XMM-Newton Slew Survey
Comparison with ROSAT source catalogues
0.2 - 2.0 keV

9439300002    9439400003    9439400004    9439500003    9439500004    9439600002    9439700002    9439700003    9439900002    9440000002    
9440100003    9440200002    9440200003    9440300003    9440400003    9440600002    9440600003    9440700002    9440700003    

Slew: 9439300002

Exposure start time:04:30:02 2023-12-05
Exposure stop time:06:15:25 2023-12-05
Analysis time: Fri Dec 15 14:17:58 2023

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Results for all listed slews - ASCII format

Histogram of the expected range of ratios :XMM Newton/Rosat

Green: XMM Newton data. Brown: ROSAT and comparison data.

XMMSL1 J012401.8-47375921.0076-47.6332 8.60 12.4 1.61 0.63 40.84 Image of the source
XMMSL1 J012759.8-48102021.9993-48.1724 9.30 12.1 1.54 0.60 87.62 Image of the source
XMMSL1 J013233.4-49313923.1391-49.5277 14.30 27.6 2.17 0.61 46.90 b 01 32 32.80 -49 31 38.0 0.100.690.20WISEA J013233.08-493141.6Image of the source
XMMSL1 J020330.5-54142530.8769-54.2403 6.60 10.0 0.93 0.40 69.38 Image of the source
XMMSL1 J023108.9-57550237.7869-57.9174 8.20 18.0 1.22 0.47 70.86 ESO 115- G 015Image of the source
XMMSL1 J032434.7-62040751.1445-62.0688 6.00 15.1 0.89 0.41 1.73 Image of the source
XMMSL1 J044036.4-65074370.1516-65.1286 7.30 31.0 1.25 0.48 3.19 f 04 40 36.10 -65 07 33.0 0.175.762.69WISEA J044035.62-650748.6Image of the source
XMMSL1 J044036.7-65074270.1528-65.1285 6.70 23.5 1.15 0.47 9.21 f 04 40 36.10 -65 07 33.0 0.175.302.58WISEA J044035.62-650748.6Image of the source
XMMSL1 J085928.4-544642134.8682-54.7785 9.00 33.9 1.01 0.35 4.90 b 08 59 28.80 -54 46 54.0 0.200.920.34WISEA J085928.72-544648.9Image of the source
XMMSL1 J085928.4-544643134.8683-54.7787 9.00 33.5 1.00 0.35 4.87 b 08 59 28.80 -54 46 54.0 0.190.910.34WISEA J085928.72-544648.9Image of the source
XMMSL1 J091308.4-524513138.2852-52.7538 7.00 20.7 0.95 0.39 10.36 Image of the source
XMMSL1 J102828.0-353056157.1167-35.5158 11.90 39.1 1.23 0.37 7.88 WISEA J102828.01-353053.9Image of the source
XMMSL1 J102828.0-353058157.1167-35.5161 11.60 36.8 1.18 0.36 9.55 2E 1026.2-3515 Image of the source
XMMSL1 J105753.9-250930164.4747-25.1586 9.20 46.1 0.92 0.31 2.02 f 10 57 54.40 -25 09 13.0 0.323.581.62WISEA J105754.13-250929.0Image of the source
XMMSL1 J113058.7-110935172.7445-11.1599 6.20 29.5 0.86 0.35 2.72 f 11 30 58.90 -11 09 26.5 0.163.411.81WISEA J113058.76-110933.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J113058.7-110937172.7446-11.1604 6.50 28.4 0.93 0.38 2.65 f 11 30 58.90 -11 09 26.5 0.193.681.95WISEA J113058.76-110933.4Image of the source
XMMSL1 J114520.9-042602176.3371-4.4340 13.70 67.2 1.34 0.37 4.53 b 11 45 21.10 -04 26 13.0 0.181.740.656dF J1145212-042605Image of the source
XMMSL1 J114520.9-042602176.3371-4.4341 13.70 62.9 1.33 0.37 5.86 b 11 45 21.10 -04 26 13.0 0.171.720.646dF J1145212-042605Image of the source
XMMSL1 J11544.4-00-10-11178.5185-0.1699 11.00 43.6 1.83 0.57 2.23 b 11 54 04.90 -00 10 08.0 of the source
XMMSL1 J115404.5-00-10-9178.5185-0.1693 10.60 39.3 1.77 0.57 3.70 b 11 54 04.90 -00 10 08.0 of the source
XMMSL1 J120954.2+062812182.47606.4703 8.00 26.1 0.90 0.33 5.03 b 12 09 54.90 +06 28 06.0 0.200.940.362MASX J12095458+0628124 Image of the source
XMMSL1 J120954.3+062811182.47636.4699 8.10 30.8 0.92 0.33 3.11 b 12 09 54.90 +06 28 06.0 0.170.950.372MASX J12095458+0628124 Image of the source
XMMSL1 J123235.5+160226188.147716.0408 14.90 43.6 0.66 0.18 11.42 WISEA J123235.55+160226.6Image of the source
XMMSL1 J123235.5+160223188.147816.0398 9.60 25.9 0.50 0.17 11.16 WISEA J123235.55+160226.6Image of the source

Upper limits
XMM-Newton Slew Upper Limits based on ROSAT source positions

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Results for all listed slews - ASCII format

Brown: ROSAT data. Green: XMM Newton and comparison data.

1RXS J110546.9-213302 166.4500-21.55000.070.40.61RXS J110546.9-213302Image of the source
1RXS J102947.7-351906 157.4500-35.32000.080.50.41RXS J102947.7-351906 Image of the source
1RXS J074423.3-621108 116.1000-62.19000.110.71.1WISEA J074422.90-621106.7Image of the source
1RXS J041158.4-643647 62.9900-64.61000.060.41.0WISEA J041157.72-643654.4Image of the source