XMM-Newton Slew Survey
Comparison with ROSAT source catalogues
0.2 - 2.0 keV

9437100003    9437200003    9437400002    9437500002    9437600002    9438200002    9438200003    9438300002    9438300003    9438400002    
9438400003    9438500002    9438800002    9438900002    9438900003    9439000002    9439000004    9439100002    9439100003    

Slew: 9437200003

Exposure start time:04:40:15 2023-10-24
Exposure stop time:06:02:41 2023-10-24
Analysis time: Thu Nov 2 13:34:45 2023

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Results for all listed slews - ASCII format

Histogram of the expected range of ratios :XMM Newton/Rosat

Green: XMM Newton data. Brown: ROSAT and comparison data.

XMMSL1 J090505.2+045447136.27184.9131 11.50 35.4 1.27 0.39 8.62 b 09 05 05.40 +04 54 48.0 0.041.980.73BD+05 2111 Image of the source
XMMSL1 J090505.4+045448136.27254.9135 11.60 35.6 1.28 0.39 8.20 b 09 05 05.40 +04 54 48.0 0.011.990.73BD+05 2111 Image of the source
XMMSL1 J091702.8+190821139.261519.1393 7.30 31.9 0.85 0.32 2.10 b 09 17 01.60 +19 08 19.0 0.281.320.57SDSS J091703.02+190825.9Image of the source
XMMSL1 J092040.1+233525140.167223.5903 6.40 10.3 1.20 0.54 18.67 Image of the source
XMMSL1 J093922.5+370942144.843837.1619 10.50 22.5 1.21 0.41 14.37 WISEA J093922.90+370944.0Image of the source
XMMSL1 J093922.6+370944144.844237.1623 10.50 23.1 1.22 0.41 13.44 WISEA J093922.90+370944.0Image of the source
XMMSL1 J102011.9+532102155.049653.3507 9.50 24.0 1.09 0.39 16.86 WISEA J102011.75+532103.7Image of the source
XMMSL1 J102012.0+532101155.050053.3503 9.70 23.4 1.11 0.39 18.78 WISEA J102011.75+532103.7Image of the source
XMMSL1 J103744.4+571157159.435257.1994 25.90 78.4 2.90 0.60 31.48 b 10 37 44.90 +57 11 59.5 0.071.880.42GALEXASC J103744.30+571156.2 Image of the source
XMMSL1 J103744.4+571157159.435257.1994 25.90 78.4 2.90 0.60 31.48 p 10 37 37.99 +57 12 06.7 0.899.932.06GALEXASC J103744.30+571156.2 Image of the source
XMMSL1 J103744.5+571157159.435357.1993 27.00 74.0 3.02 0.62 32.37 b 10 37 44.90 +57 11 59.5 0.071.950.43GALEXASC J103744.30+571156.2 Image of the source
XMMSL1 J103744.5+571157159.435357.1993 27.00 74.0 3.02 0.62 32.37 p 10 37 37.99 +57 12 06.7 0.8910.332.13GALEXASC J103744.30+571156.2 Image of the source
XMMSL1 J105057.6+593218162.740159.5386 15.00 31.6 2.21 0.64 32.86 b 10 50 57.10 +59 32 23.5 0.101.720.52WISEA J105057.26+593214.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J105544.0+602807163.933460.4687 13.00 23.2 0.96 0.30 52.85 b 10 55 44.00 +60 28 10.5 UMaImage of the source
XMMSL1 J112123.5+634551170.347963.7643 6.40 11.2 0.96 0.44 13.81 Image of the source
XMMSL1 J112123.5+634551170.347963.7643 6.40 11.2 0.96 0.44 13.81 p 11 21 20.99 +63 44 56.7 0.955.622.62Image of the source
XMMSL1 J113956.3+654744174.984665.7957 9.00 16.6 0.92 0.34 30.35 b 11 39 57.90 +65 47 53.5 0.220.460.17[HB89] 1137+660 ABS01Image of the source
XMMSL1 J113956.3+654744174.984665.7957 9.00 16.6 0.92 0.34 30.35 p 11 39 56.98 +65 47 42.7 0.080.470.17[HB89] 1137+660 ABS01Image of the source
XMMSL1 J113956.3+654742174.984765.7952 9.50 19.8 0.96 0.34 22.34 b 11 39 57.90 +65 47 53.5 0.240.480.18[HB89] 1137+660 ABS01Image of the source
XMMSL1 J113956.3+654742174.984765.7952 9.50 19.8 0.96 0.34 22.34 p 11 39 56.98 +65 47 42.7 0.070.490.18[HB89] 1137+660 ABS01Image of the source
XMMSL1 J114548.1+661126176.450266.1906 6.20 10.9 0.66 0.30 14.51 WISEA J114547.84+661112.6Image of the source
XMMSL1 J123005.0+691205187.520869.2015 8.10 14.8 1.22 0.48 18.72 f 12 30 09.50 +69 12 00.5 0.415.762.69CQ DraImage of the source
XMMSL1 J123005.0+691205187.520869.2015 8.10 14.8 1.22 0.48 18.72 p 12 30 06.67 +69 11 45.7 0.360.360.14CQ DraImage of the source
XMMSL1 J123005.0+691205187.520869.2015 8.10 14.8 1.22 0.48 18.72 p 12 30 09.27 +69 12 05.7 0.3825.3510.26CQ DraImage of the source
XMMSL1 J172710.4+632245261.793263.3794 7.20 18.0 0.66 0.28 4.21 b 17 27 12.10 +63 22 44.5 J172711.80+632241.9Image of the source
XMMSL1 J172710.9+632244261.795363.3790 7.20 20.8 0.67 0.27 2.76 b 17 27 12.10 +63 22 44.5 0.141.300.54WISEA J172711.80+632241.9Image of the source
XMMSL1 J175732.7+584417269.386458.7381 8.10 18.0 1.49 0.57 15.72 b 17 57 33.71 +58 44 14.0 0.143.851.62GALEXASC J175734.15+584414.4 Image of the source

Upper limits
XMM-Newton Slew Upper Limits based on ROSAT source positions

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Results for all listed slews - ASCII format

Brown: ROSAT data. Green: XMM Newton and comparison data.

1RXS J090901.4+105950 137.260011.00000.301.91.6MS 0906.5+1110:[SED2002] 168 *MS 09063+1111 Image of the source
1RXS J093457.6+343159 143.740034.53000.060.41.51RXS J093457.6+343159 *SDSS J09349+3431 Image of the source
1RXS J095819.7+460839 149.580046.14000.100.60.47C 095507.20+462256.00 RXS J09583+4608 Image of the source
1RXS J102027.1+530439 155.110053.08000.120.81.8WISEA J102027.71+530443.0Image of the source
1RXS J102653.0+550913 156.720055.15000.372.42.2WISEA J102652.96+550909.0 *RXS J10268+5509 Image of the source
1RXS J103037.7+555856 157.660055.98000.201.31.31RXS J103037.7+555856Image of the source
1RXS J103511.1+570454 158.800057.08000.100.62.11RXS J103511.1+570454Image of the source
1RXS J125520.5+701012 193.840070.17000.080.51.41RXS J125520.5+701012Image of the source
1RXS J134838.5+712552 207.160071.43000.120.81.3GALEXASC J134837.34+712550.6 Image of the source
1RXS J135015.6+712554 207.560071.43000.060.41.4WISEA J135017.21+712547.1Image of the source
1RXS J141357.3+711751 213.490071.30000.100.60.7RX J1413.9+7117Image of the source
1RXS J173008.0+624744 262.530062.80000.060.41.0WISEA J173008.35+624754.6Image of the source
1RXS J175910.1+584300 269.790058.72000.060.40.5GALEXASC J175910.35+584259.2 Image of the source