XMM-Newton Science Analysis System: User Guide

5.19 The RGS pipeline products

The PPS products generated by rgsprods, an automatic version of rgsproc


have some differences compared to the files produced interactively. The number of RGS pipeline products is quite large (see the Pipeline Products Description document) but may be handled with ease by pointing a browser to the hypertext index files, starting with INDEX.HTM, included in the distribution. RGS pipeline product file names are of the form:

Table 9: Pipeline Processing data files relevant for RGS.
File ID Contents File Type
OBX000SUMMAR Observation Data File Summary HTML
SUMMAR RGS Processing Summary HTML
FLUXED Combined RGS1 & RGS2 1st order fluxed spectrum FTZ & PDF
BGMODL1 synthetic 1st order background spectrum FTZ
BGMODL2 synthetic 2nd order background spectrum FTZ
BGSPEC1 1st order background spectrum FTZ
BGSPEC2 2nd order background spectrum FTZ
DSPHIS1 cross-dispersion histogram FTZ
EVENLI combined events list FTZ
EXPMAP exposure map FTZ
FBKTSR background light curve FTZ
IMAGE_ $\chi$ vs $\beta$ spatial image FTZ & PNG
ORDIMG PI vs $\beta$ banana plot FTZ & PNG
RSPMAT1 1st order response matrix FTZ
RSPMAT2 2nd order response matrix FTZ
SBSPEC1 1st order source total spectrum FTZ
SBSPEC2 2nd order source total spectrum FTZ
SRBTSR background timeseries FTZ
SRCLI_ source parameters FTZ
SRCTSR background-subtracted source timeseries FTZ
SRSPEC0 1st & 2nd order source net spectrum plot PDF
SRSPEC1 1st order source net spectrum FTZ
SRSPEC2 2nd order source net spectrum FTZ
WFSPEC0 1st & 2nd order whole-field total spectrum plot PDF
WFSPEC1 1st order whole-field total spectrum FTZ
WFSPEC2 2nd order whole-field total spectrum FTZ
WREMAT1 1st order whole-field response matrix FTZ
WREMAT2 2nd order whole-field response matrix FTZ

European Space Agency - XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre