XMM-Newton Slew Survey
Comparison with ROSAT source catalogues
0.2 - 2.0 keV

9415500003    9415500004    9415700002    9415700003    9415800003    9416000002    9416100002    9416100004    9416400002    9416400004    
9416600003    9416900004    9417000002    9417100003    9417100004    9417300002    9417500002    9417500003    9417600002    

Slew: 9415500003

Exposure start time:10:54:00 2022-08-17
Exposure stop time:11:37:18 2022-08-17
Analysis time: Mon Aug 22 17:53:34 2022

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Results for all listed slews - ASCII format

Histogram of the expected range of ratios :XMM Newton/Rosat

Green: XMM Newton data. Brown: ROSAT and comparison data.

XMMSL1 J152240.9-444122230.6706-44.6895 20.20 67.4 0.60 0.14 21.85 epsilon LupImage of the source
XMMSL1 J152241.0-444122230.6708-44.6896 20.30 80.1 0.61 0.14 16.76 * eps Lup Image of the source
XMMSL1 J152302.7+083654230.76108.6150 13.30 20.8 1.92 0.65 12.83 PSZ2 G012.81+49.68Image of the source
XMMSL1 J152302.7+083654230.76108.6150 13.30 20.8 1.92 0.65 12.83 p 15 23 03.85 +08 36 07.9 0.820.890.30PSZ2 G012.81+49.68Image of the source
XMMSL1 J152302.7+083654230.76108.6150 13.30 20.8 1.92 0.65 12.83 p 15 23 05.15 +08 36 30.9 0.730.470.16PSZ2 G012.81+49.68Image of the source
XMMSL1 J152302.7+083654230.76108.6150 13.30 20.8 1.92 0.65 12.83 p 15 23 06.35 +08 36 53.9 0.920.450.15PSZ2 G012.81+49.68Image of the source
XMMSL1 J152305.1-362739230.7711-36.4609 11.30 38.1 1.58 0.50 3.09 f 15 23 05.10 -36 28 03.0 0.404.762.05WISEA J152305.02-362729.6Image of the source
XMMSL1 J152312.1+083323230.80058.5565 6.00 15.8 1.03 0.47 9.80 SDSS J152312.29+083314.9Image of the source
XMMSL1 J152321.9-014055230.8413-1.6822 7.10 29.7 0.75 0.29 2.84 b 15 23 23.20 -01 41 18.5 0.492.321.292MASS J15232217-0140573 Image of the source
XMMSL1 J152345.2-00-44-15230.9385-0.7375 7.30 22.3 0.94 0.37 2.52 b 15 23 46.80 -00 44 34.5 0.510.460.19Image of the source
XMMSL1 J152345.8-00-44-19230.9408-0.7388 7.30 22.8 0.95 0.37 2.67 b 15 23 46.80 -00 44 34.5 0.350.460.19Image of the source
XMMSL1 J152348.9-351907230.9537-35.3189 7.30 31.2 0.82 0.31 2.67 2MASS J15234855-3519124Image of the source
XMMSL1 J152357.5-250814230.9897-25.1374 10.70 37.7 1.19 0.38 5.39 b 15 23 59.20 -25 08 20.5 0.391.690.62LEDA 84621 Image of the source
XMMSL1 J152413.8-315415231.0575-31.9043 14.50 29.9 1.86 0.56 9.29 b 15 24 12.70 -31 54 27.5 0.310.640.20WISEA J152413.93-315414.7Image of the source
XMMSL1 J152430.5-132216231.1270-13.3712 7.40 30.8 1.03 0.40 2.19 b 15 24 30.60 -13 22 30.5 0.241.330.57WISEA J152430.80-132215.3Image of the source
XMMSL1 J152451.6-100601231.2151-10.1003 9.90 35.2 2.42 0.82 2.28 b 15 24 51.40 -10 06 06.0 J152451.46-100559.4Image of the source

Upper limits
XMM-Newton Slew Upper Limits based on ROSAT source positions

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Results for all listed slews - ASCII format

Brown: ROSAT data. Green: XMM Newton and comparison data.

1RXS J152359.4-392852 231.0000-39.48000.060.41.41RXS J152359.4-392852Image of the source
1RXS J152417.7-200856 231.0700-20.15000.070.40.61RXS J152417.7-200856Image of the source