Calibration Access and Data Handbook

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Calibration Access and Data Handbook

XMM-PS-GM-20 Issue 4.0

May 24, 2011

Written by:

B. Altieri, B. Chen, C. Erd, C. Gabriel, P. Gondoin,

M. Guainazzi, U. Lammers, D. Lumb, M.G.F Kirsch, R. Much,

A.M.T. Pollock, R. Saxton, M.J.S. Smith, M. Stuhlinger, A. Talavera

and G. Vacanti

List of Changes

Changes from Issue 3.2 to Issue 4.0

Major revision of RGS related CCF components (Section 4.4).

In addition, update of the EPIC Redistribution Cal and CCF related components (Sections 3.3.22, 3.3.23, 4.3.27 and 4.3.28).

Changes from Issue 3.1 to Issue 3.2

section 3.3.9:
modified MOS CTI modelling
section 4.3.9:
added description for the CTI_COLUMN extension in the EMOS_CTI CCF
section 4.3.10:
modified description of the LONG_TERM_CTI table in the EPN_CTI CCF; added description for the EFF_GAIN, QBOXTEMP_GAIN and
section 4.3.29:
added description for the MASTER_OFFSET_TABLE_INDEX,

Changes from Issue 3.0 to Issue 3.1

Updates to most OM related CCF component sections.

Minor editorial corrections in the EPIC related CCF components EPN_ADUCONV and EPN_BADPIX sections.

Changes from Issue 2.2 to Issue 3.0

Major revision of EPIC related CCF components and CAL routine sections.

Changes from Issue 2.1 to Issue 2.2

  1. Functional Changes
    Section Mirrors
    • updated description of CCF XPSF (section 4.2.2; additional table); this is used in function CAL_getEncircledEnergy (section 3.2.2; new formula) and as a new EXTENDED mode in function CAL_getPSFmap(section 3.2.1)

    Section EPIC

    Section RGS
    • updated description of CCF EXAFS (section 4.4.12; file did on exist before); this is used in function CAL_getCCDQuantumEfficiency (3.4.13)

      Impact on rgsrmfgen: This function was not used so far.

    • New table RGA_SELFVIGNCORR in CCF QuantumEf (section 4.4.17) to correct RGA self-vignetting function with empirical values.

      Impact on rgsrmfgen: Change of efficiency.

    • added a new table RGA_EFFAREACORR to CCF QuantumEf (section 4.4.11), and a new function CAL_getRGSEffAreaCorr (section 3.4.35).

      Impact on rgsrmfgen: Change of efficiency.

    • addition of a empirical correction factors to the RGA reflection coefficients in CCF QuantumEf (section 4.4.17) which is applied by
      CAL_getRGAQuantumEfficiency (section 3.4.27).

      Impact on rgsrmfgen: Change of efficiency.

    • added function CAL_getCalSrcRegions (section 3.4.14) and table CALSOURCEREGIONS in CCF CalSourceData.

      Impact on rgsrmfgen: Background rejection. Was not used before

    Section OM

  2. Editorial Changes

    Section Mirrors

    Section EPIC

    Section RGS
    • added the names of the various RGA related tables specified in CCF QuantumEf (section 4.4.17), for clarification

    • made definition of self-vignetting function (section 3.4.28) more accurate.

    • Added comment about restriction of parameters for HTR mode for CTI correction (section 3.4.11).

    • added comment that function CAL_getCalSourceData (section 3.4.15) and parameterized intensity images in CCF CalSourceData are not yet available.

    • added comment to RGS CrossPsf CCF section about meaning of GAUSS_NORM/LORENTZ_NORM columns

    Section OM

Changes from Issue 2.0 to Issue 2.1

  1. Functional Changes
    Section Mirrors
    • in CALgetEncircledEnergy (section 3.2.2): changed calling interface (new input CCF)

      Impact on arfgen: This function was not used so far.

    • in XEncirEn (section 4.2.1): new Encircled Energy CCF

      Impact on arfgen: This file was not used so far.

    Section EPIC
    • in CAL_getBadPixelList (section 3.3.8) changed calling interface to return magnitude of bad pixel generation in PN, and allow some locations to be mode dependent

    Section RGS
    • in CAL_rgsGetScatter (section 3.4.20): changed calling interface (input and output)

      Impact on rgsrmfgen: This function was not used so far.

    • new functions CAL_rgsGetLAScatter (section 3.4.21) and
      CAL_rgsGetSAScatter (section 3.4.22).

      Impact on rgsrmfgen: This function was not used so far.

    • new functions CAL_getRFCdefocus (section 3.4.24) and CAL_getLSFdefocusDist (section 3.4.25).

      Impact on rgsrmfgen.

    • new function CAL_getGratBow (section 3.4.32) and new table BOWS in CCF RGS_LineSpreadFunc (section 4.4.15).

      Impact on rgsrmfgen.

    • change of definition of function CAL_getRFCdefocus (section 3.4.24)

      Impact on rgsrmfgen: This function was not used so far.

    • documentation and change of name of scaling paramter in CAL_getRGAFigure (section 3.4.31) and CCF LineSpreadFunc, table FIGURE (section 4.4.15).

    • change of CCD offset calibration, which is now a function of observation time: CAL_offsetCorrect (section 3.4.9) and CCF ADUConv (section 4.4.4)

      Impact on: rgsevents, rgsregions, rgsrmfgen; see releasenote of CCF ADUCONV XMM-CCF-REL-68

    • adding broadeningDistribution (section 3.4.26)

      Impact on rgsrmfgen.

    Section OM

  2. Editorial Changes

    Section Mirrors

    Section EPIC

    Section RGS
    • in CAL_rgsGetScatter (section 3.4.20)
      • an explanation of the the meaning of $\beta_{\rm m}$ is added
      • correction: $\sigma_{\rm large}$ is a function of wavelength, not $l_{\rm large}$
      • correction of error in exponent of Eq. (13)
      • correction of error in Eq's (18) & (19): removal of factor $R$
      • changed typo of input parameter from NFWHM to NHWHM to reflect actual implementation
    • in CAL_rgsgetXRTFigure (section 3.4.33) changed typo of input parameter from NFWHM to NHWHM to reflect actual implementation
    • in CAL_rgsgetXRTFigure (section 3.4.33) added missing factor $\frac{1}{\pi}$ in definition of Lorentz function.
    • in CAL_rgsCrossPSF (section 3.4.23) added missing factor $\frac{1}{\pi}$ in definition of Lorentz function.
    • in the description of the contents of CCF Quantumef, in section 4.4.17, text was changed to better clarify the contents of layer thickness data.

    Section OM
    • corrected typo: COINCIDENCE table driving empirical linearity correction is located in constituent PHOTTONAT (notCOLORTRANS)
    • corrected several typos and misspellings in all OM sections

Changes from Issue 1.1 to Issue 2.0

  1. Functional Changes
    Section Mirrors

    Section EPIC

    Section RGS
    • CTI correction changed from just proportional to distance to also proportional to pulse-height.

      Impact rgsevents: The interface needs to be activated explicitly. The task so far used the generic CTI correction by the CAL.

    • new function CAL_rgsGetScatterPars (section 3.4.19) to provide access to the paremeters of the RGS scatter functions.

      Impact rgsrmfgen: These parameters were so far hard coded inside the task.

    • new function CAL_rgsGetLAScatterRoughness (section 3.4.18) to provide the large angle scatter parameters that are tabulated as a function of wavelength.

      Impact rgsrmfgen: These parameters were so far hard coded inside the task.

    • change of layout of CCF LineSpreadFunc, table LASCAT (previously unused).

      Impact rgsrmfgen: These parameters were so far hard coded inside the task.

    • change of description and first implementation of CAL_getRGAFigure (section 3.4.31) and change of structure of CCF LineSpreadFunc, table FIGURE (section 4.4.15; previously unused) to provide the necessary parameters.

      Impact rgsrmfgen: These parameters were so far hard coded inside the task.

    • adding function CAL_rgsgetXRTFigure (section 3.4.33) and related addition of table BETAPSF in CCF XRT_XPSF (section 4.2.2).

      Impact rgsrmfgen: These parameters were so far hard coded inside the task.

    • modification of function CAL_rgsCrossPSF (section 3.4.23) to allow for superposition of several Gaussian and Lorentzians. This changes the structure of the CCF CrossPSF.

      Impact rgsregion, rgsrmfgen: Only change of calibrations, no interface change.

    • change CAL_rgsGetScatter (section 3.4.20) due to change of scatter tabulation above. Additionally this function is now implemented in the CAL (was not before).

      Impact on rgsrmfgen.

    • change sign of Equation 28. This has affects on the effective area of RGS and of the effective area of MOS for off-axis sources.

      Impact on , rgsrmfgen, arfgen.

    • new implementation of partial event floor of CCD redistribution in
      CAL_getRedistribution (section 3.4.12). This requires also additional parameters in CCF RGS_REDIST (section 4.4.18).
    • new function CAL_getRFCdefocus (section 3.4.24).

      Impact on rgsrmfgen.

    • new function CAL_getGratBow (section 3.4.32) and new table BOWS in CCF RGS_LineSpreadFunc (section 4.4.15).

      Impact on rgsrmfgen.

    Section OM
    • CAL_omGetColorTrans (section 3.5.7): functional form of colour transformation equations is changed. Magnitudes of the standard system now occur on the left hand side of the colour equations.
      Branching of the colour equations is supported to describe colour transformations for objects with different metalicities. A new optional input parameter is used to select the different branches. The new input parameter requires a change in the CCF structure of the CCF OM_COLORTRANS (section 4.5.4).

      Impact ommag: the task has to support a new optional parameter.

    • CAL_omPhotoNatural (section 3.5.14): the function is changed to support usage of the theoretical and the empirical linearity correction. The correction is selected via a new optional parameter. The empirical linearity correction is used per default.
      A new extension is required in the CCF OM_COLORTRANS to describe the empirical linearity curve (section 4.5.4).

    • CAL_getAperRadius (section 3.5.16): The new routine returns the used aperture radius in the photometric calibration and checks for consistency between the aperture radii specified in the CCFs PSF1DRB and COLORTRANS.
      The storage of the aperture radius used in the calibration requires one additional keyword per filter in the CCFs OM_COLORTRANS (section 4.5.4) and OM_PSF1DRB (section 4.5.10).
  2. Editorial Changes
    the definition of the coordinate systems that are being used by the CAL has been added (section 2)

    Section Mirrors

    Section EPIC

    Section RGS
    • split description of CCF LineSpreadFunc (section 4.4.15) per table that is provided in the CCF.

    Section OM
    • changed font of input parameters in sections Calling Parameters from bold face to typewriter where applicable.

Changes from Issue 1.0 to Issue 1.1

Section Mirrors

Section EPIC
Section RGS

Section OM

Changes from Draft 0.4 to Issue 1.0

Section Mirror

Section EPIC

Section RGS

Section OM

Changes from Draft 0.3 to Draft 0.4

Section EPIC

Section RGS

Section OM

Changes from Draft 0.2 to Draft 0.3

Section Mirror

Section EPIC
initial version included

Section RGS

Section OM
initial version included

Changes from Draft 0.1 to Draft 0.2

Section Mirror

Section RGS

Changes from Draft 0.0 to Draft 0.1

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Michael Smith 2011-09-20