XMM-Newton Slew Survey
Comparison with ROSAT source catalogues
0.2 - 2.0 keV

9460900003    9461400003    9461500010    9461700003    9461700004    9461800002    9461900002    9462100002    9462200002    9462300004    
9462400002    9462400003    9462400004    9462500003    9462000002    9462000003    9462000005    9462600002    9462700003    

Slew: 9461900002

Exposure start time:15:27:07 2025-02-27
Exposure stop time:16:48:32 2025-02-27
Analysis time: Fri Mar 7 15:32:37 2025

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Results for all listed slews - ASCII format

Histogram of the expected range of ratios :XMM Newton/Rosat

Green: XMM Newton data. Brown: ROSAT and comparison data.

XMMSL1 J052024.8-71515880.1035-71.8662 10.40 21.2 1.50 0.52 8.20 2MASS J05202619-7151584Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052026.9-71542480.1121-71.9069 10.50 23.7 1.39 0.49 8.00 WISEA J052027.13-715423.7Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052028.7-71573580.1195-71.9598 507.3 3.2 2856.3 66.11 3.01 7.02 b 05 20 27.60 -71 57 55.0 0.340.840.04SSTSL2 J052028.18-715732.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052028.7-71573580.1195-71.9598 507.3 3.2 2856.3 66.11 3.01 7.02 p 05 20 27.43 -71 57 30.1 0.130.800.04SSTSL2 J052028.18-715732.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052028.7-71573580.1195-71.9598 507.3 3.2 2856.3 66.11 3.01 7.02 p 05 20 29.53 -71 57 30.1 0.110.780.04SSTSL2 J052028.18-715732.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052029.3-71591980.1220-71.9888 9.40 11.0 1.31 0.54 6.32 2MASS J05202932-7159176Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052031.0-71572080.1290-71.9558 64.10 31.3 8.28 1.49 7.05 b 05 20 27.60 -71 57 55.0 0.620.110.02SSTSL2 J052031.15-715713.3Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052031.0-71572080.1290-71.9558 64.10 31.3 8.28 1.49 7.05 p 05 20 27.43 -71 57 30.1 0.310.100.02SSTSL2 J052031.15-715713.3Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052031.0-71572080.1290-71.9558 64.10 31.3 8.28 1.49 7.05 p 05 20 29.53 -71 57 30.1 J052031.15-715713.3Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052031.0-72031080.1290-72.0530 6.20 15.8 0.80 0.35 4.62 SSTSL2 J052030.21-720311.2Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052036.9-71563180.1538-71.9422 8.60 10.0 1.06 0.47 7.02 SSTSL2 J052035.49-715630.7Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052402.6-71093581.0109-71.1599 7.20 29.4 1.15 0.44 2.87 b 05 24 02.60 -71 09 56.5 0.350.540.21WISEA J052401.68-710933.7Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052402.6-71093581.0109-71.1599 7.20 29.4 1.15 0.44 2.87 p 05 23 56.43 -71 10 11.1 0.771.140.43WISEA J052401.68-710933.7Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052402.6-71093581.0109-71.1599 7.20 29.4 1.15 0.44 2.87 p 05 23 59.23 -71 10 04.1 0.551.090.42WISEA J052401.68-710933.7Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052402.6-71093581.0109-71.1599 7.20 29.4 1.15 0.44 2.87 p 05 24 04.33 -71 10 14.1 0.661.590.61WISEA J052401.68-710933.7Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052402.9-71093481.0123-71.1597 7.20 29.8 1.16 0.44 2.94 b 05 24 02.60 -71 09 56.5 0.360.550.21WISEA J052401.68-710933.7Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052402.9-71093481.0123-71.1597 7.20 29.8 1.16 0.44 2.94 p 05 23 56.43 -71 10 11.1 0.801.150.43WISEA J052401.68-710933.7Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052402.9-71093481.0123-71.1597 7.20 29.8 1.16 0.44 2.94 p 05 23 59.23 -71 10 04.1 0.571.100.42WISEA J052401.68-710933.7Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052402.9-71093481.0123-71.1597 7.20 29.8 1.16 0.44 2.94 p 05 24 04.33 -71 10 14.1 0.661.600.61WISEA J052401.68-710933.7Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052415.5+01382481.06471.6402 9.80 15.4 0.45 0.19 5.15 f 05 24 17.10 +01 38 33.5 0.421.540.79WISEA J052415.62+013832.1Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052415.5+01382481.06471.6402 9.80 15.4 0.45 0.19 5.15 p 05 24 17.59 +01 38 11.0 0.562.341.02WISEA J052415.62+013832.1Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052415.5+01382481.06471.6402 9.40 14.8 0.43 0.16 6.56 f 05 24 17.10 +01 38 33.5 0.421.470.68WISEA J052415.62+013832.1Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052415.5+01382481.06471.6402 9.40 14.8 0.43 0.16 6.56 p 05 24 17.59 +01 38 11.0 0.562.230.84WISEA J052415.62+013832.1Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052444.8+01593481.18661.9929 6.00 18.1 0.30 0.13 11.28 f 05 24 45.10 +01 59 54.0 0.332.191.33CVSO 714 Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 b 05 25 02.80 -69 38 40.5 0.120.920.072MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 24 52.93 -69 38 05.1 0.939.670.712MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 24 53.83 -69 38 24.1 0.724.020.302MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 24 57.73 -69 38 54.1 0.484.710.352MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 24 58.33 -69 38 52.1 0.421.070.082MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 24 59.03 -69 38 39.1 0.262.310.172MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 24 59.73 -69 38 46.1 J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 00.53 -69 38 35.1 0.121.480.112MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 00.73 -69 38 41.1 J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 01.53 -69 38 50.1 J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 01.73 -69 38 40.1 J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 01.73 -69 38 44.1 J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 02.03 -69 38 39.1 0.070.930.072MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 02.03 -69 38 44.1 0.151.310.102MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 02.03 -69 38 57.1 0.361.150.112MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 02.13 -69 38 41.1 J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 02.13 -69 38 52.1 J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 02.23 -69 38 41.1 0.101.330.102MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 02.23 -69 38 44.1 J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 02.23 -69 38 49.1 J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 02.53 -69 38 43.1 J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 02.53 -69 38 50.1 0.250.840.102MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 02.83 -69 38 51.1 0.281.320.102MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 03.03 -69 38 44.1 J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 03.03 -69 39 06.1 0.524.620.342MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 03.23 -69 38 56.1 0.371.000.082MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 03.53 -69 38 52.1 0.311.110.092MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 03.53 -69 39 08.1 0.564.970.372MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 03.63 -69 38 41.1 0.181.330.102MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 03.73 -69 38 41.1 J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 03.83 -69 38 58.1 0.421.140.092MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 03.93 -69 38 53.1 0.350.970.072MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 03.93 -69 38 54.1 0.361.090.082MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 03.93 -69 38 57.1 0.411.170.092MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 04.03 -69 38 49.1 0.301.000.082MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 04.03 -69 38 50.1 0.310.970.082MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 04.23 -69 38 34.1 J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 04.23 -69 39 01.1 0.481.240.112MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 04.33 -69 38 53.1 0.361.100.092MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 04.63 -69 38 57.1 0.435.260.392MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 04.83 -69 38 40.1 0.271.400.102MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 04.83 -69 38 49.1 0.340.850.072MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 04.83 -69 38 51.1 0.371.120.082MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 04.93 -69 38 45.1 0.311.880.142MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 04.93 -69 38 53.1 0.401.100.082MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 05.23 -69 38 49.1 0.370.870.072MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 05.23 -69 38 49.1 0.370.830.082MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 05.33 -69 38 30.1 0.311.150.092MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 05.33 -69 39 00.1 0.516.060.452MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 05.43 -69 38 31.1 0.323.310.242MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 05.43 -69 38 46.1 0.361.000.082MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 05.43 -69 38 49.1 0.390.960.082MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 05.53 -69 38 37.1 0.320.930.072MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 05.63 -69 38 45.1 0.361.890.142MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 06.23 -69 38 36.1 0.382.090.152MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 06.23 -69 38 45.1 0.410.810.062MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 06.33 -69 38 07.1 0.611.930.142MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 06.53 -69 39 00.1 0.581.040.082MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 07.03 -69 38 36.1 0.451.180.092MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 07.33 -69 38 28.1 0.491.490.112MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 07.73 -69 38 55.1 0.612.000.152MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 07.93 -69 38 29.1 0.541.180.092MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 07.93 -69 38 55.1 0.622.120.162MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 08.13 -69 38 39.1 0.551.070.082MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 08.23 -69 38 23.1 0.591.450.112MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 08.43 -69 38 10.1 0.711.700.132MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 08.83 -69 38 13.1 0.712.510.192MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 09.63 -69 38 22.1 0.711.770.132MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052501.9-69383581.2578-69.6432 277.9 8.4 241.1 61.26 4.53 12.14 p 05 25 10.03 -69 38 15.1 0.792.020.152MASS J05250215-6938379Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 b 05 25 02.80 -69 38 40.5 0.061.300.07[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 24 52.93 -69 38 05.1 1.0013.730.72[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 24 53.83 -69 38 24.1 0.805.720.30[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 24 57.73 -69 38 54.1 0.526.690.35[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 24 58.33 -69 38 52.1 0.461.520.08[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 24 59.03 -69 38 39.1 0.323.290.17[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 24 59.73 -69 38 46.1 0.301.520.08[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 00.53 -69 38 35.1[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 00.73 -69 38 41.1 0.181.620.09[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 01.53 -69 38 50.1 0.241.650.09[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 01.73 -69 38 40.1 0.101.570.08[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 01.73 -69 38 44.1 0.151.460.08[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 02.03 -69 38 39.1 0.071.320.07[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 02.03 -69 38 44.1 0.131.860.10[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 02.03 -69 38 57.1 0.341.630.12[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 02.13 -69 38 41.1 0.091.560.08[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 02.13 -69 38 52.1 0.261.650.09[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 02.23 -69 38 41.1 0.081.880.10[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 02.23 -69 38 44.1 0.131.610.09[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 02.23 -69 38 49.1 0.211.500.08[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 02.53 -69 38 43.1 0.101.700.09[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 02.53 -69 38 50.1[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 02.83 -69 38 51.1 0.241.880.10[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 03.03 -69 38 44.1 0.121.470.08[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 03.03 -69 39 06.1 0.496.560.34[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 03.23 -69 38 56.1 0.331.420.08[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 03.53 -69 38 52.1 0.271.570.09[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 03.53 -69 39 08.1 0.537.060.37[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 03.63 -69 38 41.1 0.111.890.10[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 03.73 -69 38 41.1 0.121.670.09[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 03.83 -69 38 58.1 0.371.620.10[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 03.93 -69 38 53.1 0.291.380.08[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 03.93 -69 38 54.1 0.311.550.09[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 03.93 -69 38 57.1 0.351.660.09[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 04.03 -69 38 49.1 0.241.410.08[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 04.03 -69 38 50.1 0.251.380.08[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 04.23 -69 38 34.1 0.141.630.09[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 04.23 -69 39 01.1 0.431.760.13[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 04.33 -69 38 53.1 0.311.570.10[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 04.63 -69 38 57.1 0.387.460.39[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 04.83 -69 38 40.1 0.191.990.10[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 04.83 -69 38 49.1[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 04.83 -69 38 51.1 0.301.600.09[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 04.93 -69 38 45.1 0.242.670.14[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 04.93 -69 38 53.1 0.331.560.09[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 05.23 -69 38 49.1 0.301.240.07[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 05.23 -69 38 49.1 0.301.170.10[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 05.33 -69 38 30.1 0.261.640.09[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 05.33 -69 39 00.1 0.458.600.45[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 05.43 -69 38 31.1 0.264.700.25[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 05.43 -69 38 46.1 0.281.420.09[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 05.43 -69 38 49.1 0.311.370.08[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 05.53 -69 38 37.1 0.251.320.07[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 05.63 -69 38 45.1 0.292.680.14[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 06.23 -69 38 36.1 0.312.960.15[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 06.23 -69 38 45.1 0.341.150.06[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 06.33 -69 38 07.1 0.592.750.14[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 06.53 -69 39 00.1 0.511.470.08[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 07.03 -69 38 36.1 0.381.670.09[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 07.33 -69 38 28.1 0.432.110.11[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 07.73 -69 38 55.1 0.532.840.15[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 07.93 -69 38 29.1 0.471.670.09[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 07.93 -69 38 55.1 0.553.020.16[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 08.13 -69 38 39.1 0.471.520.08[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 08.23 -69 38 23.1 0.532.060.11[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 08.43 -69 38 10.1 0.672.410.13[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 08.83 -69 38 13.1 0.673.560.19[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 09.63 -69 38 22.1 0.652.520.13[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052502.7-69383681.2612-69.6436 391.1 7.4 1680.9 87.01 4.53 12.22 p 05 25 10.03 -69 38 15.1 0.732.860.15[SPB2020] Cloud F Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 b 05 25 02.80 -69 38 40.5 0.900.080.02SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 01.73 -69 38 40.1 0.970.090.03SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 02.03 -69 38 39.1 0.940.080.02SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 02.03 -69 38 44.1 0.990.110.03SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 02.13 -69 38 41.1 0.950.090.03SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 02.23 -69 38 41.1 0.940.110.03SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 02.23 -69 38 44.1 0.970.090.03SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 02.53 -69 38 43.1 0.940.100.03SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 03.03 -69 38 44.1 0.920.090.03SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 03.53 -69 38 52.1 0.980.090.03SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 03.63 -69 38 41.1 0.840.110.03SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 03.73 -69 38 41.1 0.840.100.03SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 03.93 -69 38 53.1 0.970.080.02SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 03.93 -69 38 54.1 0.980.090.03SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 04.03 -69 38 49.1 0.910.080.02SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 04.03 -69 38 50.1 0.930.080.02SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 04.23 -69 38 34.1 0.730.100.03SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 04.33 -69 38 53.1 0.950.090.03SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 04.63 -69 38 57.1 0.980.440.13SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 04.83 -69 38 40.1 0.760.120.04SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 04.83 -69 38 49.1 0.870.070.02SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 04.83 -69 38 51.1 0.890.090.03SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 04.93 -69 38 45.1 0.810.160.05SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 04.93 -69 38 53.1 0.910.090.03SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 05.23 -69 38 49.1 0.840.070.02SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 05.23 -69 38 49.1 0.840.070.02SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 05.33 -69 38 30.1 0.620.100.03SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 05.33 -69 39 00.1 0.990.510.15SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 05.43 -69 38 31.1 0.620.280.08SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 05.43 -69 38 46.1 0.800.080.02SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 05.43 -69 38 49.1 0.830.080.02SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 05.53 -69 38 37.1 0.680.080.02SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 05.63 -69 38 45.1 0.770.160.05SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 06.23 -69 38 36.1 0.620.180.05SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 06.23 -69 38 45.1 0.740.070.02SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 06.33 -69 38 07.1 0.420.160.05SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 06.53 -69 39 00.1 0.940.090.03SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 07.03 -69 38 36.1 0.580.100.03SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 07.33 -69 38 28.1 0.460.120.04SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 07.63 -69 37 23.1 0.820.170.05SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 07.73 -69 38 55.1 0.830.170.05SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 07.93 -69 38 29.1 0.440.100.03SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 07.93 -69 38 55.1 0.820.180.05SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 08.13 -69 38 39.1 0.570.090.03SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 08.23 -69 38 23.1 0.350.120.04SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 08.43 -69 38 10.1 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 08.83 -69 38 13.1 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 09.63 -69 38 22.1 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 10.03 -69 38 15.1 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052511.1-69380881.2964-69.6358 21.10 11.3 5.16 1.55 13.27 p 05 25 15.43 -69 38 51.1 0.800.150.05SSTSL2 J052511.53-693809.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052521.3-65582081.3386-65.9725 9.10 11.7 1.26 0.50 4.04 2XMM J052521.5-655817Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052521.3-65582081.3386-65.9725 9.10 11.7 1.26 0.50 4.04 p 05 25 21.72 -65 58 40.1 0.320.350.142XMM J052521.5-655817Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052521.3-65582081.3386-65.9725 9.10 11.7 1.26 0.50 4.04 p 05 25 22.82 -65 59 05.1 0.750.300.122XMM J052521.5-655817Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052521.3-65582081.3386-65.9725 9.10 11.7 1.26 0.50 4.04 p 05 25 27.12 -65 59 04.1 0.930.310.122XMM J052521.5-655817Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052521.3-65582081.3386-65.9725 9.10 11.7 1.26 0.50 4.04 p 05 25 27.52 -65 59 05.1 0.970.300.122XMM J052521.5-655817Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052531.0-65593581.3790-65.9932 17.30 18.5 2.60 0.82 3.96 b 05 25 22.73 -65 59 23.6 0.860.280.092XMM J052532.1-655934Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052531.0-65593581.3790-65.9932 17.30 18.5 2.60 0.82 3.96 p 05 25 22.82 -65 59 05.1 0.970.610.192XMM J052532.1-655934Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052531.0-65593581.3790-65.9932 17.30 18.5 2.60 0.82 3.96 p 05 25 23.82 -65 59 25.1 0.750.500.162XMM J052532.1-655934Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052531.0-65593581.3790-65.9932 17.30 18.5 2.60 0.82 3.96 p 05 25 24.12 -65 59 24.1 0.720.520.172XMM J052532.1-655934Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052531.0-65593581.3790-65.9932 17.30 18.5 2.60 0.82 3.96 p 05 25 24.42 -65 59 22.1 0.700.640.202XMM J052532.1-655934Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052531.0-65593581.3790-65.9932 17.30 18.5 2.60 0.82 3.96 p 05 25 24.72 -65 59 27.1 0.650.310.102XMM J052532.1-655934Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052531.0-65593581.3790-65.9932 17.30 18.5 2.60 0.82 3.96 p 05 25 24.82 -65 59 23.1 0.660.400.132XMM J052532.1-655934Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052531.0-65593581.3790-65.9932 17.30 18.5 2.60 0.82 3.96 p 05 25 24.82 -65 59 26.1 0.640.590.192XMM J052532.1-655934Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052531.0-65593581.3790-65.9932 17.30 18.5 2.60 0.82 3.96 p 05 25 24.82 -65 59 39.1 0.630.330.112XMM J052532.1-655934Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052531.0-65593581.3790-65.9932 17.30 18.5 2.60 0.82 3.96 p 05 25 24.92 -65 59 28.1 0.630.540.172XMM J052532.1-655934Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052531.0-65593581.3790-65.9932 17.30 18.5 2.60 0.82 3.96 p 05 25 25.02 -65 59 24.1 0.630.530.172XMM J052532.1-655934Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052531.0-65593581.3790-65.9932 17.30 18.5 2.60 0.82 3.96 p 05 25 25.32 -65 59 25.1 0.600.610.192XMM J052532.1-655934Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052531.0-65593581.3790-65.9932 17.30 18.5 2.60 0.82 3.96 p 05 25 25.42 -65 59 27.1 0.580.610.192XMM J052532.1-655934Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052531.0-65593581.3790-65.9932 17.30 18.5 2.60 0.82 3.96 p 05 25 25.42 -65 59 50.1 0.610.470.152XMM J052532.1-655934Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052531.0-65593581.3790-65.9932 17.30 18.5 2.60 0.82 3.96 p 05 25 25.62 -65 59 34.1 0.540.360.112XMM J052532.1-655934Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052531.0-65593581.3790-65.9932 17.30 18.5 2.60 0.82 3.96 p 05 25 25.72 -65 59 28.1 0.550.480.152XMM J052532.1-655934Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052531.0-65593581.3790-65.9932 17.30 18.5 2.60 0.82 3.96 p 05 25 25.72 -65 59 39.1 0.540.700.222XMM J052532.1-655934Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052531.0-65593581.3790-65.9932 17.30 18.5 2.60 0.82 3.96 p 05 25 26.02 -65 59 27.1 0.520.460.152XMM J052532.1-655934Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052531.0-65593581.3790-65.9932 17.30 18.5 2.60 0.82 3.96 p 05 25 26.22 -65 59 38.1 0.480.420.132XMM J052532.1-655934Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052531.0-65593581.3790-65.9932 17.30 18.5 2.60 0.82 3.96 p 05 25 26.32 -65 59 13.1 0.600.360.112XMM J052532.1-655934Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052531.0-65593581.3790-65.9932 17.30 18.5 2.60 0.82 3.96 p 05 25 26.32 -65 59 34.1 0.470.540.172XMM J052532.1-655934Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052531.0-65593581.3790-65.9932 17.30 18.5 2.60 0.82 3.96 p 05 25 27.12 -65 59 04.1 0.650.640.202XMM J052532.1-655934Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052531.0-65593581.3790-65.9932 17.30 18.5 2.60 0.82 3.96 p 05 25 27.52 -65 59 05.1 0.610.610.192XMM J052532.1-655934Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052531.0-65593581.3790-65.9932 17.30 18.5 2.60 0.82 3.96 p 05 25 29.12 -65 59 37.1 0.190.580.182XMM J052532.1-655934Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052533.6-65591081.3902-65.9864 8.20 11.5 1.25 0.52 3.91 2MASS J05253462-6559081Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052533.6-65591081.3902-65.9864 8.20 11.5 1.25 0.52 3.91 p 05 25 24.12 -65 59 24.1 0.990.250.102MASS J05253462-6559081Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052533.6-65591081.3902-65.9864 8.20 11.5 1.25 0.52 3.91 p 05 25 24.42 -65 59 22.1 0.960.310.132MASS J05253462-6559081Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052533.6-65591081.3902-65.9864 8.20 11.5 1.25 0.52 3.91 p 05 25 24.72 -65 59 27.1 0.950.150.062MASS J05253462-6559081Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052533.6-65591081.3902-65.9864 8.20 11.5 1.25 0.52 3.91 p 05 25 24.82 -65 59 23.1 0.920.190.082MASS J05253462-6559081Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052533.6-65591081.3902-65.9864 8.20 11.5 1.25 0.52 3.91 p 05 25 24.82 -65 59 26.1 0.930.280.122MASS J05253462-6559081Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052533.6-65591081.3902-65.9864 8.20 11.5 1.25 0.52 3.91 p 05 25 24.92 -65 59 28.1 0.930.260.112MASS J05253462-6559081Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052533.6-65591081.3902-65.9864 8.20 11.5 1.25 0.52 3.91 p 05 25 25.02 -65 59 24.1 0.900.250.112MASS J05253462-6559081Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052533.6-65591081.3902-65.9864 8.20 11.5 1.25 0.52 3.91 p 05 25 25.32 -65 59 25.1 0.880.290.122MASS J05253462-6559081Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052533.6-65591081.3902-65.9864 8.20 11.5 1.25 0.52 3.91 p 05 25 25.42 -65 59 27.1 0.880.290.122MASS J05253462-6559081Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052533.6-65591081.3902-65.9864 8.20 11.5 1.25 0.52 3.91 p 05 25 25.62 -65 59 34.1 0.900.170.072MASS J05253462-6559081Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052533.6-65591081.3902-65.9864 8.20 11.5 1.25 0.52 3.91 p 05 25 25.72 -65 59 28.1 0.850.230.092MASS J05253462-6559081Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052533.6-65591081.3902-65.9864 8.20 11.5 1.25 0.52 3.91 p 05 25 25.72 -65 59 39.1 0.930.330.142MASS J05253462-6559081Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052533.6-65591081.3902-65.9864 8.20 11.5 1.25 0.52 3.91 p 05 25 26.02 -65 59 27.1 0.820.220.092MASS J05253462-6559081Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052533.6-65591081.3902-65.9864 8.20 11.5 1.25 0.52 3.91 p 05 25 26.22 -65 59 38.1 0.880.200.082MASS J05253462-6559081Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052533.6-65591081.3902-65.9864 8.20 11.5 1.25 0.52 3.91 p 05 25 26.32 -65 59 13.1 0.750.170.072MASS J05253462-6559081Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052533.6-65591081.3902-65.9864 8.20 11.5 1.25 0.52 3.91 p 05 25 26.32 -65 59 34.1 0.840.260.112MASS J05253462-6559081Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052533.6-65591081.3902-65.9864 8.20 11.5 1.25 0.52 3.91 p 05 25 27.12 -65 59 04.1 0.670.300.132MASS J05253462-6559081Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052533.6-65591081.3902-65.9864 8.20 11.5 1.25 0.52 3.91 p 05 25 27.52 -65 59 05.1 0.630.290.122MASS J05253462-6559081Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052533.6-65591081.3902-65.9864 8.20 11.5 1.25 0.52 3.91 p 05 25 29.12 -65 59 37.1 0.630.280.122MASS J05253462-6559081Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052533.6-65591081.3902-65.9864 8.20 11.5 1.25 0.52 3.91 p 05 25 33.62 -65 58 15.1 0.930.720.302MASS J05253462-6559081Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052535.1-50544581.3963-50.9127 7.20 30.4 1.01 0.40 2.92 b 05 25 35.10 -50 54 45.0 0.011.740.791RXS J052535.1-505445Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052548.4-47152481.4517-47.2568 6.60 10.7 0.98 0.42 5.04 b 05 25 49.60 -47 14 56.0 0.520.800.36SPT-CL J0525-4715Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 b 05 25 59.20 -66 04 50.5 0.470.220.09WISEA J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 p 05 25 54.72 -66 04 58.1 0.230.940.36WISEA J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 p 05 25 55.32 -66 04 34.1 J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 p 05 25 56.52 -66 04 54.1 J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 p 05 25 57.12 -66 05 05.1 0.430.140.05WISEA J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 p 05 25 59.52 -66 04 31.1 0.540.230.09WISEA J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 p 05 26 00.42 -66 04 29.1 0.630.270.10WISEA J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 p 05 26 00.52 -66 05 05.1 0.690.130.05WISEA J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 p 05 26 00.52 -66 05 19.1 0.830.280.11WISEA J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 p 05 26 00.72 -66 05 05.1 0.700.130.05WISEA J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 p 05 26 01.12 -66 04 40.1 0.660.180.07WISEA J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 p 05 26 01.22 -66 04 49.1 0.670.260.10WISEA J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 p 05 26 01.22 -66 05 01.1 0.720.120.05WISEA J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 p 05 26 01.22 -66 05 04.1 0.740.130.05WISEA J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 p 05 26 01.32 -66 04 59.1 0.720.120.05WISEA J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 p 05 26 01.52 -66 05 05.1 0.780.120.04WISEA J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 p 05 26 02.12 -66 05 05.1 0.830.140.05WISEA J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 p 05 26 02.22 -66 04 50.1 0.770.210.08WISEA J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 p 05 26 02.22 -66 05 11.1 0.890.230.09WISEA J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 p 05 26 02.32 -66 04 38.1 0.780.220.09WISEA J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 p 05 26 02.52 -66 04 39.1 0.800.270.11WISEA J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 p 05 26 02.82 -66 04 50.1 0.830.260.10WISEA J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 p 05 26 02.92 -66 05 04.1 0.900.290.11WISEA J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 p 05 26 02.92 -66 05 05.1 0.910.230.09WISEA J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 p 05 26 03.42 -66 04 47.1 0.890.220.08WISEA J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source
XMMSL1 J052554.7-66044481.4778-66.0790 10.30 10.8 1.69 0.65 4.19 p 05 26 03.72 -66 04 44.1 0.920.150.06WISEA J052554.14-660437.5Image of the source

Upper limits
XMM-Newton Slew Upper Limits based on ROSAT source positions

Click for a printable version of the table

Results for all listed slews - ASCII format

Brown: ROSAT data. Green: XMM Newton and comparison data.

1RXS J052513.2-020530 81.3100-2.09000.090.60.81RXS J052513.2-020530Image of the source
1RXS J052437.4-084200 81.1600-8.70000.130.81.9WISEA J052437.25-084201.9Image of the source
1RXS J052623.1-432232 81.6000-43.38000.140.91.61RXS J052623.1-432232Image of the source
1RXS J052630.7-602227 81.6300-60.37000.060.42.01RXS J052630.8-602227Image of the source
1RXS J052641.0-623959 81.6700-62.67000.060.42.31RXS J052641.1-623959Image of the source
1RXS J175644.7-820359 269.1900-82.07000.080.52.01RXS J175644.7-820359Image of the source