XMM-Newton Observation & Data Processing Status

Last update: 24-Jan-2025

Please, be aware that in this version the reference durations are derived from EPIC-pn (PN) rather than from EPIC-MOS1 as before.

Please note that these tables contain only scientific observations, in the sense that only observations where X-ray photons have been collected from sky fields are shown. Observations obtained with only closed filters or calibration lamps are not contained in these tables.

Observations with only OM data will not be found here. Although very few, there are some throughout the XMM-Newton mission.

For these cases of observations not in the tables please check the XMM-Newton Science Archive.
The data contained in these pages are updated every few days.

Please refer to the section How do I interpret the output? for details of the tables' contents.

Getting individual entries

If you are interested on just a few entries from these tables you can query them by:

Revolution Proposal Observation Right Ascension
(as RRRR) (as PPPPPP) (as PPPPPPOONN) (as HH:MM)

Precedence is left to right, i.e: entering a value in a field disables the query fields to its right. Leading zeroes in a field are optional.

RA search is done on a +/- 0.5 degrees interval (the search is done just on the RA column, regardless of Dec).

Output is provided in a separate Browser window.

What's in this page?

This page contains links to different views of the XMM-Newton Observation Status Log. The links provide detailed information on: This information is shown (where relevant) for all observations in the past and up to approximately 3 weeks to 1 month into the future.

Where is the information available?

The information is provided in the form of tables. It can be viewed in four different types of output:

Please note: that the full tables may take a long time to load; in some cases they have been split into several smaller tables for ease of loading.

Any hyperlinks contained in the tables will appear in a new window if clicked; this should allow you to load the main table only once per session.

How do I interpret the output?

The columns in these tables contain:

Orbit # Revolution in which the observation took place (with a hyperlink to a detailed view of the planned full revolution)
Target Name (as input by the proposer)
UTC Obs Start Start time of the observation (as planned)
RA Right Ascension (as input by the proposer)
DEC Declination (as input by the proposer)
Id. number
It is a 10 character field that includes the proposal number written as I6.6 (apologies to the C(++) inclined) into the left 6 characters; appended with a sequence number relating to the ordering of exposures within an observation and a proposal. This field contains a hyperlink to the most detailed observation information available (including what is currently planned for scheduled observations).
PN_Schd Duration Planned duration for the observation with PN. This is the planned on target time. If this value is displayed in brackets ( ) it indicates that part of or the entire PN exposures were scheduled with the CLOSED or CALCLOSED filters. If this value is displayed in RED the performed duration in the next column is more than 20% less than the planned duration.
Note: For observations where the filter wheel of the PN camera was planned to be closed, the value is NOT flagged in red although the estimated duration will in most cases be 0.
All provided durations are in seconds.
PN_Perf Duration Performed duration for the observation in real-time; this is derived from the real-time logs. The time reported here does not include the time used with the PN CLOSED or CALCLOSED filters.
For scheduled observations still pending to be executed the value will be NA.
PI Name of the proposal Principal Investigator.
ODF Date Production Has the ODF been produced, and if so when? In case an ODF could not be generated this is indicated as NODF.
PPS Status or Date Have the Pipeline Products been produced, and if so when?
Date Public The date the observation was, or will be, made public in the XSA archive. A link to the archive is also included. The field is left blank when the date for data to be public is not known yet, e.g. if the observation is not performed or not completed (see the Policies and Procedures Document available via the Documentation Pages for more details on data rights)