observation/slew summary file
4.1.3 EPIC MOS science files
The following EPIC MOS Science Files are defined:
- Imaging Mode Event List Files (*M[1,2]*IME.FIT)
- Timing Mode Event List Files (*M[1,2]*TIE.FIT)
- Auxiliary Files (*M[1,2]*AUX.FIT)
- Counting Cycle Report Auxiliary Files (*M[1,2]*CCX.FIT)
- Offset/variance Mode Event List Files (*M1[1,2]*OVE.FIT)
These are all binary table files. For standard analysis, only types
1-3 are needed. Their content will be described below.
Counting Cycle reports (type 4) will be included
if the MOS telemetry is exceeded periodically during the observation.
The cycle reports should already correspond with Bad Time Intervals,
but the data contained indicate the fraction of events detected but lost
in the on-board processing. Therefore, the information included in these
files may be useful for detailed timing analysis.
Offset files (type 5) are down-linked confirmation that the CCD Zero Bias
signal level were applied.
We note that the above files do not map one-to-one
with the instrument modes defined in [16]. In particular:
- the ``Full Window'' and ``Small Window'' (aka ``Partial Window'')
instrumental modes produce Imaging Mode Event List Files only.
If the latter is used, the sensitive area of
the central chip (CCD1) is reduced. The other CCDs still produce
Imaging Mode Event Lists Files for the full 600
600 pixels area.
- the ``Timing'' instrumental mode produces both Image Mode
Event List
(in CCDs 2-7) and Timing Mode Event List files (from central CCD1)
- Auxiliary files are produced for every instrumental mode
The above files can be recognised by the value of the keyword DATATYPE in their binary table header, as indicated in
Table 3.
Table 3:
Values of the DATATYPE keywords for the MOS/PN
science data file types
Data mode |
value of DATATYPE |
Imaging Mode |
Timing mode |
Burst mode (PN only) |
Auxiliary file |
Offset/Variance (MOS only) |
Counting Cycle Report |
Offset data image (PN only) |
Noise data image (PN only) |
Discarded Lines Image (PN only) |
Next: EPIC MOS Imaging Mode Event List File
Up: 4.1 Observation/Slew data science, non-science, and spacecraft files
Previous: 4.1.2 Observation/slew summary file
European Space Agency - XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre