Users Handbook
- 1. Sketch of the XMM-Newton payload. The mirror modules,
two of which are equipped with Reflection Grating Arrays, are visible at
the lower left. At the right end of the assembly, the focal X-ray
instruments are shown: The EPIC MOS cameras with their radiators
(black/green “horns”), the radiator of the EPIC pn camera (violet) and
those of the (light blue) RGS detectors (in pink). The OM telescope
is obscured by the lower mirror module.
Figure courtesy of Dornier Satellitensysteme GmbH.
- 2. The light path in XMM-Newton's open X-ray telescope
with the pn camera in focus (not to scale).
- 3. The light path in the two XMM-Newton telescopes with
grating assemblies (not to scale). Note that the actual fraction of
the non-intercepted light that passes to the primary MOS focus
is 44%, while 40% of the incident light is intercepted by grating
plates of the RGA.
- 4. On axis point spread function (PSF) of the MOS1, MOS2 and pn
X-ray telescopes (left to right) registered on the same source with each
MOS camera in Small Window mode, and the pn camera in Large Window mode.
The pixel size is 1.1 arcsec square for the MOS, and 4.1 arcsec square
for the pn.
The images are 110 arcsec wide. A square root scale has been used to
visualise the wings of the PSF. The core of the PSF
is piled-up for this source, with a different factor for the MOS and
the pn. The star-like pattern is created by the spider which supports
the 58 co-axial Wolter I mirrors of the telescope. The shape of the
PSF core is slightly different for all cameras,
with MOS2 having a somewhat more pronounced shape.
- 5. The MOS1 fractional encircled energy as a function of angular
radius (on-axis) at different energies. The curves were calculated
integrating the PSF that is currently implemented in the CCF.
- 6. The MOS2 fractional encircled energy as a function of angular
radius (on-axis) at different energies. The curves were calculated
integrating the PSF that is currently implemented in the CCF.
- 7. The pn fractional encircled energy as a function of angular
radius (on-axis) at different energies. The curves were calculated
integrating the PSF that is currently implemented in the CCF.
- 8. The dependence of the X-ray PSF's shape on the position
in the field of view. This image was made from an observation towards
the Orion molecular cloud. EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 exposures have been
merged together and exposure corrected. The data has been slightly
smoothed with a Gaussian of 10" FWHM. The intensity scale is square root.
- 9. The W90 radius of a point source observed with the MOS1 camera
as a function of off-axis angle at three energies. The curves are
based on early ray-trace simulations and should not be used for
quantitative analysis; see text on how to optain W90 radii
in-line with the current calibration.
- 10. The W90 radius of a point source observed with the pn camera
as a function of off-axis angle at three energies. The curves are
based on early ray-trace simulations and should not be used for
quantitative analysis; see text on how to optain W90 radii
in-line with the current calibration.
- 11. The net effective area of all XMM-Newton X-ray telescopes,
EPIC and RGS (linear scale).
- 12. The net effective area of all XMM-Newton X-ray telescopes,
EPIC and RGS (logarithmic scale).
- 13. Vignetting function as a function of off-axis angle
, based on simulations), at a few selected energies, of
the X-ray telescope in front of the pn camera
- 14. Vignetting function as a function of azimuth angle of the
X-ray telescope in front of the MOS1 camera. The curves are given for an
off-axis angle of 10 arcmin. Due to the presence of reflection grating
assemblies in the exit beams of the X-ray telescopes, the vignetting
functions measured in the MOS cameras are modulated azimuthally.
- 15. EPIC pn image of GRS1758-258 (a black hole candidate near
the Galactic centre) observed in the large window readout mode
demonstrating the effect of straylight: in the upper part of the
image, sharp arcs appear that are caused by single mirror reflections of
photons possibly from GX 5-1 which is
arcmin offaxis to the north
and outside the FOV.
- 16. A rough sketch of the field of view of the two types of EPIC
camera; MOS (left) and pn (right). The shaded circle
depicts a
diameter area. For the alignment of the different cameras
with respect to each other in the XMM-Newton focal plane refer to the
- 17. The field of view of the EPIC MOS cameras for an observation
with a position angle of
: MOS1 (here) and MOS2 (next
figure). The two MOS cameras view the same field as displayed in sky
coordinates with North to the top and East to the left.
In each case the camera detector coordinate frames are noted.
- 18. The field of view of the EPIC MOS cameras (cntd. from
previous figure): MOS2.
- 19. The field of view of the EPIC pn camera for an observation with
a position angle of
. The pn camera views the same field
as displayed in Figs. 17 and 18 in sky coordinates with North to the top and
East to the left. Again the camera detector coordinate frame is noted.
The nominal boresight is marked with a small box. Note that the
approximate distance between the boresight and the nearby chip gaps
40 arcsec, which can be of importance when observing
extended sources. Position 'X' shows the
preferred location to centre on an object in the pn small window mode,
however, the user is advised that this requires a knowledge of the position
angle of the observation, and will also place the target outside the
EPIC MOS small window.
- 20. The layout of the MOS cameras is presented in this figure
for MOS1 (above) and MOS2 (bottom). The images (in detector coordinates
[DETX,DETY]) are extracted from an exposure taken with the calibration
(CAL_CLOSED) filter in Rev.#80 (Obs.#0124700101). The number of
the CCD where each photon has fallen is included in the CCDNR column
of the calibrated event list files. The MOS cameras are orthogonally
oriented. Hence, the RGS dispersion direction is aligned with the DETY
direction in the MOS1 camera, while it is aligned along the DETX
direction in the MOS2 camera. Users are warned that scientific observations are performed with MOS1 CCD3 and CCD6 switched off
due to a hardware failure, probably due to a micrometeorite impact
(see Sect. 3.3).
- 21. The layout of the EPIC MOS cameras as presented in SAS
(cntd. from previous figure): MOS2.
- 22. The layout of the EPIC pn camera as presented in SAS.
The orientation of the RAWX/RAWY (CCD specific) and of the DETX/DETY axes
are shown, to highlight that the RGS dispersion axes are parallel within
spacecraft physical coordinates.
The readout CAMEX of each CCD is located at RAWY = 0, i.e. at the top
(for CCDs 1 - 6) or bottom (for CCDs 7 - 12) of the displayed array.
In the upper left corner, the orientation of the celestial North and East
axes is displayed for an assumed position angle (PA) of 30
- 23. Operating modes for the pn-CCD camera. Top left: Full Frame
and Extended Full Frame mode; top right: Large Window mode; bottom left: Small
Window mode, and bottom right: Timing mode. The Burst mode is different
from the Timing mode as the source position is not read out, i.e. rows
181-200 will be dark.
- 24. Operating modes for the MOS-CCD cameras. Top left: Full Frame
mode; top right: Large Window mode; bottom left: Small Window mode, and bottom
right: Timing mode. In Timing mode, the X axis of the central CCD is the
projected image of the source, and has thus true spatial information; the Y
axis does not carry any spatial information but is a measure of time, with
roll-over of 1024 time-units in the figure shown.
- 25. Temporal evolution of the EPIC MOS energy resolution (FWHM) as a
function of energy. The solid curve is a best fit
function to
ground calibration data between 0.1 and 12 keV; all events with pattern
0-12 were included in the analysis. Below around 0.6 keV (shown by the
dotted region) surface charge loss effects distort the main photo peak
significantly from a Gaussian and hence the effective energy
resolution. The data points represent MOS 1 in-flight measurements of
the FWHM of the Al
(1.478 keV) and Mn
(5.893 keV) lines in five different epochs. It should be noted the rapid
degradation of the resolution between the first and the second epoch,
and the recovery and subsequent stability after the cooling of the MOS
camera (performed between November and December 2002, i.e.
between Rev.#530 and Rev.#560. In the main panel measurement
error bars are smaller than the symbol size. In the insets a
zoom of the spectral ranges around the nominal line positions is shown.
Typical standard deviations in each epoch range between 3 and 7 eV, and
8 and 18 eV for the Al and Mn line, respectively.
- 26. Left panel: MOS 1 energy resolution as a function of energy for singles
(blue) and singles+doubles (black) events. Right panel: pn energy resolution as a
function of energy for: a) single events at the boresight (position "Y9" in the canned
response matrices; black); b) single+double events at the boresight position (red);
c) single events close to the readout node (position "Y0", blue); d) single+double
events close to the readout node (green). Line widths are based on monochromatic
line spectra, simulated with the SASv11.0 canned response matrices.
- 27. Quantum efficiency of the EPIC MOS1 (solid line)
and MOS2 (dashed line) CCD1 chip as a function of photon energy.
- 28. Quantum efficiency of the EPIC pn CCD chips as a
function of photon energy (Strüder et al., 2001, A&A, 365, L18, Fig. 5).
- 29. The EPIC MOS effective area for each of the optical
blocking filters.
- 30. The EPIC pn effective area for each of the optical
blocking filters.
- 31. Combined effective area of all telescopes assuming that the
EPIC cameras operate with the same filters, either thin, medium or thick.
- 32. Image from a MOS2 observation badly affected by soft proton
- 33. Light curve from a MOS1 observation badly affected by soft
proton flares. During the first part of the observation the background is
constant. The second half, however, is heavily affected by a proton flare.
- 34. Background spectrum for the MOS1 camera during an observation
with the filter wheel in the closed position. The prominent features around
1.5 and 1.7 keV are respectively Al-K and Si-K fluorescence lines. The rise
of the spectrum below 0.5 keV is due to the detector noise.
- 35. Background spectrum for the pn camera during an observation
with the filter wheel in the CLOSED position (top: single events, bottom:
double events) in the energy range 0.2-18 keV.
The prominent features around 1.5 keV are Al-K
, at 5.5 keV
, at 8 keV Ni-K
, Cu-K
, Zn-K
and at
17.5 keV (only in doubles) Mo-K
fluorescence lines. The rise of the spectrum below 0.3 keV is due to the
detector noise. The relative line strengths depend on the (variable)
incident particle spectrum.
- 36. Background images for the pn camera with spatially
inhomogeneous fluorescent lines: smoothed image in the Ti+V+Cr-K
lines (top left), full resolution image in Copper (7.8 - 8.2 keV) (top right),
Nickel (7.3 - 7.6 keV) (bottom left) and Molybdenum (17.1 - 17.7 keV)
(bottom right). The absolute normalisation of the images can be inferred from
the spectra in Fig. 35. The inhomogeneity is caused
by the electronics board mounted below the CCDs; in case of the energy range
4.4 - 5.7 keV probably due to a supporting screw - however at a very low
- 37. EPIC sensitivity (5
minimum detectable flux in
erg cm
in respective bands) as a function of exposure
time (from Watson et al., 2001). Sensitivity is computed for an assumed
powerlaw spectrum with a column density
. Solid curves are for the nominal background
rates. Dashed curves are for background levels enhanced by a factor 3.
The EPIC MOS curves correspond to the combination of the two cameras.
- 38. In-orbit observations performed with EPIC MOS showing
the increase of pile-up with increasing photon count rate per frame.
The panels are arranged clockwise, with the lowest count rate (and
thus pile-up rate) in the upper left and the highest in the lower left.
The observed count rates are 2, 5, 12 and 16 counts/frame, respectively.
- 39. The best-fitting power law slope,
, for an
input spectrum into SciSim, with different input count rates,
leading to different levels of pile-up.
- 40. Plot of the pn pattern distribution with energy as
produced by the SAS task epatplot (see text for further details).
- 41. Effect of spectral broadening due to OoT events: the upper panel
shows a spectrum extracted from a pn CalClosed full frame mode observation
(black) together with the spectrum corrected for OoT events (green). In the
lower panel the spectrum of the simulated OoT events over the whole FoV
is plotted.
- 42. Effect of OoT events on images: The upper left panel contains
a 2-10 keV band image of a pn observation of a bright source in full frame
mode with the OoT-events visible as a strip running from the source toward
the top of the image (in detector coordinates).
The upper right panel depicts the modelled (see SAS task epchain) OoT event
distribution where in the lower left panel these are subtracted from the
original image.
The lower right panel is cleaned for the soft 0.2-2 keV band for comparison.
- 43. Illustration on how the EPIC-pn camera in Small Window mode works. For clarity the grid is 4x4 pixels. Left panel is the input sky image. Right panel shows the out-of-time events in the science window region. See text for details.
- 44. Series of EPIC MOS1 model spectra of a Mekal thermal plasma
with a temperature of 0.1 keV. From the bottom to the top, the total
number of counts in the XMM-Newton passband (0.15-12 keV) increases
from 500 to 20,000.
- 45. Series of EPIC MOS1 model spectra of a Mekal thermal plasma
with a temperature of 0.5 keV. From the bottom to the top, the total
number of counts in the XMM-Newton passband (0.15-12 keV) increases
from 500 to 20,000.
- 46. Series of EPIC MOS1 model spectra of a Mekal thermal plasma
with a temperature of 2.0 keV. From the bottom to the top, the total
number of counts in the XMM-Newton passband (0.15-12 keV) increases
from 500 to 20,000.
- 47. Series of EPIC pn model spectra of a Mekal thermal plasma
with a temperature of 2.0 keV. From the bottom to the top, the total
number of counts in the XMM-Newton passband (0.15-12 keV) increases
from 500 to 20,000.
- 48. Series of EPIC MOS1 model spectra of a Mekal thermal plasma
with a temperature of 10.0 keV. From the bottom to the top, the total
number of counts in the XMM-Newton passband (0.15-12 keV) increases
from 500 to 20,000.
- 49. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for pn camera for various
power law spectra and for different values of the absorbing column density,
(thin filter).
- 50. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for pn camera for various
power law spectra and for different values of the absorbing column density,
(medium filter).
- 51. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for pn camera for various
power law spectra and for different values of the absorbing column density,
(thick filter).
- 52. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for MOS1
camera for various power law spectra and for different values of the
absorbing column density,
(thin filter).
- 53. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for MOS1
camera for various power law spectra and for different values of the
absorbing column density,
(medium filter).
- 54. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for MOS1
camera for various power law spectra and for different values of the
absorbing column density,
(thick filter).
- 55. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for MOS2
camera for various power law spectra and for different values of the
absorbing column density,
(thin filter).
- 56. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for MOS2
camera for various power law spectra and for different values of the
absorbing column density,
(medium filter).
- 57. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for MOS2
camera for various power law spectra and for different values of the
absorbing column density,
(thick filter).
- 58. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for pn camera for various
mekal spectra and for different values of the absorbing column
(thin filter).
- 59. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for pn camera for various
mekal spectra and for different values of the absorbing column
(medium filter).
- 60. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for pn camera for various
mekal spectra and for different values of the absorbing column
(thick filter).
- 61. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for MOS1
camera for various mekal spectra and for different values of the
absorbing column density,
(thin filter).
- 62. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for MOS1
camera for various mekal spectra and for different values of the
absorbing column density,
(medium filter).
- 63. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for MOS1
camera for various mekal spectra and for different values of the
absorbing column density,
(thick filter).
- 64. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for MOS2
camera for various mekal spectra and for different values of the
absorbing column density,
(thin filter).
- 65. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for MOS2
camera for various mekal spectra and for different values of the
absorbing column density,
(medium filter).
- 66. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for MOS2
camera for various mekal spectra and for different values of the
absorbing column density,
(thick filter).
- 67. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for pn camera for various
black body spectra and for different values of the absorbing column
(thin filter).
- 68. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for pn camera for various
black body spectra and for different values of the absorbing column
(medium filter).
- 69. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for pn camera for various
black body spectra and for different values of the absorbing column
(thick filter).
- 70. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for MOS1
camera for various black body spectra and for different values of the
absorbing column density,
(thin filter).
- 71. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for MOS1
camera for various black body spectra and for different values of the
absorbing column density,
(medium filter).
- 72. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for MOS1
camera for various black body spectra and for different values of the
absorbing column density,
(thick filter).
- 73. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for MOS2
camera for various black body spectra and for different values of the
absorbing column density,
(thin filter).
- 74. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for MOS2
camera for various black body spectra and for different values of the
absorbing column density,
(medium filter).
- 75. EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors (in units of
counts erg
) for MOS2
camera for various black body spectra and for different values of the
absorbing column density,
(thick filter).
- 76. Schematic drawing of a grating, including some of the key
dispersion angles.
- 77. Sketch of an RFC chip array with 9 MOS CCDs. The half of
each CCD at large camera y coordinates is exposed to the sky, the
other half is used as a storage area. The dispersion direction is
along the Z axis, so that higher energies (shorter wavelengths)
are dispersed to higher values in Z. Using the spacecraft axis,
the BETA value (dispersion direction) is antiparallel to Z, and
the cross-dispersion is parallel to Y.
- 78. Example of RGS data for a calibration observation of
Capella. The top panel shows the image of the dispersed light in
the detector. The cross dispersion is along the vertical axis.
The bottom panel shows the order selection plane, with the energy,
PI, on the ordinate. This also illustrates the mechanism used for
separation of first, second and higher grating orders. Standard
data selections are indicated by the white curves. In the bottom
panel, the low and high level thresholds are visible. In the top
panel, the effect of fixed pattern noise at long wavelengths is
- 79. The three main components of the LSF: the projected mirror
response (green), broadened after folding with the grating response
(red), and after applying the detector energy selections (blue). All
components are normalised to their maximum.
- 80. Measured (black) and simulated (red) RGS2 Line Spread
Function for the O VIII Ly
line in HR 1099. The assumed
background is shown in green.
- 81. A close-up view of the O VIII Ly
line in HR 1099
along the cross-dispersion direction.
- 82. The resolving power (HEW and FWHM) of RGS1 (left) and RGS2
(right) in the -1 and -2 grating orders. HEW indicates the
detectability of a weak feature against a strong continuum and FWHM
whether two closely spaced spectral lines can be resolved.
- 83. Comparison of measured and laboratory wavelengths for a
number of sources and observations. Observed wavelengths have been
corrected for solar angle dependence and for heliocentric
- 84. The effective area of both RGS units combined as a
function of energy and wavelength (top and bottom horizontal scales,
respectively). See text for detailed explanations.
- 85. The effective areas of both RGS units separately as a
function of energy and wavelength (top and bottom horizontal scales,
respectively). See text for detailed explanations.
- 86. The RGS1 effective area as a function of cross dispersion
off-axis angle.
- 87. The average quiet background spectra from first (top) and
second (bottom) order. RGS1 is shown in black and RGS2 in red. An
enhancement of the count rate below 7 Å in each RGS is due to a
change in the width of the pulse height filter at that
wavelength. There is a bump around 32 Å in the RGS1 spectrum.
The origin has not been fully understood but the most likely
explanation is a somewhat higher dark current for CCD2 in this
RGS. The lower background in the first order spectrum of RGS2 in
this range seems to be related to the use of “single node readout”
mode in this RGS.
- 88. Scheme of the position of the RGS detector defects in
wavelength space.
- 89. RGS avoidance angles for sources brighter than 4 and
between 4 and 5 optical magnitudes (left and right panel,
respectively). -Z is the dispersion direction of RGS, Y is the
cross-dispersion direction.
- 90. Coronal spectrum of the binary star Capella adapted from
Audard et al. 2001, A&A 365, L329. The RGS1 first order spectrum is shown with some line
identifications. The total exposure time is 53 ks.
- 91. RGS spectra of the highly variable low-mass X-ray binary
EXO 0748-67. The three panels show the spectra for three different
activity states: low emission, active variation and burst. The
spectra are binned to 0.035 Å per bin. The cumulative exposure
time for each spectrum is indicated (Cottam et al. 2001, A&A 365, L277).
- 92. Detail of the EXO 0748-67 RGS spectrum. The O VII He-like
lines are shown overlaid with the instrument line spread function,
broadened to account for a 1390 km s
velocity field. The
contributions from the resonance line (r), intercombination lines
(i), and forbidden line (f) are shown with thin lines. The thick
line shows the combined fit (Cottam et al. 2001, A&A 365, L277).
- 93. The first order RGS spectrum of the SMC supernova remnant
1E 0102.2-7219. The effective exposure time is 29.7 ks for each RGS
after selection of low background periods in a 37.9 ks
exposure. RGS1 is plotted in black, RGS2 in red. The data are shown
in both linear and logarithmic scales. This figure and the next show
that almost the nominal RGS spectral resolution can be achieved even
for moderately extended (
) objects
(Rasmussen et al., 2001, A&A 365, L231).
- 94. Detail of the 8-20 Å region of the spectrum shown in
the previous figure. First (black) and second (red) order are
plotted separately. The data from the two spectrometers have been
averaged for each order extraction. The higher spectral resolution
and resilience to source extent is clearly seen in second order,
where some line complexes blended in first order are resolved
(Rasmussen et al., 2001, A&A 365, L231).
- 95. Detail of the Oxygen line profile in the 1E 0102.2-7219
spectrum. The plot compares the point source line spread function
for RGS1, the approximate monochromatic line profile based on the
target's angular distribution and a heuristic wavelength broadening
function that is applied in addition to the angular distribution
(Rasmussen et al., 2001, A&A 365, L231).
- 96. RGS spectrum of the bright starburst nucleus of the nearby
edge-on galaxy NGC 253, binned to 0.07 Å per bin. The effective
exposure time is
53.4 ks for each spectrograph, after
selection of low background periods. The extraction region is
along the minor disk axis. (Pietsch et al. 2001, A&A 365, L174).
- 97. RGS spectra of two bright, nearby, Narrow Line Seyfert 1
galaxies. MCG-6-30-15 (top) was observed for a total of 120 ks
while the exposure time for Mrk 766 (bottom) was 55 ks.
(Branduardi-Raymont et al. 2001, A&A 365, L140).
- 98. The RGS spectrum of the rich cluster of galaxies Sérsic
159-03 (Abell S 1101). The effective exposure time is 36 ks. The
plot also shows in red a fit with a two component cooling flow
model. Note the redshifted O VIII Ly
line at 20.0 Å and
the Fe XXIV, Fe XXIII and Ne X lines between 11.2 and 12.8 Å
(Kaastra et al. 2001, A&A 365, L99).
- 99. First order RGS spectra of the dipping, transient low-mass
X-ray binary MXB 1658-298. The upper curve is the persistent
emission spectrum and the lower curve that of the dipping
intervals. Narrow absorption lines of O VII and Ne X are visible in
the persistent spectrum revealing the presence of a warm absorber
(Sidoli et al. 2001, A&A 379, 540).
- 100. The light path in XMM-Newton's optical/UV telescope, OM.
- 101. Sketch of the OM micro-channel plate intensified CCD (MIC)
- 102. Throughput curves for the OM filters, folded with the
detector sensitivity.
- 103. The OM grisms Inverse Sensitivity Functions
- 104. Flux calibrated spectrum of the white dwarf HZ 2, obtained
with the OM ultraviolet (in blue) and visible (in green) grisms.
- 105. Optics+detector OM PSF in different filters
- 106. OM count rates vs. filter selection for stars of different
spectral type with
- 107. Theoretical (red line) and empirical
(blue line) coincidence loss correction curves
superposed to flight data
- 108. Out-of-focus ghost image (“smoke ring”)
of a bright field star, during a 3C273 observation. Clearly visible
is the strong fixed pattern noise around the bright source
- 109. Straylight ellipses caused by reflection of a star
outside the field of view, taken from the PKS 0312 offset 6
field (V filter in use).
The average background rate is 15 counts pixel
per exposure;
in the bright straylight loop is 30 counts pixel
. The
background is also enhanced in the central region due to reflection
of the diffuse sky light from outside the field. In the
centre it rises to
3 times the average background
- 110. Image obtained with the V filter showing the depletion patch caused by Jupiter in July 2017. The RGS and EPIC-pn boresights are marked in red.
- 111. Positional error of sources in a field of view, where
the distortion map has been applied. The histogram was
made using sources from the 3C273 field corrected for distortion
- 112. Setup of OM imaging mode default mode observations
consisting of a sequence of 5 exposures. The science windows are
indicated by solid lines, the detector windows by dashed lines.
A 16 in-memory pixel margin around the science window is allocated
to accommodate spacecraft drifts.
- 113. Example of a field imaged with the default
Image Mode configuration.
- 114. When the boundaries of OM science windows are defined in
detector pixel coordinates, the relative location of the windows
with respect to each other does not change. However, different
areas on the sky are imaged under different position angles.
- 115. Defining the locations of OM science windows in sky
one makes sure that (approximately) the same area of the sky is imaged
under different position angles. However, the OM science windows
can change their relative locations. Windows 3 and 5 (which used to be
in the upper left corner of window 3, see previous figure)
are now partially overlapping, which is not allowed and window 4 is now
partly outside the OM FOV (which is also not allowed).
- 116. The effective area of both RGS units combined,
compared with Chandra's ACIS-S instrument with
various transmission gratings. Note that since early
after the beginning of the mission, CCD7 in RGS1 and CCD4 in RGS2
are inoperative, thus the
effective area in each of the mentioned CCD energy range is
reduced by a factor of 2 (see Table 9).
- 117. Top: Comparison of a modelled 30 ks
observation of a cluster with a 6 keV thermal plasma spectrum with Chandra ACIS-I (purple line) and XMM-Newton EPIC (pn: black, MOS1: red,
MOS2: green). Normalised counts are counts per spectral bin.
Bottom: Comparison of the
spectral response, for several line triplets at different energies,
of XMM-Newton EPIC and RGS and Chandra ACIS
instruments. Colour codes are: pn: black; MOS1: red; MOS2: green;
RGS1/RGS2: dark/light blue; ACIS LEG/MEG/HEG: purple/green/orange.
- 118. Comparison of Chandra ACIS-I vs. XMM-Newton
EPIC (pn and MOS)
pile-up for different total frame count rates. The frame times are
3.3, 2.8 and 0.07 seconds for ACIS-I, MOS and pn, respectively.
- 119. Comparison of Chandra ACIS-I vs. XMM-Newton
EPIC (pn and MOS)
pile-up for different incident source fluxes, after conversion of
counts per frame to flux units, adopting an
law spectrum with an absorbing hydrogen column density of
- 120. Sketch of the highly elliptical XMM-Newton orbit.
Original figure provided by Dornier Satellitensysteme GmbH.
- 121. Approximate sky visibility, as a fraction of the total
time available for science
- 122. Maximum target visibility within a single
orbit of XMM-Newton during the current AO.
- 123. Evolution of maximum target visibility within a single
orbit for future AOs
- 124. Percentage of observations when the labelled MOS1 (top)
and MOS2 (bottom) CCD count rate within the energy range 200-1000 eV is
larger by a factor of 4 than the mean of the count rate in the other
CCDs (noisy CCD excluded) as a function of the revolution number. In each
plot the curves of a "noisy" and of a "clean" CCD are shown.
- 125. Simulated EPIC-pn exposure maps for a 5
3 mosaic
observation with pointing offsets of 1arcmin (top-left), 15arcmin
(top-right) and 30arcmin (bottom). The colour bar at the top gives the
effective exposure relative to the duration of individual
European Space Agency - XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre