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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

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All packages in alphabetical order

 RunCifbuildpdf ChangeLog
 XMMextractor_toolspdf ChangeLog
 XMMextractorpyXMM-Newton Pipeline for the extraction of basic products.pdf ChangeLog
 addattributeAdd an attribute to a datasetpdf ChangeLog
 arfgenGenerates an ancillary response filepdf ChangeLog
 asmoothPerforms adaptive smoothing on EPIC or OM images.pdf ChangeLog
 attbinBins up attitude into periods of small variation.pdf ChangeLog
 attcalcCalculates sky coordinates on an event-by-event basispdf ChangeLog
 attfilterExposure-specific attitude data filtering and GTI creationpdf ChangeLog
 atthkgenCreates dataset containing the attitude information for an observationpdf ChangeLog
 attmoveCreate new Attitude History File to simuluate tracking of a moving targetpdf ChangeLog
 backcorrMakes a background spectrum appropriate to the accumulation region of a source spectrumpdf ChangeLog
 backscaleCalculation and setting of the BACKSCAL keywordpdf ChangeLog
 badpixGenerates bad pixel extension, and appends it to input filepdf ChangeLog
 badpixfindCreates file identifying type and location of bad pixelspdf ChangeLog
 barycenBarycentric correctionpdf ChangeLog
 binadaptExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 binimagemergepdf ChangeLog
 binned_attpdf ChangeLog
 bkgfitThis task makes a background map for EPIC cameras.pdf ChangeLog
 bkgoptrateOutput the optimum background level.pdf ChangeLog
 bstoolspdf ChangeLog
 calCalibration Access Layer librarypdf ChangeLog
 calmosalgopdf ChangeLog
 caloalutilsUtility infrastructure library for CAL/OALpdf ChangeLog
 calpnalgopdf ChangeLog
 calviewAn interactive viewer of the XMM calibration databasepdf ChangeLog
 camtochipCAMCOORD->CHIPCOORD conversion toolpdf ChangeLog
 catcorrPerform the correction of the positions based on external cataloguespdf ChangeLog
 catprepPrepare the files for catcorr.pdf ChangeLog
 cheeseCreates "cheese" masks after running source detection onpdf ChangeLog
 cifbuildCreates a Calibration Index File for a given observation datepdf ChangeLog
 cifdiffLists the differences between two Calibration Index Filespdf ChangeLog
 cifinsertInsert CCF constituents in an existing Calibration Index Filepdf ChangeLog
 cifremoveRemove entries from an existing Calibration Index Filepdf ChangeLog
 colimchainA script to make a colour-coded hardness image from PPS products.pdf ChangeLog
 colsmoothThis task smoothes a column of a fits file.pdf ChangeLog
 combimageExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 convregionExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 cxctods9Convert CXC region files to ds9 formatpdf ChangeLog
 dalThe XMM-Newton data access layerpdf ChangeLog
 dataconvpdf ChangeLog
 datautilspdf ChangeLog
 dhspdf ChangeLog
 ds9tocxcConvert ds9 region file to CXC formatpdf ChangeLog
 dsaddarrayAdd an array to a datasetpdf ChangeLog
 dsaddcolumnAdd a column to a tablepdf ChangeLog
 dsaddcommentAdd a comment to an attributable objectpdf ChangeLog
 dsaddhistoryAdd a history record to an attributable objectpdf ChangeLog
 dsaddrowsAdd a range of rows to a tablepdf ChangeLog
 dsaddtableAdd a table to a datasetpdf ChangeLog
 dsattrGet attribute valuespdf ChangeLog
 dsconvConvert columns that contain time stamps or angles to real numberspdf ChangeLog
 dscopyattrCopy a list of attributes to an attributablepdf ChangeLog
 dscopyblockCopy a list of blocks to a datasetpdf ChangeLog
 dscopycolumnCopy a list of columns to a tablepdf ChangeLog
 dscopyrowsCopy a range of rows in the given tablepdf ChangeLog
 dscpCopy an objectpdf ChangeLog
 dscreatedatasetCreate a datasetpdf ChangeLog
 dsdeletenullvalueDelete the null value from an array or columnpdf ChangeLog
 dsheadASCII dump of first part of an objectpdf ChangeLog
 dsinfoRetrieve information from objectpdf ChangeLog
 dsinserttableInsert one table (source) into another (destination)pdf ChangeLog
 dslattsList the attributes in the given attributable objectspdf ChangeLog
 dslcolsList the columns in the given tables and/or or datasetspdf ChangeLog
 dslsList the datasets in the given directorypdf ChangeLog
 dsnullifySet all data elements in an object to nullpdf ChangeLog
 dsplotPlot table data in data sets using xmgracepdf ChangeLog
 dspurifyPurify a datasetpdf ChangeLog
 dsrelabelRelabel an objectpdf ChangeLog
 dsrenameRename an objectpdf ChangeLog
 dsreplacenullsReplace the null values in an object with a new valuepdf ChangeLog
 dsreshapeReshape the dimensions of an array or columnpdf ChangeLog
 dsrmDelete a list of objectspdf ChangeLog
 dsrmattrDelete a list of attributes from an attributablepdf ChangeLog
 dsrmrowsRemove a range of rows from a tablepdf ChangeLog
 dssetarrayelementSet the value of an array elementpdf ChangeLog
 dssetattrSet/Add an attributepdf ChangeLog
 dssetcolumnelementSet the value of a column elementpdf ChangeLog
 dssetdataCopy an object's data to another objectpdf ChangeLog
 dssetlabelSet the label of an array, table, column or attributepdf ChangeLog
 dssetnullvalueSet the null value of an array or columnpdf ChangeLog
 dssetunitsSet the units of an array, column or attributepdf ChangeLog
 dsslibData Subspace Librarypdf ChangeLog
 dsstatsProduce dataset statisticspdf ChangeLog
 dsstructGet the structure of a list of datasetspdf ChangeLog
 dstailASCII dump of last part of an objectpdf ChangeLog
 dstoplotFront-end to dsplotpdf ChangeLog
 dstranstypeConvert the datatype of a list of objectspdf ChangeLog
 dsvalidateCheck a dataset.pdf ChangeLog
 dsverifyCheck a dataset.pdf ChangeLog
 earthbarycenBarycentric correction for earth-bound observerpdf ChangeLog
 ebadpixupdateUpdate event list with new bad pixels from the CCF or external filespdf ChangeLog
 ebkgregEPIC background selection for Source Products extractionpdf ChangeLog
 eboxdetectSliding box EPIC source searchingpdf ChangeLog
 echeckregionCheck whether a source region is centred on an exposed areapdf ChangeLog
 ecoordconvConverts a position between coordinate systemspdf ChangeLog
 edet2skyConverts xmm detector coordinates to sky coordinates.pdf ChangeLog
 edetect_chainEPIC source detection scriptpdf ChangeLog
 edetect_stackEPIC source detection on stacked observationspdf ChangeLog
 eexpmapCreates EPIC exposure maps required by source detection taskspdf ChangeLog
 efftplotComputes and plots power density spectra of EPIC source time series pdf ChangeLog
 efluxerCreation of a fluxed spectrumpdf ChangeLog
 eimagecombineScript for EPIC multi-image creationpdf ChangeLog
 eimagegetScript for EPIC multi-image creationpdf ChangeLog
 ekstestCarries out a Kolmogorov Smirnov test of variability on EPIC data.pdf ChangeLog
 elcbuildCombines EPIC MOS/PN light curves into a single light curve file readable by e.g. efftplotpdf ChangeLog
 elcplotProduces plots of the net source, background time series and GTIs.pdf ChangeLog
 emanomXMM GOF Anomalous Chip Determination Toolpdf ChangeLog
 emaskCreates a mask image to be used for source searching pdf ChangeLog
 embadpixfindLook for bright pixels in one CCD/node of EPIC-MOSpdf ChangeLog
 emchainPerl script for the EPIC MOS pipelinepdf ChangeLog
 emdiagAnalyses EPIC-MOS diagnostic imagespdf ChangeLog
 emenergyAssigns energy and quality flag to events for one CCD/node of EPIC-MOSpdf ChangeLog
 emeventsDefines final list of events, their position and time for EPIC-MOSpdf ChangeLog
 emeventsprojProjects events to an image for one CCD/node of EPIC-MOSpdf ChangeLog
 emframesAnalyses frame information for one CCD/node of EPIC-MOSpdf ChangeLog
 emldetectEPIC maximum likelihood multi-source point spread function fitting pdf ChangeLog
 emlfillExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 emosaicMosaic imagespdf ChangeLog
 emosaic_prepEPIC mosaic directory tree builderpdf ChangeLog
 emosaicprocEPIC mosaic processingpdf ChangeLog
 emprocProcess EPIC MOS files in an ODFpdf ChangeLog
 emsaplibLibrary for EPIC-MOS packagespdf ChangeLog
 emtaglenoiseTask to tag low-energy noise in the MOS CCDs.pdf ChangeLog
 eootepileupmaskThis task calculates in rudimentary fashion the pileup probability for each pixel and outputs a mask image indicating those pixels where this probability exceeds a set limit.pdf ChangeLog
 eoptloadmaskThis task outputs a mask file, which masks the areas that are likely to be affected with the optical loading caused by bright optical sources.pdf ChangeLog
 epatplotPlot EPIC pn/mos event pattern statisticspdf ChangeLog
 epauxcheckCheck PNAUX file for CCD pn chainpdf ChangeLog
 epauxcombCombines the two tables of a PN ODF Auxiliary filepdf ChangeLog
 epchainScript for the EPIC PN events pipeline processing and filteringpdf ChangeLog
 epeventsCalibrates EPIC-PN events for gain variations etcpdf ChangeLog
 epexposurePerforms EPIC PN exposure extension related correctionspdf ChangeLog
 epfastRate dependent gain correctionpdf ChangeLog
 epframesReformats EPIC PN events list for subsequent off-line analysispdf ChangeLog
 epicbscalgenCompute boresight misalignment Euler angles for EPICpdf ChangeLog
 epiclccorrThe aim of this task is to correct EPIC source time series.pdf ChangeLog
 epicprocpdf ChangeLog
 epicspeccombineCombines a list of spectrum files to create one combined spectrum file and the corresponding rmf, arf and bkg filespdf ChangeLog
 epileupmaskThis task calculates the count/frame for each pixel and outputs a mask indicating those pixels where this probability exceeds a set limit.pdf ChangeLog
 epmpelibpdf ChangeLog
 epnoiseAlgorithm to reject soft X-ray noise in the EPIC-pn camerapdf ChangeLog
 eposcorrAdds corrected source positions to the EPIC source list by cross-correlating with optical source cataloguespdf ChangeLog
 epprocProcess EPIC PN data in a pipeline fashionpdf ChangeLog
 eprejectEPIC corrects energy scale and flags low energy noise events pdf ChangeLog
 eprejecttiEPIC flags PN TI-mode low energy noise events pdf ChangeLog
 epspatialctiCorrects an EPIC-pn event file for spatially-dependent CTI effectspdf ChangeLog
 epsplitprocSplit and analyse large epic event filespdf ChangeLog
 epsplitterSplitting of a long EPIC pn event file into smaller partspdf ChangeLog
 eptestdatapdf ChangeLog
 epxrlcorrCorrection for X-ray loading in an EPIC-pn ODFpdf ChangeLog
 eradialExtraction of radial profile and comparison with PSFpdf ChangeLog
 eregionanalyseOptimisation of point source extraction circlepdf ChangeLog
 errorError and messaging librariespdf ChangeLog
 esensmapCreates an EPIC sensitivity map pdf ChangeLog
 esky2detConverts sky coordinates to xmm detector coordinates.pdf ChangeLog
 eslewchainScript for dividing a slew into small imagespdf ChangeLog
 eslewsearchpdf ChangeLog
 esourcesSelects EPIC sources for creation of spectra and time series.pdf ChangeLog
 especgetCreation of source and background spectra and associated ARF/RMFpdf ChangeLog
 especplotProduces plots of the net source and background spectra for EPIC MOS/PNpdf ChangeLog
 espfiltCreates cosmic background-filtered event lists, images, lightcurves and a qdp plot from EPIC MOS or PN pipeline-processed event listspdf ChangeLog
 esplinemapPerforms a spline fit of the background for EPIC source detectionpdf ChangeLog
 etimegetCreation of source and background time seriespdf ChangeLog
 etruecolorThree-color coding of imagespdf ChangeLog
 eupperFinds upper limit at a point in an imagepdf ChangeLog
 evalcorrEvaluate the output of eposcorrpdf ChangeLog
 evarimgenThis task makes an image in which the time-variability of each pixel is colour encoded.pdf ChangeLog
 evattpdf ChangeLog
 evenergyshiftAdds an ad hoc energy onto each eventpdf ChangeLog
 evigweightWeight EPIC event lists with inverse effective areapdf ChangeLog
 evlistcombMerges event lists from all CCD/nodes into a single event filepdf ChangeLog
 evprojectCalculates sky coordinates on an event-by-event basispdf ChangeLog
 evqpbEvent list quiescence particle background creatorpdf ChangeLog
 evselectFilters event lists and extracts images, spectra, timeseries and histogramspdf ChangeLog
 ewaveletSource detection routine, using wavelet filtering at several scalespdf ChangeLog
 fillemlExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 fitsstatPrint the statistical information of the given FITS filepdf ChangeLog
 fitsutilspdf ChangeLog
 flspecComputes spectrum of background fluctuations for different offaxis anglespdf ChangeLog
 ftoolspdf ChangeLog
 goflibNASA/GSFC library of functions, mostly for ESASpdf ChangeLog
 gtialignAligns asynchronous GTI files to frame readout boundariespdf ChangeLog
 gtibuildConstructs a GTI table from an ascii description filepdf ChangeLog
 gtimergeMERGE two or more GTI tables into onepdf ChangeLog
 heliocentriccorrHeliocentric correction pdf ChangeLog
 hkauxplotCreates a postscript or xterm plot of XMM Auxilary or HK data using PGPLOT.pdf ChangeLog
 hkgtigenCreate Good-Time-Interval table from HK table datapdf ChangeLog
 hkstripRemoves unneeded columns from housekeeping datapdf ChangeLog
 htrframesinitialize the intermediate event lists in HTR modepdf ChangeLog
 imagelibpdf ChangeLog
 imcropThe task crops an image to the specified boundaries.pdf ChangeLog
 imgdisplayDisplay images using ds9pdf ChangeLog
 imgradThe task calculates gradients of an image.pdf ChangeLog
 immaskThe task makes a mask from an image.pdf ChangeLog
 implotPlots EPIC or OM images using PGPLOT using WCS librarypdf ChangeLog
 implotregionsSource and background extraction regions in EPIC imagespdf ChangeLog
 impoissonizeThe task changes a real-valued image into a Poissonian image.pdf ChangeLog
 imrebinThe task rebins an image.pdf ChangeLog
 imsampleThe task samples an image.pdf ChangeLog
 imweightaddThis task performs a (optionally weighted) sum of input images.pdf ChangeLog
 ingestsrcnamesThis task adds a column IAUNAME, DETID, INCATFLG to the summary source list.pdf ChangeLog
 inthistPlots histograms of the intensity distributions of sets of EPIC imagespdf ChangeLog
 lcplotPlots EPIC or OM net source and background time series and performs statistical testspdf ChangeLog
 makemaskExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 makethumbsThis task creates thumbnail GIFs around source locations.pdf ChangeLog
 mergeMerges two event (attitude, orbit) files together, reprojecting sky coordinates pdf ChangeLog
 mosaicmergeExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 mosbackExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 mosspectraProduce intermediate files for the creation of model particle background spectra and images by the task mosback (ESAS).pdf ChangeLog
 movecalcCreate additional X/Y columns centered on attitude of moving object (comet or planet)pdf ChangeLog
 mssllibpdf ChangeLog
 multiespecgetCreation of source and background spectra and associated ARF/RMF for multiple event listspdf ChangeLog
 multixmmselectxmmselect for several input filespdf ChangeLog
 oalObservation Data File Access Layer librarypdf ChangeLog
 odfParamCreatorExtract ODF informationpdf ChangeLog
 odfbrowserInteractive ODF browser; allows the procs to run on a selection of exposurespdf ChangeLog
 odffixMake additions to a PMS or scisim ODF so that it can be used with the SAS.pdf ChangeLog
 odfingestPrepare an ODF for processingpdf ChangeLog
 om2phaExtraction of OM filter rates into a spectral filepdf ChangeLog
 omattConvert a source list from OM detector to sky coordinates, and produce a sky coordinate OM OSW image,pdf ChangeLog
 ombackgroundCombines a number of individual slew images into a full window flat field image.pdf ChangeLog
 omcombCombines the four non-overlapping OM science windows from apdf ChangeLog
 omcosflagApplies the OM tracking to a bad pixel mappdf ChangeLog
 omdetectUses an extractor like algorithm with modification to detect sources in a OM OSW image.pdf ChangeLog
 omdrifthistProvides graphical and statistical information on the OM tracking history.pdf ChangeLog
 omfastflatApplies in-orbit and modulo-8 spatial fixed-pattern noise calibrations to an OM fast mode event list.pdf ChangeLog
 omfastshiftCorrects FAST mode event list coordinates for spacecraft drift. pdf ChangeLog
 omfchainThis package contains a PERL script which takes a set of fast mode OMpdf ChangeLog
 omflatfieldCreates a tracking shifted flatfield and applies it to an OM OSW image.pdf ChangeLog
 omflatgenCombines a number of individual slew images into a full window flat field image.pdf ChangeLog
 omgchainThis package contains a PERL script which takes a set of grism mode OMpdf ChangeLog
 omgprepConvert a source list from OM detector to sky coordinates, and produce a sky coordinate OM OSW image,pdf ChangeLog
 omgrismThis task constructs the PPS product OM OSW FITS source timeseriespdf ChangeLog
 omgrismplotPlots EPIC or OM net source and background time series and performs statistical testspdf ChangeLog
 omgrismrespPrepares OM grism files for spectral fittingpdf ChangeLog
 omgsourceUses an extractor like algorithm with modification to detect sources in a OM OSW image.pdf ChangeLog
 omichainScript calling a sequence of the OM tasks to make the complete processing of the OM Imaging Mode data (ODF) and to generate detected source lists for different OM filterspdf ChangeLog
 omlcbuildThis task constructs the PPS product OM OSW FITS source timeseriespdf ChangeLog
 ommagConverts from count rates to magnitudes in the instrumental system.pdf ChangeLog
 ommergelistsUses an extractor like algorithm with modification to detect sources in a OM OSW image.pdf ChangeLog
 ommodmapCreates and applies a'modulo-8' fixed pattern noise tile using flatfiled.pdf ChangeLog
 ommosaicUses an extractor like algorithm with modification to detect sources in a OM OSW image.pdf ChangeLog
 omphotomRecomputes photometry of individual sources from an OM source-list filepdf ChangeLog
 omprepInteracts directly with the ODF files, cloning the input and modifying it for subsequent processing by the pipeline tasks.pdf ChangeLog
 ompsfprofileCombines a number of individual slew images into a full window flat field image.pdf ChangeLog
 omqualitymapUses an extractor like algorithm with modification to detect sources in a OM OSW image.pdf ChangeLog
 omregionCalculates evselect region files for an OM sourcepdf ChangeLog
 omscatteredMosaics non-sky-images for a given OM filterpdf ChangeLog
 omsrclistcombCombines OSW source list into an observation source list.pdf ChangeLog
 omthconvConverts OM tracking-history data into tracking-star count-rates time series.pdf ChangeLog
 omthlcplotPlots all the lightcurves contained any one filepdf ChangeLog
 omvariabilityUses an extractor like algorithm with modification to detect sources in a OM OSW image.pdf ChangeLog
 orbitCreate a FITS timeseries ``HK-like'' file from the ODF Spacecraft Reconstructed Orbit File.pdf ChangeLog
 paramThe parameter handling library, used by all taskspdf ChangeLog
 phasecalcGiven an ephemeris, calculate a phase column for an event table. pdf ChangeLog
 playbackPlay back commands applied to a data setpdf ChangeLog
 pnbackExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 pnspectraProduce intermediate files for the creation of model particle background spectra and images by the task pnback (ESAS).pdf ChangeLog
 pointingfilterStable pointing data filtering pdf ChangeLog
 pointsrcExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 poscorr3xmmCorrection for the offset of the centre of the ELLLBETA PSFpdf ChangeLog
 preferencesPreferences infrastructure librarypdf ChangeLog
 preqgtiStable pointing data filtering and GTI creationpdf ChangeLog
 protonUses the spectral fitting results from Xspec and modelpdf ChangeLog
 protonscaleExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 psfgenGenerate PSF from ccfpdf ChangeLog
 pyOALpdf ChangeLog
 pysas"Base Python package for SAS"pdf ChangeLog
 pysasplot_utilsSet of basic plotting utilities to directly plot FITS files among others.pdf ChangeLog
 pyutilsContains several uggeneral utilities in Python that can be used in other packages.pdf ChangeLog
 qpbselectquiescence particle background product creatorpdf ChangeLog
 regionCreate source extraction regionspdf ChangeLog
 responselibpdf ChangeLog
 rgsanglesCorrect RGS event positions for spacecraft pointingpdf ChangeLog
 rgsbadpixConstructs the RGS bad pixel tablespdf ChangeLog
 rgsbkgmodelCompute a model background from RGS background templatespdf ChangeLog
 rgsbkgmodelTestpdf ChangeLog
 rgscombineCombines multiple paired Spectrum and Response Matrix files and produce one final result file for eachpdf ChangeLog
 rgsenergyPerforms energy calibrations on RGS telemetrypdf ChangeLog
 rgsevconvertConverts an old-style RGS combined event list to the current formatpdf ChangeLog
 rgseventsConstructs an RGS event listpdf ChangeLog
 rgsfiltercreate the filtered event list and exposure mapspdf ChangeLog
 rgsfluxerCombines and fluxes RGS spectrapdf ChangeLog
 rgsfluxmodelTurn an RGS fluxed spectrum into an XSPEC table modelpdf ChangeLog
 rgsframesPrepares RGS data for rgseventspdf ChangeLog
 rgsimageforbadpixfindCreates a RGS image for rgsbadpixfindpdf ChangeLog
 rgsimplotDisplays an RGS Spectroscopy spatial-dispersion plot.pdf ChangeLog
 rgslccorrrgs light curve correctionpdf ChangeLog
 rgslineposCalculate the position of a center of an emission line on the RGS camerapdf ChangeLog
 rgsoffsetcalcCalculate the mean and the standard deviation of the pulse height distribution of RGS diagnostic images.pdf ChangeLog
 rgsprocInteractive version of the RGS pipelinepdf ChangeLog
 rgsprodsPerl script for the RGS pipelinepdf ChangeLog
 rgsregionsConstructs RGS event selection regionspdf ChangeLog
 rgsrmfgenConstructs an RGS response matrix filepdf ChangeLog
 rgssourcesSelect/specify sources to be used in rgs pipeline processing.pdf ChangeLog
 rgsspecplotProduces annotated display of RGS spectra.pdf ChangeLog
 rgsspectrumExtracts foreground and background spectrapdf ChangeLog
 rmfgenGenerates an OGIP-compliant RMF filepdf ChangeLog
 rmftoolspdf ChangeLog
 rotdet2skyExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 rudi5mosaicMosaics two or more Rudi-5 imagespdf ChangeLog
 rudiframetimepdf ChangeLog
 sasSAS guipdf ChangeLog
 sashelpDisplay the html documentation of a SAS task.pdf ChangeLog
 sasperlpdf ChangeLog
 saspythonpdf ChangeLog
 sasverPython counterpart of sasversionpdf ChangeLog
 selectlibData Selection infrastructure librarypdf ChangeLog
 siamgenGenerate ASCII SIAM file from CCF::Boresightpdf ChangeLog
 slapdf ChangeLog
 slconvConverts XMM ML or summary source lists to gaia or ds9 format.pdf ChangeLog
 specaddCreates multiple spectrum FITS file by stacking two spectral filespdf ChangeLog
 specgroupGrouping of a spectrumpdf ChangeLog
 sppartialExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 srcdisplayDisplay image overlayed with positions of detected sourcespdf ChangeLog
 srcmatchUses emldetect and OM source lists to write a summary source listpdf ChangeLog
 ssclibSSC f90 Library Functionspdf ChangeLog
 startsasStart a SAS working sessionpdf ChangeLog
 statisticspdf ChangeLog
 statsgetreturns statistics for the specified columnspdf ChangeLog
 swcxUses the spectral fitting results from Xspec and modelpdf ChangeLog
 tabcalcPerform arbitrary calculations on a tablepdf ChangeLog
 tabgtigenCreate Good-Time-Interval table from time-varying datapdf ChangeLog
 taskmainpdf ChangeLog
 testodfpdf ChangeLog
 testprodspdf ChangeLog
 timeappendAppends a TIME column to a given table.pdf ChangeLog
 timecalcArithmetic with timespdf ChangeLog
 toolsA collection of utilties too small to call taskspdf ChangeLog
 xcolorcodEPIC True Color Imagespdf ChangeLog
 xmmextractorXMM-Newton data reduction and product generator procpdf ChangeLog
 xmmextractorGUIGUI for xmmextractorpdf ChangeLog
 xmmselectInteractive data selection and accumulation of productspdf ChangeLog
 xmmtimeconvTool to aid time conversionpdf ChangeLog

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